"Welcome to the Advocate!"
A publication of celebrations and happenings in the lives of CTK family and friends. This Advocate will summarize what's happened, and give a preview to new events coming your way! So keep a lookout for this publication every 1st of the month. Birthdays and Anniversaries are near the bottom!
| Don't forget to set your clocks back 1 hour when you go to bed Saturday night Nov. 4th! You don't want to be late for church! | |
The importance of With"
In November, we look forward to the celebrateon of All Saints, when we not only recognize the saints who have gone before us but also our sainthood as children of God. According to the Apostle’s Creed, we believe in the “Communion of Saints.” As part of the Communion of Saints, we are called to share the good news of Jesus WITH others so that they may come to know God’s grace and love.
But how do we do this today? The book: The Invitational Christian (which the council and membership committee have been reading) provides insight into inviting people to church. Especially the chapter called: “The Importance of With.” Since more people are unchurched or have had bad experiences in the church, they are hesitant to just walk in. No matter how great the music, superb the message, ornate the decorations, and friendly the people—some may feel uncomfortable, lost, or uncertain about walking into CTK. Some may find what goes on in church a mystery. Some may not know what entrance to use or who to sit with.
So, it’s up to all of us. First, take a genuine interest in someone. Listen to their story. Connect what you like about CTK with their interests. Then comes the importance of “with.” Invite someone to come ‘with’ you. Pick them up or meet them at a coffee shop and drive together, or in the parking lot in a certain spot, and walk in WITH them. Sit together during worship, accompany them at coffee hour and introduce them to others. Afterward, take them to breakfast and answer their questions.
The goal of asking people to church is simply to have more in the pews--- but to share the love of Jesus. Together, let us journey WITH other children of God in worship, service, fellowship, and authentic community. For with the communion of saints, we will forever praise God.
Pastor Jackie
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Ponderings of the Intern: Liturgical Calendar
Each month, I will write an article on a topic that I’ve been pondering or have received questions about. Enjoy!
Have you ever wondered why the colors of the banners in church and the pastor’s stole change every so often? Or what it means that on the front of the bulletin it says something like 22nd Sunday after Pentecost? I have!
This is the liturgical calendar - it starts with Advent and ends with Christ the King Sunday. Here are the seasons:
- Advent
- Christmas
- Epiphany
- Season after Epiphany
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Celebrating our connection with Christ | |
Mission Statement: Alive and Growing through God's Grace
What to Expect at Worship
For your convenience, masks will be made available in the entrance areas and hand sanitizing stations are also available around the building. We ask that if you are not feeling well, or feel that you may have been exposed to COVID, you view the service via live-streaming. You can find this on our website: https://ctkdelafield.org/
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All Saints Day Nov. 5, 2023
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
And you will find rest for your souls.
O God, we remember with thanksgiving those who have loved and served You on earth, who now rest from their labors, especially those who have died this past year:
Mark Corgiat, Susan Preston, George Finch,
Janelle Peterson, Geraldine (Jeri) Jones, Floyd and Joan Kirshenmann,
Robert (Bob) Mund, Al Laatsch, Debbie Thomas,
Rev. Gerald Goodrich
and all those most dear to our hearts. Keep us in union with all your saints, and bring us with them to the joyous feast of heaven.
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Welcome to FALL WORSHIP at Christ the King
During the Autumn months, we will think about what it means that God is continually REFORMING AND RENEWING us and God’s good creation. During the offering, we will take time to pause and bring our gifts forward singing: “Let the Vineyards be Fruitful” in praise to our God of the bountiful
Sunday, November 5, 2023 Remembering God’s saints, All Saints Sunday
Sunday, November 12, 2023--- Recognizing our Veterans, Brunch to follow
Sunday, November 19, 2023 --Reinvesting in our future ( Final Sunday of stewardship campaign)
Pr. Jackie
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Individual Prayers: Friends and loved ones of Dick, the Lewiston, Maine, and Germantown communities, Ellen, Mary, Maddi, the family and loved ones of Lois Christeson, for all those who grieve, and those who suffer from anxiety and depression.
