Your Advocate will look different when it arrives in your email inbox. New extensions are now used for all "group" email messaging. Look for this communication from Christ the King Lutheran Church, Delafield, WI [mailto:office@christthekinglutheranchurch.ccsend.com]
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"Welcome to the Advocate!"
A publication of celebrations and happenings in the lives of CTK family and friends. This Advocate will summarize what's happened, and give a preview to new events coming your way! So keep a lookout for this publication every 1st of the month. Birthdays and Anniversaries are near the bottom!
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Message from Pastor Jackie
And the greatest of these is LOVE…..
Jesus’ words resonate with me as we approach the month of February. In February, the feast of St. Valentine is celebrated on the 14th. Valentine was put into prison for marrying couples and helping Christians who were being persecuted. He was given the choice to renounce his faith and stop converting others to Christianity or to be sentenced to death. Valentine was later martyred in Rome during the right of Claudius II in the second century. In the Catholic church,he is the patron saint of couples, bee keepers, greetings, love, and young people. He is often depicted with birds and roses. Valentine’s life modeled the greatest commandment—to love one another.
What does it mean to love as Jesus loves? One way is through The “Take Heart” program which supports crafters in memory of the children of Gaza. Another way is through the Love Gift Cards and Love notes being sent to those in college and the military. On February 4th, CTK will celebrate love by recognizing World Marriage Day. Be sure to bring in your photograph.
Lent will begin on Valentine's Day this year. During the mid-week Wednesday worship services, we will think about the theme: “You shall love the Lord your God” and what it means to live in God’s love. During the service, we will hear a message from one of you—about where you see God’s love at work in your life. You all have such great stories to share. If you would like to share during one of the mid-week services, please let me know.
May you feel the love of Christ around you,
Pr. Jackie
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Celebrating our connection with Christ | |
Mission Statement: Alive and Growing through God's Grace
What to Expect at Worship
For your convenience, masks will be made available in the entrance areas and hand sanitizing stations are also available around the building. We ask that if you are not feeling well, or feel that you may have been exposed to COVID, you view the service via live-streaming. You can find this on our website: https://ctkdelafield.org/
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2024 Midweek Lenten Series:
“You Shall Love the Lord Your God”
In Mark 12, a scribe comes to ask Jesus, “Which commandment is the first of all?” Jesus answers, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength’” (Mark 12:28-30).
Jesus responds to the scribe’s question with words from the Shema, the passage from Deuteronomy 6 that is recited daily by many of the Jewish faith. These words form a covenant between God and God’s people and show us a way to respond to this God who so extravagantly loves us through the cross.
The first week of this series sets the stage with the Shema from Deuteronomy and the encounter between Jesus and the scribe in Mark 12. The following weeks center on how we can love the Lord our God with all our hearts, our souls, our minds, and our strength. The readings for the Sundays in Lent, year B, also contain covenants: through Noah, Abraham, the Ten Commandments, Moses, and the new covenant in Christ. If desired, these covenants could be incorporated into the reflection, as a way to link Sunday and midweek worship during the Lenten season. (Sundays and Seasons)
2/14 Ash Wednesday
2/21 Midweek 1: Hear, O Israel
2/28 Midweek 2: You Shall Love the Lord Your God with All Your Heart
3/6 Midweek 3: You Shall Love the Lord Your God with All Your Soul
3/13 Midweek 4: You Shall Love the Lord Your God with All Your Mind
3/20 Midweek 5: You Shall Love the Lord Your God with All Your Strength
3/24 Palm Sunday
3/28 Holy Thursday
3/29 Good Friday
3/31 Easter Sunday
From sundaysandseasons.com. Copyright © 2024 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.
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In addition to our Prayer List you are now able to click on the Icon to and submit a prayer at any time.
Individual Prayers: Elaine, Cindi H, family and friends of Freda, Jim, Sara, Phyllis, and for all those who grieve, and those who suffer from mental illness.
Ongoing Prayers: Tim, Maddie, Dave, and Anthony, all military persons and their, families all those who are in hospice and care facilities, all who are in hospice, and the healthcare workers who care for them.
