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November 19, 2023

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News in the Parish


Thanksgiving Day at Saint William

November 23

Everyone is invited to join us on Thanksgiving Day this Thursday at Saint William. We will begin with a bilingual Mass at 10 am followed by the Annie’s Way Thanksgiving meal, which will be held in the Parish Hall, Bldg. 3. The Saint William community is invited to bring a non-perishable item to donate to the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry.

View Thanksgiving schedule >>

Volunteer for Annie's Way >>

Parish Office & Nursery Schedule

The office will be closed from November 23 (Thanksgiving Day) through Sunday, November 26th. The nursery will also be closed that weekend.

Blessing and Investiture of the Miraculous Medal

November 26, 3:15 pm at Saint William (in the church)

Everyone is invited to a Blessing and Investiture Liturgy of the Miraculous Medal on Sunday, November 26, 2023, at 3:15 pm. at St. William Catholic Church. Miraculous Medals will be provided at the blessing liturgy.

"Have a medal struck after this model. All who wear it will receive great graces. They should wear it around the neck. Graces will abound for persons who wear it with confidence." ~ Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal to St. Catherine Labouré.

View Facebook event >>

Altar of Remembrance: When to Pick Up Photos

Please pick up the weekend of November 26

The Altar of Remembrance will be taken down on Thursday, November 30. If you have placed a photo on the Altar of Remembrance, please come forward after Mass (the weekend of November 26) or during the week to retrieve your photo. The final day to do so is Wednesday, November 29. Please be sure to pick up your photos as we do not have storage space to keep them.

Registration for DCYC is Now Open!

February 2-4, 2024 (Register by: December 5, 2023)

DCYC, the largest gathering of Catholic high school teens, is open for registration! Cost: $250. Scholarships are available. Deadline to register and pay is December 5th, 2023.


To register, click on “DCYC ‘24 Form” on the to download, print, and fill out the form. Then you can either scan it and email it to Xuan (from Saint William) or you can turn it into the front office or at Youth Nights. You may also pick up this form from the front office at Saint William.



Want to Get Involved at Saint William? Join Us for the Next Ministry Guide & Discernment Group Session, December 6

Whether you are interested in serving, growing spiritually, building community, or all of the above, we invite you to take the first step by attending a discernment session. Registration at least 2 days prior to the session is required. (If the session is full, we invite you to select a future date.)

Get Started >>


Unbound Prayer Sessions

You're invited to come encounter God's love and truth in an in-depth Unbound prayer session with trained prayer ministers. 

Learn more or schedule a prayer session >>


Narthex (Dec. 3)

Just Because

Just Because is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that has been serving the greater Williamson County area for over 30 years. Our primary mission is to provide Christmas gifts and a meal for families in need during the holiday season. Our hope is that this will help families create special memories that every child deserves.

How you can help: • Sponsor a Family - gift cards / non-perishable food or food card (gift cards preferred in $25 increments) • Donate gift cards

To learn more, visit the Narthex on the designated weekends.

Narthex (December 9 & 10)

Nut Sales and Pie Orders, Supporting Seminarians

Hosted by the Fourth Degree Knights

The Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus are hosting their annual nut sales at Saint William. Many varieties of pecans will be sold. Pecan pies can be ordered for pickup during designated weekends. Proceeds support seminarians. Thank you for your support.

2023 Advent and Christmas Calendar

The Advent and Christmas Calendar is now available! View the upcoming schedule >> 

Gift Shop Update

 The parish gift shop is currently closed. However, Advent wreaths and candles can be purchased in the parish office during office hours. 

Please note: The office will be closed from November 23 (Thanksgiving Day) through November 26 and will reopen on Monday, November 27.

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

The Adoration Ministry invites you to learn more about Adoration. If you would like to sign up as a committed adorer or have questions, please complete the form here >> 

Home Enthronement of the Sacred Heart

Legion of Mary


The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in your home is an act of adoration that publicly declares Jesus as “Lord of the Household.” It is more than setting aside a dwelling place for Him in a building; it is the welcoming of the Reign of Christ into the heart of the family who dwells within that place. He becomes the central focus.


