Sunday, Dec. 31, 2023


Pr. Jackie Cook

Pastoral Intern

Jenny Nettesheim

First Sunday of Advent

How do we Rejoice in a Weary world?

We Root Ourselves in Ritual

Services are available on


and the CTK Website

This week's bulletin

"Welcome to the Advocate!"

A publication of celebrations and happenings in the lives of CTK family and friends. This Advocate will summarize what's happened, and give a preview to new events coming your way! So keep a lookout for this publication every 1st of the month. Birthdays and Anniversaries are near the bottom!

Ponderings of the Intern: Free Will

Each month, I will write an article on a topic that I’ve been pondering or have received questions about. Enjoy!

What do Lutherans believe about free will? This is a question I have pondered often. I did some “light” reading in the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord and this is what I discovered.  

“That in spiritual and divine matters, the mind, heart, and will of the unreborn human being can in absolutely no way, on the basis of its own natural powers, understand, believe, accept, consider, will, begin, accomplish, do, effect, or cooperate.” This simply means that humans do not have the capacity to prepare themselves for God’s grace. God’s grace is just that, God’s - it comes solely from God and humans do not have the ability to make this grace or even to cooperate with it.  

Additionally, humans have an “inborn, evil, rebellious character [that] the will defiantly resists God and God’s will if not enlightened and ruled by God’s Spirit.” Due to both human nature and original sin, humans are rebellious against God and cannot believe fully without the intervention of the Holy Spirit. “We cannot come to Christ on the basis of our own powers, but God must give us his Holy Spirit, who enlightens, sanctifies, and thus brings us to Christ through faith and keeps us in Christ. Neither our will nor our cooperation is mentioned in respect to these activities.” Without the Holy Spirit, humans cannot choose to be saved. It is the work of God through the Holy Spirit, alone.  

What does this mean?  

  • Instead of “free will” think about “trust.” We can trust God.
  • The Holy Spirit is working.
  • God comes to us.
  • God claims us.
  • God is WAY smarter than us and way more powerful.

We must all remember that God is doing the work through the Holy Spirit, and we can trust God to take care of us and our needs. The next time you are worried, try to remember to “trust.”

Blessings and Happy New Year!

Intern Jenny

1 “The Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord.” p. 544.7

 2“The Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord.” p. 547.18

3 “The Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord.” p.551.42

Celebrating our connection with Christ

Mission Statement: Alive and Growing through God's Grace

What to Expect at Worship

For your convenience, masks will be made available in the entrance areas and hand sanitizing stations are also available around the building. We ask that if you are not feeling well, or feel that you may have been exposed to COVID, you view the service via live-streaming. You can find this on our website:

More on What to expect

  How does a weary world rejoice?

We root ourselves in ritual

Muscle Memory 

When the world falls apart around me, 

when the rug is pulled,

and the house is on fire, 

when all I can do 

is swallow the cry in my throat, 

take me to the table. 

Tell me how people have fed each other. 

Tell me how they’ve torn the bread

with wrinkled hands 

and children’s hands. 

Tell me how they’ve said, This love is for you, 

as they looked you in the eye.

Then take me to the font. 


Float my hands in the pool. 

Let me feel weightless. 

Tell me to leave my burdens there. 

Then take me to the front doors. 

Remind me how we throw them open. 

Take me to the creaky pews,pews that have held the straightened spines

and silent prayers of so many. 

Take me to church. 

Move me through the rituals. 

Tell me why it matters, 

so that next time, 

when someone else’s world falls apart, 

I will have the muscle memory to share. 

Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed, Founding Creative Partner of A Sanctified Art


Our Advent Worship Series:

 "How does a weary world rejoice?"

Dec 31 we root ourselves in ritual Service of the Word (no Communion) Jenny Preaching

Jan. 7 We trust our belovedness

Click here to give to CTK

Individual Prayers: The family and loved ones of Linda, the family and loved ones of Rick, Brad, and for all those who grieve, and those who suffer from mental illness.

Ongoing Prayers: Maddie, Dave, and Anthony, all military persons and their, families all those who are in hospice and care facilities, all who are in hospice, and the healthcare workers who care for them.

Ministry Partners: The Evangelical Lutheran Churches in El Salvador and Tanzania and their Bishops, and Imbaseny parish in Tanzania, Serenity Inn, Family Promise, Reformation Lutheran Church, Lutherdale Bible Camp, All God's Children, Mt. Meru Coffee Project & Outreach for Hope Congregations, and those who work to end human trafficking.

PLEASE NOTE: Are you missing out?? If you see "Message Clipped: View entire message" in this email, that is not the end! There are more announcements!

Click "View entire message" to read more.

Celebrating the Connection with Each Other


Sunday School

Sunday School (4 years old through 6th grade) SS is held twice a month on an irregular schedule. Check on the CTK website for dates.

Confirmation 2023-2024

 Confirmation Dec. 31st Happy New Year!

Don't forget to sign up to Acolyte online!

Cookie Sale

Thank you for supporting our youth and young adults as they fundraise to go to the ELCA Gathering in New Orleans in July.  You made our cookie sale a success, and we really appreciate it!

There are a few cookie mixes left, so if you would like to purchase one for $10, see Jenny on 12/31. 