Ministry Partners: The Evangelical Lutheran Churches in El Salvador and Tanzania and their Bishops, and Imbaseny parish in Tanzania, Serenity Inn, Family Promise, Reformation Lutheran Church, Lutherdale Bible Camp, All God's Children, Mt. Meru Coffee Project & Outreach for Hope Congregations, and those who work to end human trafficking.
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PLEASE NOTE: Are you missing out?? If you see "Message Clipped: View entire message" in this email, that is not the end! There are more announcements!
Click "View entire message" to read more.
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Celebrating the Connection with Each Other | |
Sunday School
Sunday School (4 years old through 6th grade) SS is held twice a month on an irregular schedule. Check on the CTK website for dates. This Sunday, Feb. 4th. After the blessing time, children will be dismissed with their teachers. Teachers needed 2/18 and 3/3. Sign up on the CTK website.
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Confirmation 2023-2024
This Sunday, Feb. 4th 5:45-7:00 pm. Assistants needed-check the CTK website to sign up.
Don't forget to sign up to Acolyte online!
All God's Children will be the featured school during the month of February at the Delafield Public Library. Please be sure to stop by the display case and check out our students' beautiful creations!
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Digital Safety
CTK Education Committee has speakers coming on Sunday, Feb 18 from 5:45-7:00 pm. This presentation is on Digital Safety and is being held on a confirmation evening so those students and their friends, and also many more from the area will attend. The Public is also invited! Watch for more information the Connections.
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Join us in Singing!
The Waukesha Choral Union will host a concert on Friday, February 23 at First United Methodist Church, Waukesha. Our CTK choir will participate, singing several of their own selections, and then join in a rousing combined choir piece for the finale with four other choirs. The concert begins at 7:30 PM and will be in the very historic and beautiful sanctuary of First United Methodist Church, 121 Wisconsin Ave., Waukesha. The church, designed by Henry F. Starbuck, was built in the Romanesque architectural style in 1895. If you would like to sing with our choir, please contact our Director of Music for details, music, and a rehearsal schedule. More details to come.
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Areas needing volunteers to assist at CTK:
We could use some help in the following areas:
- Greeters before church service
- Coffee Hour set up/clean up, bakery donations
- Veterans Day Recognition Sunday in November
If interested, contact Donna Finch at 414-322-2796 or dlfinch@wi.rr.com to volunteer or for more information. Thank you.
Communion Assistants are also needed. Speak with Pastor Jackie
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Property and Grounds: Mondays at 6:30 pm
Prayer Shawl Ministry: 2nd & 4th Monday at 1:00pm
Al-Anon: Mondays 6:30 pm
Women's Bible Study: select Mondays at 9:30 am Feb. 5 & 19
Worship and Music: 2nd Monday of the month at 3:00 pm
Executive Team: Tuesday. Dec.. 5 @ 6:30 pm
Church Council: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm
Education: second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm
Outreach: 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm
Men's Bible Study: Fridays at 7:00 am
Alcoholics Anonymous: Fridays 7:00 pm
Boys' Breakfast Bible Study: 1st & 3rd Saturdays at 8:00 am (at CTK & via Zoom)
Special Dates
Feb. 4 - World Marriage Day Bring your wedding picture for display.
Feb. 4-Last day to submit cards, and money for LOVE notes.
Feb. 5 - Women's Bible study 9:30 am
Feb. 11- In person reading of the budget, (Winter weather date 2/18)
Boy Scout Sunday and Pancake Breakfast Last day to purchase hearts representing Gaza Children with Take Heart.
Feb. 14 -Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday noon-Reflections and Ashes, Holy Communion service with ashes at 7:00 pm
Feb 18 from 5:45-7:00. Digital Safety Education presentation
Feb. 21 Lenten Midweek meals and worship series begins.
Feb. 23-The Waukesha Choral Union will host a concert on Friday, 7 pm at First United Methodist Church, 121 Wisconsin Ave., Waukesha. (see Article)
Feb. 25 - Annual Meeting ( Winter Weather date 3/3) In person.
Feel free to attend a committee meeting of your choice to be part of the exciting things happening at CTK!
*Please remember that events and times are subject to change. Check the CTK calendar on the website for updates!
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Celebrating our Connection with Community | |
Lent Wellness Wednesdays with Pr. Jackie—beginning on February 21st
Noon-1:00 pm in the bell room.
