
Attending an SAR Congress is about meeting face-to-face with Compatriots attending from across the United States and Internationally. Congress provides the perfect opportunity to recognize the work of Compatriots, Chapters, and Societies and to celebrate our collective efforts toward achieving our mission. Congress is also about conducting the business of the Society, including the election of officers.

The work of the SAR is performed everyday of the year by officers, committee members, and volunteers throughout the nation. Congress is where we come together to say "Thank you" to everyone who participated in carrying out the mission of the SAR and helped us achieve our goals. It is also where we thank the outgoing team of national officers, including President General Pickett, and welcome the newly elected officers, including the inauguration of our new President General John L. Dodd.

Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, Florida

July 13-20, 2023

Day 1. Saturday, July 15

Attendees at Congress can opt in for a Saturday tour to a local attraction. Being in Orlando meant the tour would be to Kennedy Space Center, on Merritt Island.

Saturday evening: Florida Society Welcome Reception.

And then off to Jack's Place for dinner.

Day 2: Sunday, July 16

Color Guard Breakfast

Sunday starts with the Color Guard Breakfast. An opportunity to recognize those members who participate in national Color Guard events around the nation.

President General Bruce Pickett Review of the Color Guard

Memorial Service

St. Luke's United Methodist Church

Sunday Evening Dinner

Taverna Opa Orlando at Pointe Orlando

Joseph S. Rumbaugh Orations Contest Finals

The Contestants

Day 3: Monday, July 17

Opening Session of Congress

CASSAR President and National Trustee’s Report

Jim Klingler

Part 1 of 3

Thank you for electing me your CASSAR National Trustee at our 148th Annual Meeting in April, 2023. One of my duties as Trustee is to report the actions taken at national SAR meetings, including the Congress and Leadership Meetings.


As noted in the July Compatriot, the 133rd Annual SAR Congress was held at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando, Florida on July 13-20. There were 28 CASSAR members and guests who traveled to Orlando to participate in the SAR Congress and Trustees meeting. 

One of the major events of the annual SAR Congress is to elect the officers for the next year, and this year our former CASSAR State President and Western District VPG, John Dodd, was elected and sworn in as National Society SAR President General. The other national officers elected were: Secretary General, Darryl Addington (TN), Treasurer General, Michael Elston (VA), Chancellor General, Edmon McKinley (AL), Genealogist General, Gary Green (NC), Registrar General, W. Allen Greenly (GA), Historian General, T. Brooks Lyles, Jr. (NC), Librarian General, J. Fred Olive III (AL), Surgeon General, David Chaffin, MD (TN), and Chaplain General, Rev. Dwight Elam (FL). In addition, Rob Moore of the Hawaii SAR Society was elected Vice President General of the Western District. Also, many other CASSAR members were elected and appointed to serve on SAR boards and committees. [end Part 1 of 3]

Public Service Awards

(Left) Bay County Sheriff Thomas Ford awarded the SAR Law Enforcement Medal.

(Right) Deputies awarded the SAR Life Saving Medal

Youth Awards Luncheon

Youth Contest Winners

(Pictured (L-R) in bottom right photo above to the left of President General Pickett)

  • Orations Contest: Madeline Lauren Phong, Indiana Society
  • JROTC Scholarship Contest: Cadet Trisha Sakamuri, Florida Society
  • Eagle Scout Contest: Matthew S. Westfall, Texas Society
  • Knight Essay Contest: Lillian Yang, Alaska Society

Not present:

  • Americanism Poster Contest: Kentucky Society
  • Brochure Contest: Rebecca Platt, Mother Lode Chapter, California Society

CASSAR Contestants at National

This year, our CASSAR Brochure Contest winner, Rebecca Platt, won first place in the national competition, and our CASSAR Eagle Scout contest winner, Robert McPhie, won third place in the national competition. Congratulations to these outstanding youth.

Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon

SAR Minuteman Award

The SAR Minuteman Award is the highest award presented to a member by the SAR. It is presented for distinguished service rendered to the SAR on the national level. SAR members are selected by the Minuteman Award Committee from submitted applications. The committee is appointed by the President General from previous recipients of the award. It is presented during the annual SAR Congress to no more than six recipients per year.


Class of 2023

Honorees standing (L-R): Robert B. Fish, Jr., Kenneth L Goodson, Jr., W. Allen Greenly, David G. Jessel, W. Lee Popham, C. Louis Raborg, Jr.

Escorts seated(L-R): Larry T Guzy, Paul R. Callanan, J. Michael Tomme, Sr., David J Perkins, C. Bruce Pickett (hidden), Warren M. Alter

Minutemen Attending the 133rd Congress

Recognition Night

The California Society was recognized with eleven awards.