Adult Education Opportunity:

Book Study

When: Wednesdays at 5:30 PM


January 3 January 17

January 31

Place: The Bell Room

Book: By Heart: Conversations with Martin Luther’s Small Catechism

Purpose: To discuss and learn about Lutheran theology

All are welcome - all belong!


Property and Grounds: Mondays at 6:30 pm

Prayer Shawl Ministry: 2nd & 4th Monday at 1:00pm 

Al-Anon: Mondays 6:30 pm

Women's Bible Study: select Mondays at 9:30 am Jan. 8 & 22

Worship and Music: 2nd Monday of the month at 3:00 pm

Executive Team: Tuesday. Dec.. 5 @ 6:30 pm

Executive Team: 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm Next Jan. 2nd

Church Council3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm Next Jan 16th

Education: second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm

Outreach: 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm

Men's Bible Study: Fridays at 7:00 am

Alcoholics Anonymous: Fridays 7:00 pm

Boys' Breakfast Bible Study: 1st & 3rd Saturdays at 8:00 am (at CTK & via Zoom)

Special Dates

Dec 31 Service of the Word (no Communion) Jenny Preaching

Jan. 1 Church Office Closed

Jan. 7 Baptism of our Lord

"Save the Date" In person reading of the budget, Sunday Feb. 11 (Winter weather date 2/18

Feb. 25 - Annual Meeting ( Winter Weather date 3/3)

Feel free to attend a committee meeting of your choice to be part of the exciting things happening at CTK!

Feel free to attend a committee meeting of your choice to be part of the exciting things happening at CTK!

*Please remember that events and times are subject to change. Check the CTK calendar on the website for updates!

Celebrating our Connection with Community

Veterans Day Sunday, Nov 12th: Custom Canines Service Dog Program

Veterans Day Service was wonderful!

Thank you to all who helped put together Sunday’s Veterans Day Recognition. From start to finish, it was beautiful! There were over 100 attending church service and around 80 enjoying brunch and Custom Canine program. Donations to the Custom Canine Dog Training Academy came to $600. Thank you for your donations! Also, our gratitude to Thrivent Financial for sponsoring brunch.

. Thank you to Thrivent Financial for sponsoring our brunch!


Thank you all who continue to support the Mt Meru Coffee Mission in 2023.

The Next Coffee order will be placed on Sunday, January 21st, and be ready for pick up on Sunday, January 28th.


See the display in the Narthex or contact Toni Schnorr or Lynn Waedekin for more information.

Shorehaven Giving Tree Thank you

Thank you to all the people at CTK who continue to support the Giving Tree. The Shorehaven residents were delighted with your generosity!

The Outreach Committee

Learn these things about yourself to be a better spouse

You've probably heard the saying "In order to love someone else, you need to love yourself first". This goes beyond having a healthy sense of self-worth and generally liking yourself as a person. Truly loving yourself goes deeper than this. It involves really understanding who you are - the good, the bad, and everything in between. 

Read Article Here

Synod News

Past Synod Newsletters

A Pastoral Message: Christmas Message 2023

by, Bishop Paul Erickson

This photo, of a nativity scene with the infant Jesus placed in a pile of rubble, was taken several weeks ago inside Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, located in the West Bank. Though it is located miles away from the intense combat in Gaza, the impact of the Israel-Hamas war is clearly felt there and around the world. The death and violence and destruction of recent months is hard for us to fathom, and while we may be tempted to scroll past these images or shrug our shoulders and turn away, this haunting image reminds us that Jesus was born in the midst of chaos and violence..

Read the full message

January Birthdays

Kier, Grayson Jan 4

Tentoni, Charlotte Jan 4

Kreutzmann, Sylvia Jan 6

Neumiller, Emmerson Jan 6

Kalman, Robert Jan 7

Chapman Morris, Jenny Jan 8

Seegert, Thomas Jan 10

Jaeger, Deane Jan 12

Kelly, Carl Jan 12

Patterson, Victoria Jan 12

Wilson, Mike Jan 12

Perrigo, David Jan 15

Sontag, Nancy Jan 15

Broberg, Carl Jan 18

Kalman Ms, Johanna Jan 18

Skorik, Sheryl Jan 18

Tomczak, Barbara Jan 20

Chapman, Tara Jan 21

Janiuk, Susan Jan 22

Waedekin, Drew Jan 23

Karcher, Cody Jan 24

Kunstmann, Rosalie Jan 25

Janiuk, Michael Jan 29

Nelson, Marlene Jan 29

Carnell, Terri Jan 30

Kelly, Joan Jan 31

January Anniversaries

Wayne & Elaine Irwin January 3

Scott & Rochelle Fuller January 6

Carl & Joan Kelly January 29

Our Mission – Alive and Growing through God’s Grace

Our Vision – A dynamic congregation and growing in service to Christ and the Community. All are Welcome

                                                          Core Values

Celebrating our connection to Christ and each other

Harmony through the difference we make and the smiles we create

Recognizing the infinite worth of each person

Investing in ourselves, our energy, and our resources

Supporting the growth of the individual, the congregation, the community, and these relationships

Transforming through action, effort and commitment

Things to submit to the "Advocate" should be sent to by the 20th of the month.

Pastor Jackie Cook

Office Coordinator - Maggie Thompson

Music Director - Maria Tyksinski

Pastoral Intern-Jenny Nettesheim

Office hours:
Mon. - Thurs 9am-3pm
Friday 9 am - noon
Worship Sundays at 9 am