B’dikat Chametz
Tuesday April 4
7:10PM Mincha/Maariv/Search for Chametz @CBS (Volunteers are welcome)
7:52PM Time of Search for Chametz at home
Ta’anit Bechorot
Wednesday April 5
7:00AM Shaharit
7:30AM Siyum Massechet Megila.
7:45AM- 8:30AM Burning of the Chametz at the CBS
11:53AM Latest time to burn the Chametz
The 1st Day of Pessach
Wednesday April 5
6:30PM Pre-Seder Cocktail Party
7:06PM Candles
7:10PM Mincha/Maariv
7:30PM The 1st Public Passover Seder RSVP only
Thursday April 6
9:00AM Shaharit
10:00AM Torah reading
10:45AM Prayer for the sick
11:00AM Rabbi's speech
11:20AM T’filat HaTal / Priestly Blessing
11:45AM Kidush
7:10PM Mincha
The 2nd Day of Pessach
Thursday April 6
8:00PM Ma’ariv - Begin Sefirat HaOmer
8:07PM Candles (Not earlier. From the existing fire)
Friday April 7
9:00AM Shaharit
10:00AM Torah reading
10:45AM Prayer for the sick
11:00AM Rabbi's speech
11:20AM Priestly Blessing
11:45AM Kidush
Shabbat - Chol HaMoed
Friday April 7
7:09PM Candles (From the existing fire)
7:10PM Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday April 8
9:00AM Shaharit
10:00AM Torah reading
10:45AM Prayer for the sick
11:30AM Rabbi's speech
12:00PM Kidush
7:10PM Mincha/Seudah Shlishit
8:09PM Ma’ariv/Sefirat HaOmer/Havdalah