CASSAR President Jim Klinger accepted Participation Streamers presented by President General Pickett for the Poster, Oration, and JROTC/ROTC contests. Our Eagle Scout contestant, Robert McPhie placed 3rd, Eleanor Smallwood Nieball Award for the best State CAR Society and local CAR Chapter newsletter (1st Place), Most Supplementals (2nd Place).

Grahame T. Smallwood, Jr. Award

Honorable Mention

President General Pickett presents Don Littlefield, Editor, with Honorable Mention certificate for the November 2022 Edition of the California Compatriot. The Grahame T. Smallwood, Jr. Award given to the state society of 500 or more members with the best news publication having greater than 10 pages.

Richard H Thompson, Jr. Award

President General Pickett presents the Richard H Thompson, Jr. Award to Stephen Renouf, Registrar, Spain Society, for the Society having the fewest number of drops for nonpayment of dues.

Day 4: Tuesday, July 19

Second Session of Congress

CASSAR President and National Trustee’s Report

Jim Klingler

Part 2 of 3

The Congress delegates voted to approve an annual dues increase. The annual dues for regular members, CAR transfer members and reinstatements each will be increased from $35 to $50 per year, effective September 1, 2023. The other dues categories remain the same. The national life member dues amounts will increase correspondingly, effective August 1, 2023. 

The Dues Task Force presented the justification for the dues increase to the Delegates. The last dues increase was in 2014, 10 years ago, and since that time the Consumer Price Index has risen about 24%. In addition, our membership growth has been flat for the last 5 years. Our total membership at the end of 2022 was only 558 members, or 1.7%, higher than at the end of 2018. The increase in costs and the lack of growth in membership generated an operating loss in 2022 of $292,000, and continued deficits are forecast in the future years without a dues increase.

In addition, funds are needed in the future for implementing the projects in the 5-year Operational Plan. However, without a dues increase, these projects will not be continued, including the digitization of membership records, automation of the application process and other IT-related projects, as well as public relations and marketing efforts related to America 250 events.

The delegates also approved funding of $390,000 for the NSSAR HQ office redesign from the Building and Outreach Fund. The redesign will create a more efficient office space using modular furniture and includes capacity for growth. The Finance Committee recommended using the funds in the Building and Outreach Fund for this project, because it was less expensive than borrowing from the NSSSAR credit line.

[end Part 2 of 3]

President General's Banquet

President General C. Bruce Pickett

Derek Brown holding his SAR Gold Meritorious Service certificate and medal.

Kent Gregory congratulated by President General Pickett after being awarded the

SAR Gold Meritorious Service certificate and medal.

Jim Klingler received the SAR Gold Meritorious Service certificate and medal.

John Dodd holds his SAR Gold Meritorious Service certificate and medal. Michael Elston at his side.

Day 5: Wednesday, July 20

Donor Recognition Breakfast

Friends of the Library

Dan McKelvie, Orange County Chapter and Derek Brown, Thomas Jefferson Chapter receive Life Member medals and certificates from Librarian General J. Fred Olive III.

Liberty Tree Campaign

Dan McKelvie receives the SAR Liberty Tree Campaign certificate and Gold Liberty Tree lapel pin from former President General Joe Dooley for his very generous contributions to the SAR Liberty Tree Campaign.

Final Session of Congress

CASSAR President and National Trustee’s Report

Jim Klingler

Part 3 of 3

The delegates also heard from the youth program winners during the Youth Awards luncheon and the Historical Oration finals. This year, our CASSAR Brochure Contest winner, Rebecca Platt, won first place in the national competition, and our CASSAR Eagle Scout contest winner, Robert McPhie, won third place in the national competition. Congratulations to these outstanding youth.

We also enjoyed the fellowship of other Compatriots during the tours to the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral and to the memorial site of the last naval battle of the American Revolution, as well as during our CASSAR dinner at the Opa Taverna.

The 133rd Annual Congress was successful and enjoyable, and we look forward to next year's 134th Annual Congress in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I hope to see you there.

Thank you for your service to SAR,

Jim Klingler, President and National Trustee

[end Part 3 of 3]

Tour: Last Naval Battle of the American Revolution

250th Commemoration Event

The Installation Banquet

President General C. Bruce Pickett (2022-2023) and First Lady Rita Pickett.

President General (elect) John L. Dodd and Karen Dodd

Former President General Davis Wright presents outgoing President General Bruce Pickett with a commemorative plaque.

John L. Dodd, takes the oath of office as President General (2023-2024)

The Ring Ceremony

The George Washington seal ring and broach arrive on an elaborate brocade pillow.

Former President General Pickett holding the George Washington seal ring.

President General Dodd wearing the George Washington seal ring.

Former First Lady Rita Pickett places the cameo brooch on First Lady Karen Dodd.

President General Pickett presents the NSSAR Gavel to President General Dodd.

President General John Dodd presents outgoing President General Bruce Pickett

with the SAR Gold Good Citizenship Certificate and Medal.

First Lady Karen Dodd and President General John L. Dodd.