Ongoing Prayers: Dave, and Anthony, all those who are in hospice and in care facilities and the healthcare workers who care for them.
Ministry Partners: The Evangelical Lutheran Churches in El Salvador and Tanzania and their Bishops, and Imbaseny parish in Tanzania, Serenity Inn, Family Promise, Reformation Lutheran Church, Lutherdale Bible Camp, All God's Children, Mt. Meru Coffee Project & Outreach for Hope Congregations, our military and their families, and those who work to end human trafficking.
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PLEASE NOTE: Are you missing out?? If you see "Message Clipped: View entire message" in this email, that is not the end! There are more announcements!
Click "View entire message" to read more.
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Celebrating the Connection with Each Other | |
Sunday School
Sunday School (4 years old through 6th grade) will be on Nov. 12th. SS is held twice a month on an irregular schedule. Check on the CTK website for dates.
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Confirmation 2023-2024
Confirmation will be home study this week-TalkPoints Route 5 Complete the lesson on or before Nov. 5th.
Don't forget to sign up to Acolyte online!
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Women's Bible Study, Monday, Nov. 13th will be cancelled due to an upcoming funeral. |
Women's Gathering
Get in the Spirit of Christmas! Join us on Dec. 6th for an evening of fellowship, food and fun. Dinner will be served by our church men and a wonderful group will come in for entertainment. Sign up to host a table in the upper sanctuary or see Linda Hamilton for details.
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Mark your Calendars for December 10th for Gingerbread house making! Register in advance. Forms are available at the church office. Cost is $10 per house wanted. Forms and cash payment are due by Dec. 1st. Venmo also available. |
Poinsettia Sale for Christmas
As in years past, We would slide to invite you to purchase a plant (or two) to offset the cost. what a simple and beautiful way to beautify our sanctuary than to order them in th emomoroy of or to honor your family, loved ones or someone speal.
Cost is $12 and pots will have green foils on them.
Orders due Nov. 21. Send your order form to the church office with payment.
Property and Grounds: Mondays at 6:30 pm
Prayer Shawl Ministry: 2nd & 4th Monday at 1:00pm
Al-Anon: Mondays 6:30 pm
Women's Bible Study: select Mondays at 9:30 am
Worship and Music: 2nd Monday of the month at 3:00 pm
Executive Team: Tuesday. Nov 7 @ 6:30 pm
Church Council: Tuesday, Nov 14, 6:30 pm
Education: second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm
Outreach: 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm
Men's Bible Study: Fridays at 7:00 am
Alcoholics Anonymous: Fridays 7:00 pm
Boys' Breakfast Bible Study: 1st & 3rd Saturdays at 8:00 am (at CTK & via Zoom)
Special Dates
Oct. 30-Nov 2 Photo Directory at CTK taken daily from 1-8 pm
Nov. 5 All Saints Day
Nov 12 Veterans Recognition Day and Breakfast in Great Hall
Nov. 23 Office Closed - Thanksgiving Day
Dec. 6 Women's Gathering
Dec. 10 Gingerbread House making
Dec. 17 Youth Christmas program and Happy Birthday Jesus!
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight worship at 3 &5 pm (No Sunday Morning Worship)
Feel free to attend a committee meeting of your choice to be part of the exciting things happening at CTK!
*Please remember that events and times are subject to change. Check the CTK calendar on the website for updates!
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Celebrating our Connection with Community | |
Update on Lutherans in Palestine
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much to all who reached out in response to my last message. We continue to hear from Maddi on a daily basis from her location near Bethlehem.
Two things to add today:
A. Working from memory (never a good idea), I misstated the number of Lutherans in Palestine. Maddi tells me it is 2,000, not 4,000.
