Recently, we helped a survivor, S.J.,* who was in recovery. She had thought of relapsing and going back to her abuser because she was so scared and alone and struggling. We reminded S.J. of all the reasons why she left, why she got sober, and the promises she made to her kids and to herself.
Later S.J. texted me, ‘Thank you so much Ashley for believing in me! I’m sober today and have altered the trajectory of my family all because of your support.’
At Raphael House, we’re here when survivors first take steps to leave their abuser, and we stay alongside them with ongoing help, so they can have some structure when everything else is changing – especially when things feel impossible to do alone.
I’m right where I need to be – at this intersection between domestic violence and addiction. Getting to do this every day is my favorite thing in the world.”
Ashley Ann Cook, CRM/PSS
Domestic Violence Recovery Mentor
*We've changed key details to protect S.J.'s confidentiality.