Oct. 20,

No. 60

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Supporting the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations

Xi in the U.K.
This week  the economy and the U.K. are the main topics. Make sure to check out the documentary...it is only 20 minutes long and quite interesting with lots of back story and behind-the-scenes incidents.
Weekly Readings

A new set of Chinese economic statistics is out, and China turned out 6.9% growth for the third quarter. The growth beats some expectations, but also perhaps marks the beginning a lower growth period as the economic rebalancing moves slowly forward. With the stock market scare and profligate spending to support the Renminbi's value, China's economy looked a bit shaken this summer. As always part of the question is whether these statistics are reliable  as an indicator of intentional slowdown, natural market forces, or manipulation. Chinese commentary, however, is notably upbeat.

俗语 in Xi Jinping's  Speeches
shoùrényǐyú, bùrú shoùrényǐyú

Teach a man to fish... You all know the saying in English, but how many knew how to say it in Chinese? Xi Jinping used this in a speech on October 15 addressing the Poverty Reduction and Development Forum in Beijing.

Original:  授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。扶贫必扶智,让贫困地区的孩子们接受良好教育,是扶贫开发的重要任务,也是阻断贫困代际传递的重要途径。我们正在采取一系列措施,让贫困地区每一个孩子都能接受良好教育,让他们同其他孩子站在同一条起跑线上,向着美好生活奋力奔跑。

Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2015-10/16/c_1116851045.htm
Documentary of the Week

Since Xi Jinping is in Britain, this week's documentary takes a look at Margaret Thatcher's historic trip (pun intended) to China in September of 1982. It was a critical visit, where Thatcher and Deng did diplomatic battle over the future of Hong Kong. The trip also coincided with Kim Il-sung's visit to Beijing...
The film continues with Thatcher's visit again in 1984 and Queen Elizabeth's in 1986.

SMG档案 2015:钓鱼台国事风云(四) 151010
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