B. Several of you mentioned wanting to send financial support to the Lutheran congregations. The ELCJHL synod is currently working with banking institutions to set up a system to receive online international donations. I’ll let you know when that is up and running. In the meantime, the Lutheran schools have their own funding mechanism via Operation Palestine. Click here to learn more and donate: http://www.opportunitypalestine.org/support-the-schools.html. Maddi tells me the teacher salaries have been frozen since the war began. Without the income from Holy Land tourism, many families in her area are suddenly plunged into poverty. The Lutheran pastor in Beit Jala is assembling boxes of dried goods to share.
Praying for an end to this war and a just resolution to the conflict, Pastor Lisa
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Veterans Day Sunday, Nov 12th: Custom Canines Service Dog Program
This year's Veterans Day Recognition is on Sunday, November 12th. Our beautiful patriotic church service will recognize our veterans. Then enjoy brunch in the Great Hall and program by the Custom Canines Service Dog Academy which provides free service dogs to disabled veterans and first responders. Custom Canines will receive our free will offering. Thank you to Thrivent Financial for sponsoring our brunch!
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Do You Have Gently Used Winter Items
That You Would Like to Donate?
Contact Pr. Chris Manke at 414-671-1212 or chris@outreachforhope.org to arrange a donation of new or gently used winter coats, hats, scarves, mittens and/or gloves.Thank you so much for your commitment to giving the gift of warmth this winter!
In Christ's Spirit of Gratitude,
The Outreach for Hope Team
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In 2023, the Greater Milwaukee Synod participated in a unique photo storytelling project by A Peace of My Mind. The series features black and white portraits of lay and rostered GMS faith leaders, and their answers to the question, “When have you felt included or excluded from a group or community?”
We invite GMS congregations to share and discuss the project in worship, small group ministries, and more. We hope the experience will inspire our members to share and listen to one another’s stories, and to grow in faith and fellowship!
We’re currently sharing the project in two formats:
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Justman, Barbara Nov 3
Solsrud, Marcia Nov 3
Ziarek, Sharon Nov 3
Carlson, Kirk Nov 4
Cook, Randy Nov 4
Kath, Terrie Nov 6
Oleson, Betty Nov 6
Kreklow, Dawn Nov 7
Dolphin, Gerald Nov 8
Poker, Zachary Nov 8
Miller, Chad Nov 9 1970
Tomczak, David Nov 9
Galassini, Jennifer Nov 10
Jorgensen, Charles Nov 10
Waltz, Mary Lynn Nov 11 Data
Hansen, Caleb Nov 12 2004
Schnorr, John Nov 13 1950
Marusinec, Albert Nov 14
Crowley, Diane Nov 15
Daniels, Elizabeth Nov 15
Thompson, Maggie Nov 16
Hollman, Jennifer Nov 18
Seegert, Susan Nov 18
Hamann, William Nov 20
Rahn, Trevor Nov 20
Nelson, Freda Nov 21
Berg, Jacob Nov 24
Berg, Katie Nov 24
Turner, Tamara Nov 25
Klick, Richard Nov 28
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November Anniversaries
Pr. Jackie and Randy Cook Nov. 4
Allie and Kenny New Nov 5
Eric & Jennifer Barrelmann Nov. 7
Mark Ellena & Susan Birdsall Nov 8
Tom & Sue Kohl Nove 11
Michael & Donna Sourhard Nov. 11
Jim & Pam Behrend Nov.24
Mark & Mary Hollister Nov 28
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Our Mission – Alive and Growing through God’s Grace
Our Vision – A dynamic congregation and growing in service to Christ and the Community. All are Welcome
Core Values
Celebrating our connection to Christ and each other
Harmony through the difference we make and the smiles we create
Recognizing the infinite worth of each person
Investing in ourselves, our energy, and our resources
Supporting the growth of the individual, the congregation, the community, and these relationships
Transforming through action, effort and commitment
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Things to submit to the "Advocate" should be sent to office@ctkdelafield.org by the 20th of the month. | |
Pastor Jackie Cook
Office Coordinator - Maggie Thompson
Music Director - Maria Tyksinski
Pastoral Intern-Jenny Nettesheim
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Office hours:
Mon. - Thurs 9am-3pm
Friday 9 am - noon
Worship Sundays at 9 am
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