The “BHAG”: So That Every Boy and Girl Knows About Jesus!
At a recent meeting of Reach Out leadership in Kenya, this statement was made:
“We seek to glorify God as we ensure every boy and girl in our country knows about Jesus.”

What a focus! What a big goal! It might even qualify as a BHAG or “Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal,” a term Jim Collins coined in his book Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. A BHAG is a challenge so big that you feel as if it almost seems impossible, except for the fact that it IS tied to your organization's mission and vision.
Reach Out’s vision is: To influence as many teenagers as possible to follow Jesus.


In Africa, we see results attributed to that vision every day.
In Kenya last month, we held an implementation workshop in Kisumu where leaders from Siaya and Kisumu counties were in attendance. Before the workshop began, our team was able to celebrate with the host church as Pastor Asedi baptized youth who had recently made professions of faith in their community! Mark Juma asks that we pray for Kenya, as there are “many who are coming to the Lord and are being discipled.” That BHAG is being accomplished…one life at a time!
To help in the accomplishing of that goal, we have officially opened the African Reach Out office! Over the years, due to poor internet and intermittent electricity, Charles Juma (our African continental leader) has been hampered in his communication with our leadership in the fifteen countries where we actively train there. God provided this space at just the right time (and the right price!) so that we are now able to have safe and consistent communication via Zoom meetings, phone calls, and email exchange. Charles also has room to host meetings with local, regional, and country leaders. *While we have secured the initial funding for this new space, we are praying that current donors and friends of Reach Out will provide the additional $4,000 a year needed to rent this space and pay for its utilities and internet. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us in this way? Click the link HERE to partner with us in this endeavor.

Click the pictures below to see the full video from Charles.
For many years, ensuring every boy and girl knows about Jesus has also been the aim of our team in Cuba. In 2013, my first trip to Cuba, I remember hearing them passionately cry out their motto for the first time, “Cuba for Christ!” I could tell it was more than words back then, and it IS more than just words in 2022! Thousands of young people have discovered Jesus in Cuba over the last decade, but the last two years have proven incredibly challenging for our leadership there. Economic collapse, covid lockdowns, and a current exodus of Cubans to the US through South and Central America have proven devastating for Cuba. But, our leaders press on! 

Last month they gathered for a national summit for the first time in two years! During their meeting they were trained on Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Online! They also used their time together to minister to one another, refocus around Reach out’s mission, vision, and strategy; and chart a path forward that includes detailed action plans designed to continue introducing, implementing, and multiplying Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry across Cuba in 2022 and beyond! So that every boy and girl in Cuba knows about Jesus!
I love the last section of 3 John 1:8, which says “so that we may work together for the truth.” A simple phrase, yet it speaks to the value of teamwork, of the body of Christ coming together to accomplish the BHAG that is before them! In these pictures you see just that! Whether on Zoom or in person, these meetings last month were used by God to take steps toward accomplishing the goal of making sure every boy and girl knows about Jesus!

Christina (Ukraine), Pasha (Russia), and Randy

Kevin Miles working with our team at our Flower Mound office

Cuban Regional Leaders on Zoom with Randy

Benny and Phil (from First Priority) stopping by to collaborate

Randy at the GYC retreat (working to join forces even more effectively around the world!)
These are exciting days for Reach Out! We are regularly hearing and reading reports of students saved, adults trained, and even churches planted as a result of how God is using Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry around the world! The BHAG those Kenyan leaders discussed is becoming realized…and why? Because “we seek to glorify God.” 
Thank you for being on this journey with us through your prayerful and financial commitments.
Jesus is Lord,
Randy Riggins, President
Reach Out Youth Solutions