Excerpt from VBCF's written testimony submitted to the
House Labor and Commerce Committee:

“I have no idea how someone going through breast cancer could function without the ability to take paid time off from work. Managing everything in your life during treatment is a precarious balancing act. The mental stress can be overwhelming. If I were faced with the additional stress of possibly losing my job or not getting paid, I’m not sure how I would have coped. All Virginians should be able to take the time off from their job when facing a disease like breast cancer or other serious illness and not have to worry about their financial situation.” 

Renu Brennan, VBCF Board Member
Save the Dates
National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC)
2021 Virtual Advocacy Leadership Summit: May 13-15
2021 National Breast Cancer Lobby Day: May 18
More details to come!
Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation
www.vbcf.org | 1-800-345-8223