During this hour, we will discuss and engage a variety of beginner level activities to tend to our bodies. Activities may include and are not limited to: listening to our bodies through breathing, mediation, and visualization. Sharing recipes, discussing healthy eating habits. Participants will want to bring light weights or soup cans for some basic exercises. The group may decide to read a book together about health such as: Women, Food, and God.
Beginning February 21st we will also have a Wellness section in the Connections weekly newsletter. Look for it after the synod section.
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Love Gift Cards – The CTK Community Outreach Committee plans to send Love
Gift Cards to our students and military personnel for Valentine’s Day.
We will be collecting:
Love Notes – write a note supporting a student or military person.
Purchase One or More Gift Cards in the amount of $5.00 or $10.00 each from
Panera, McDonalds, Starbucks, Target, Walmart, Amazon etc.
Donate Cash or Write a check payable to CTK and in the memo line indicate Love
Gift Card. We will purchase one or more gift cards on your behalf.
The last day for our collecting the Love Notes, Gift Cards and Donations will be
Sunday, February 4 th .
See the display in the Upper Sanctuary for more information.
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Take Heart-for Gaza children
Take Heart is a project sponsored by Redeemer Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. This is an initiative between Christians and craftspeople in the Holy Land and churches in the United States. The churches are supporting craftspeople by raising funds to purchase and deliver 8,000 olivewood hearts that represent the 8,000 lives of Gazan children that were lost in the war from October to December. Redeemer Lutheran Church in Milwaukee is asking congregations to pledge and partner with them.
CTK is pledging to receive 100 hearts (minimum order) at $3.00 each. That is a total of $300.00. A donor has already committed $150.00 towards the project. That means we’re already half-way there!
If you would like to support this initiative, please Sign up in the Upper Sanctuary, write a check to Redeemer Lutheran Church with Take Heart in the notation line. Checks must be submitted by Sunday, February 11th.
Thank you.
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The next coffee order will be placed on Sunday, February 18th and be ready for pick up on Sunday, February 25th.
Please see the display in the upper sanctuary.
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The Complexities of Forgiveness
I forgive you. Is forgiveness as simple as saying those three words? Occasionally, it might be. Other times, it’s much more complicated.
While the benefits of forgiveness seem straightforward enough, forgiveness itself can actually be quite complex. Let’s explore some of the reasons why!
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Waltke, Alfred Feb 1
Kuhary, Craig Feb 8
Marquardt, A1C James Feb 8
Robinson, Alice Feb 8
Steinbach, Norbert Feb 8
Kier, Brian Feb 10
Hollister, Benjamin Feb 13
Rooney, Jeri Feb 13
Dawson, Stephen Feb 15
Hollman, Chip Feb 15
Grandy, Kathleen Feb 16
Broberg, Roland Feb 17
Marshall, Arlene Feb 17
Accardo, Patti Feb 19
Marusinec, Laura Feb 20
Hamann, Barbara Feb 22
Ganung, Nancy Feb 24
Doremire, Robert Feb 25
Tegeder, Jack Feb 25
Finch, Donna Feb 26
Huser, Trevor Feb 26
Stoner, Shari Feb 26
Romanuck, Judith Feb 27
Wildrick, Todd Feb 27
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January Anniversaries
Cindy and John Bonness February 3
G. Barry & Lee Rogers February 21
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Our Mission – Alive and Growing through God’s Grace
Our Vision – A dynamic congregation and growing in service to Christ and the Community. All are Welcome
Core Values
Celebrating our connection to Christ and each other
Harmony through the difference we make and the smiles we create
Recognizing the infinite worth of each person
Investing in ourselves, our energy, and our resources
Supporting the growth of the individual, the congregation, the community, and these relationships
Transforming through action, effort and commitment
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Things to submit to the "Advocate" should be sent to office@ctkdelafield.org by the 20th of the month. | |
Pastor Jackie Cook
Office Coordinator - Maggie Thompson
Music Director - Maria Tyksinski
Care Ministry Sylvia Kreutzmann
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Office hours:
Mon. - Thurs 9am-3pm
Friday 9 am - noon
Worship Sundays at 9 am
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