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….. forbearing one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  Eph 4:2:3

Come celebrate with thanksgiving and praise!!!

Holy Mass at 10 AM, followed by
a multi-cultural lunch & festivities 

Our Harvest Fundraising goal is $100,000 for the heating & air-conditioning of the parish hall & phase 1 of Church heating. 

Thank You Lord Jesus, for You are the Lord of the Harvest! We surrender our hearts to You and all the plans for this year's Thanksgiving Harvest.

Call the parish office at 973-623-0258 to find out how you can do a Family Harvest offering on any of the Sundays before the Nov 18 Thanksgiving Harvest date.
C lick here to download flyer

337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)