For more information or to schedule an Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in your home, please contact Bernie >>


Worldwide Marriage Encounter

‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master’s joy.’ Be faithful to your marriage vows. Learn how to live out your responsibilities on an upcoming the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience. For dates, information & to apply, please go to or contact or call 512-677-WWME (9963). Call early to ensure a space and give your spouse a WWME gift card—a gift from the heart (see website).

Children's Envelopes

Now available in the Welcome Center

Children’s envelopes for giving will be available in the Welcome Center. By involving our children in the act of giving, we empower them to discover the profound joy that comes from helping others. It is not about the amount given but the act of giving itself that counts. Children’s envelopes are not meant to replace weekly family donations, but to use as a simple way to help our children grow into compassionate and generous individuals. 

Hailstorm Update

Due to the extensive damage caused by the hailstorm last month, the roof of the church is in the process of being wrapped to prevent water damage.

View the latest updates >>

To our contributing families and individuals, thank you for your continued support and generosity.

Offertory >>


November 19 - Campaign for Human Development

Supports the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the domestic anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. Thank you for your generosity.

Give online >>

View Other Ways to Give >>

Need help setting up recurring gifts?

Complete the form "Need Help?" >>

News in the Diocese

Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities of Central Texas works to eliminate poverty in our community. The Financial Stability programs helps individuals and families avoid homelessness and achieve financial security through case management, education, and financial assistance. For more information, call 512-651-6100 (Austin) or 979-822-9340 (Brazos Valley).

A Silent Advent Retreat

December 1-3, Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Ctr.

A Silent Advent Retreat will be held at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Temple on Dec. 1-3. Give yourself a gift early by preparing for the birth of Our Lord. This silent retreat will include community prayer, reflections, Mass, Adoration and confession and will be led by Father Harry Dean and Brian Egan. The costs are $295 for a private room, $255 for a shared room and $150 for commuters. For more information and to register, visit: or call (254) 780-2436.

Men of the parish, have you considered whether God might be calling you to the priesthood? December 13-15

Join Fr. Greg Gerhart, the Vocation Director of the diocese, for The Heart of Jesus: A Discernment Retreat for Men. The retreat will include time for prayer, spiritual conferences on discernment and vocations, and opportunities to speak with priests, seminarians, and other men discerning their vocation. The retreat will take place on December 13-15 at Cedarbrake Renewal Center in Belton, TX, and is open to single men who are 18-40 years old. Register today at

Explore Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Austin

Catholic education offers students an opportunity to reach their full potential, not only academically, but also spiritually. Explore Catholic schools in the Diocese of Austin today. Tuition assistance and scholarship opportunities are available. With 20 Catholic schools in Central Texas, we are ready to welcome you and your family to ours! Learn more at

YCP is ‘Working in Witness for Christ’

Young Catholic Professionals (YCP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit on a mission to challenge, train and inspire young adults working in various professions to “Work in Witness for Christ.”

The Austin Chapter of YCP invites all ages to get involved in our ministry:

  • 20s & 30s: Enjoy refreshments, find new friends and hear faith and career advice from local Catholic business leaders at our events!
  • 40+: Serve the young adults in your community as a mentor, board member or financial supporter of YCP.

YCP offers a variety of events to foster Catholic identity, encourage community and inspire action. To learn more and to check out some upcoming events, visit or

Employment Opportunities at Saint William

Click to view or apply >>

Mission Statement

As beloved sons and daughters of God, we, the parish of Saint William, are called to proclaim, by word and deed, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, crucified and risen. By the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the grace of the Sacraments, we endeavor to lead all souls to heaven by fostering spiritual healing and equipping all people for the work of ministry.

Saint William Catholic Church >>
