Cambodian Community Dream Organization, Inc.

Dream Journal – November 2022

Nurses helping Nurses

We are so grateful for the overwhelming response to our plea for scholarship funds for our nursing student. We now have not only one student but all of our 4 nursing students funded.

Thanks to Alyce Schaffer, Deborah Ives, Andrea Kish, Sue Griffin… who are all former nurses.

A Moment to Give Thanks

It is that time of the year when we recognize special people, who’ve helped CCDO throughout the prior months. We could not have accomplished as much as we have without your continued support.

The Dream Team on the ground, under the guidance of Director Leangseng Hoy with his support team of Sophorn Touch, Sovoan Sem, Sitha Sok, Pin Sok, Uon Bou, Nue Gnab, Bunsrak Pan, Sothea Phonn and their teams of teachers and staff who manage the day to day running of CCDO.

Our Board of Directors (USA, ASEAN and Khmer) are particularly insightful and keep us on the right track.

Our support staff of Gary Anglin & George Goodman who are the genius behind our website and our very creative Brian Bibi who produces our amazing newsletters.

We would not be able to accomplish anything without our very generous donors who are funding all our operations. 

Our Board of Directors (USA, ASEAN and Khmer) are particularly insightful and keep us on the right track.

Our support staff of Gary Anglin & George Goodman who are the genius behind our website and our very creative Brian Bibi who produces our amazing newsletters.

We would not be able to accomplish anything without our very generous donors who are funding all our operations. 

Rotary Club Sentosa has built 27 toilet blocks in schools and more are yet to come. They also planted orchards in some of the schools.

Rotary Club Hong Kong Central has been funding our Bongkoung Primary School Breakfast program.

Texel Foundation has funded our Health In Schools program.

The Katz Foundation, via Lantern Projects, has provided food grants for our breakfast program.

Bastion Foundation has sponsored our Digital Literacy Program.

Child’s Dream Cambodia funds our English training program at the Battambang Provincial Training College.

The Forgotten Int’l has helped fund our Early Education program.

Together We Can Change the World has funded our Dental Program and numerous water wells. 

Soroptimist International funds our Women Empowerment Life Skills program.

SE Asia Fund has provided for our Siem Reap Provincial Training program as well as a Mobile Library. 

Carol & Mark Duster have funded a Mobile Library and contribute to our Twin Program.

Beth & Kevin Hoffman funded a preschool and numerous wells and latrines.

And a host of donors have funded individual WASH programs and our scholarship program. 

You are all Dream Makers

and essential to our organization.


Sy Tan from Singapore and his 8-year-old son, Ansel, visited CCDO with a load of English books for our libraries. The visit was a huge success and Ansel enthralled the kids by reading to them.

Sixth Preschool completed

Longtime supporter Deborah Quigley and her husband, Architect Maurice Kondo, donated our 6th preschool along with the toilet and washstand. Deborah will visit in February and participate in a blessing ceremony.


A huge thanks to Aaron Ollivier from, who generously donated $5,000 to our programs.

Starr Moore contributed $3,000 to our scholarship program.

Pete & Mary Jo Farrell generously gave $2,000.

Starr Moore visiting group

CCDO was built on many small donations from friends and family and we still cherish those donations that make up the heart and soul of our NGO.

If you have reason to be grateful and joyous this upcoming holiday season, spread cheer by donating to a worthy cause.

Giving Tuesday is on the 29th of November this year.

Ordinary people can do extraordinary things
to change lives, one child at a time.
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