Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - September 22, 2024

Well, That Was Fun!

I had a moment last Sunday when I thought to myself, "this is the kind of church I want us to be." It wasn't during our worship service. instead, it was during the post-church Chili Cook-off and Dad Joke contest of all things. It happened as I watched a long line of people between the ages of four and 84 stand up, say their name, have everyone joyfully say hello back to them, and then listen to their joke. This is what I saw. I saw a church where people like each other; where people of every age and ability are included; where people know that they can take a risk (telling a joke is always a risk) and will be responded to with generosity; I saw a church that likes to have fun.

Friends, it does take more than this to make a church. We have a purpose in gathering together that goes far beyond liking ourselves and each other. We gather to worship God, to grow as Christians and become better citizens of Christ's kingdom. That said, it's so good to have a healthy helping of mutual love at Epiphany.

Also, I still think I won the Dad Joke Contest (Joanna Torabi told the best joke, but mine was voted worst!).

God bless,

P.S. Congratulations to the winners of this year's Chili Cook-off. Don Williams got 1st Place, Doug Greenwood was 2nd, and Maureen Middleton came in 3rd. Joanna Torabi won the "Dad Joke" contest. An album of photos from last Sunday afternoon are here.

Women's Bible Study Begins Monday

The Monday Morning Ladies Bible Study will begin a new study on Monday, September 23 at 9:30am in

the church library. The study, Jesus The One And Only; focuses on the Gospel of Luke and is by Beth Moore. Ladies, please join us for a time of study, prayer, fun and fellowship. Please contact Melanie Kobos or text Melanie at 703-472-7493 for any questions.

Senior Lunch Starts Strong

Epiphany seniors got together for lunch at IHOP in Chantilly for the first time on Wednesday, Sept. 18. IHOP offers 50 percent-off to senior citizen groups. The next senior get-together will be Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 1pm.

Coffee Hour Set-Up: Help Needed!

Do you have a half-hour to give on Sundays?  Each Sunday Epiphany provides food for coffee hour and many of us gather together to talk and build relationships after the service.  We need people who can take that provided food, plate it up, and place it on the coffee hour food counter before the 10:15am service begins.  Then, when coffee hour is complete, clean up. Right now, this work is being done by Epiphany's clergy and staff, which is challenging when there are activities between the services like adult education.  If you, or your group, would be willing to do this one Sunday every month or two, contact Deacon Sally (shoover@epiphanyanglican.net) to learn more. 

Who Is My Neighbor?

Next Coates Food Delivery October 4

We will make our next delivery to the food pantry at Coates Elementary School on Friday, October 4. We especially need donations of foods such as beans, rice, and pasta as well as canned tuna, chicken, vegetables, soups and stews. Cash donations can also be made, specifying Coates. Questions? Contact Sally Eckard (sseckard@verizon.net) or Melanie Kobos (melkobo@yahoo.com).

Epiphany and Centerpointe Offering "Financial Peace University" Starts Sunday

Do you often catch yourself wondering just where your money goes every month and how it ended up there? This fall, Epiphany is partnering with our friends at Centerpointe Church to offer Financial Peace University at Epiphany on Sundays at 2pm starting on Sept 22. This nine-lesson class covers how to budget to meet your financial needs, getting out of debt, saving for emergency and enabling generous giving. The class costs $80 for materials and will be led by David Cohen from Centerpointe. Sign-up here.

Join Epiphany's Choir Tonight at 7pm

The new choir season rehearsals will be every Thursday from 7-8 PM. Whether you’re a seasoned singer or new to the choir, all are welcome to lift their voices in song. Come be part of our musical community and make a joyful noise together.

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

Sept. 20 - 29

Friday, Sept. 20

9:00am Morning Prayer -CANCELLED

Saturday, Sept. 21

9:00am Band of Brothers

10:00am Women's Fellowship Brunch

Sunday, Sept. 22

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

1:15pm & 2:00pm Worship at Chantilly Heights

2:00pm Financial Peace University

3:00pm - 5:30pm Centerpointe Worship

4:00pm Pilgrim's Progress Play

Monday, Sept. 23

9:00am Morning Prayer

9:30am Ladies Morning Bible Study in Library

Tuesday, Sept. 24

9:00am Morning Prayer

Wednesday, Sept. 25

12:00 Simple Eucharist

6:00pm Crossover Rehearsal

Thursday, Sept. 26

9:00am Morning Prayer

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Friday, Sept. 27

9:00am Morning Prayer

Fall Family Camping Trip

Saturday, Sept. 28

9:00am Band of Brothers

Fall Family Camping Trip

Sunday, Sept. 29

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

2:00pm Financial Peace University

3:00pm - 5:30pm Centerpointe Worship

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at jcrawford@epiphanyanglican.net

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601



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