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Free edWebinar & CE Certificate

The 3 Building Blocks to Kindergarten Readiness

Tuesday, Jan. 23 @ 4 pm ET


edWebinar Presenters

Presented by Aruna Gilbert, Chief Program and Policy Officer, Early Learning Coalition of Palm Beach County; and Rebecca Palacios, Ph.D., NBCT, Senior Curriculum Advisor, Age of Learning

Kindergarten readiness is a critical factor in ensuring that children have a strong foundation for future academic success and is essential in setting them on the right path toward meeting their full potential. During this edWebinar, you will learn about three building blocks to kindergarten readiness.

Attendees will leave the session with practical tools and resources to support young children’s learning and development, as well as strategies for building strong partnerships in a student’s learning community to promote school readiness.

This edWebinar will be of interest to PreK and kindergarten teachers, school and district leaders, and education technology leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation. Learn more

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