Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser
Culinary Club students are baking 250 delicious pies to fundraise for student activities and field trips.

$35 each


Bourbon whiskey, toasted whole pecans, chocolate acorns



Granny Smith apples, mulled spices, streusel, apple crisp

Order by the end of the day November 10, 2022

Pie Order Form

Pie pick up day options:

Tuesday, November 22 2:30–5:30 p.m.

Wednesday, November 23 11 a.m.–2 p.m.

Pay at pick up

Pay and pick up at the CCI Bakery Kiosk (Elevation Restaurant Lobby)

Cash, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard or Discover) or checks accepted.
All proceeds benefit Cascade Culinary Institute's student club trips & activities.

"Our Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser is essential to Cascade Culinary Institute's student club. It helps fund opportunities where students can get out in the field and use their skills. Students are attending the Pebble Beach Food & Wine event again this year, where they have the opportunity to cook with national and celebrity chefs!"
- Sam La Duca, Assistant Professor of Hospitality Management

The order form will close to new orders when 250 pie orders are taken.

For order assistance, contact Hilary McDonald, Administrative Assistant, Cascade Culinary Institute at 541-318-3738 or email