Dear St. John’s Family,
Thanksgiving is upon us; a Thanksgiving unlike any in recent memory. For many, gathering in-person with family and friends to give thanks for God’s blessings isn’t possible, meaning cherished traditions must be altered or cancelled. That’s hard for all of us.
The challenges, difficulty, and sense of loss we feel are real, and it’s important to acknowledge that. I sense it’s also very important to recognize the wonderful blessing of God’s presence, here with us, at all times and places. While distance may separate us physically, nothing can separate us from God through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Thanksgiving offers an opportunity to pause, reflect, and draw near God, knowing God will sustain and uplift us. As the Psalmist says:
My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. Psalm 63:8
I pray that God’s right hand will uphold, strengthen, and bless you this Thanksgiving. And while our tradition of Thanksgiving Eve Worship wasn’t feasible this year, I hope this brief video reflection will guide you and warm your hearts as you pause to reflect and give thanks to God for the blessings in our lives.
Know that I am very, very thankful that you are part of my family’s life, and that we have the opportunity to serve our amazing God together with you!
Prayers and wishes for a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Pastor Brad