Issue 326 - Thanksgiving

A Thanksgiving Blessing

For Thanksgiving, we are pleased to share this blessing by Christine Valters Paintner of Abbey of the Arts.

Spirit of Generosity,

we come to you with hearts

overflowing with gratitude

for your abundant creation.

As we awaken each morning,

help us to remember

this day is a gift,

this breath is grace,

this life a wonder.

Remind us

with every flower we see,

every act of kindness,

every moment of connection

to something so much bigger

than ourselves,

to whisper thank you.

Cultivate in us a sense of awe

and trust in your lavish grace.

Let each word of thanks

we offer expand our hearts

until delight inhabits us

and we know love

as our sustenance.

Shared by permission; source here.

Children Remind Us To Be Thankful

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Bill Howden and Jan Davis
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