Greetings friends of Eblen!
Thanks for taking a look at our Kindness In Action Newsletter!

We thank you so much for the wonderful feedback on our Newsletter reboot!
If you are a new subscriber you can catch up on previous editions at the links provided: 1st edition - 2nd edition

As always, please feel free to forward us to your family and friends or provide us with any feedback as we'd love to hear your thoughts.
And thank you for all that you do with Eblen Charities! 
This Week at Eblen
Celebrating 20 Years of Smiles!

The Eblen Charities Sealants Program.

They're actually our faces of Eblen this
week but there are so many good pictures
we just had to put one here too :)
Read more Below..
Wicked Weed Brewing /
Brad Johnson
Celebrity Golf Classic

Thanks to all who took part in the 30th Annual Brad Johnson Celebrity Golf Classic presented by Wicked Weed Brewing &
Hosted by The Cliffs At Walnut Cove!
Visit the link for photos - featuring all the moments, sponsors and teams!
Read more Below..
Eblen Cooling Project

Eblen Charities will be providing fans for individuals/families in need of cooling this summer. Donation of $15 will provide a fan to someone in need.
Read more Below..
20 Years of
The Eblen Charities
Sealants Program
20 Years - 11,314 children later.. and counting
The twentieth year for the Eblen Charities dental sealant clinic wrapped on May 17 th  with great success! This year we saw 749 second graders and placed, with the help of many volunteer dental professionals, 1,604 sealants. “While it is easy to measure the savings for the families that have children participate in the clinic since the average cost of a sealant at the dentist is $75.00, it is even more valuable to keep the children out of pain from cavities and for them not to miss school time due to dental issues. "We try for the clinic to be a positive dental experience for children and to help them realize going to the dentist is not always a bad thing” says public heath dental hygienist and clinic co-coordinator Deborah Plemmons.
Special thanks to Buncombe County Health and Human Services, MAHEC School Nurses, Asheville City and Buncombe County Schools and AB Tech for hosting us and allowing the clinic to be held in their facility. Through these great partnerships the clinic is available at no cost to the families that participate.
During the 2017 clinic we hit the 10,000th child and 30,000 th  sealant milestone. Thousands more have received dental education and evaluations during the program that began after the “Seal the State in ‘98” initiative.

Upcoming Events

Christmas in July - Saturday July 20th
Annual ride takes place in conjunction with The Smoky Mountain Toy Run
to benefit the Eblen Charities St Nicholas Project

Ingles Tools for Schools Supply Drive: Wednesday, August 7th
In partnership with Eblen Charities - Mark Your Calendars!
If your office or group is interested in sponsoring and/or collecting school supplies
please contact Amanda Putnam at

Featured: This Week at Eblen
Eblen Cooling

It's Hot! Really Hot!
Something as simple as
a box fan can save a life!
WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are going to be giving away fans to those who are in need very soon, each fan is purchased at a cost of around $15. If you would like to help keep someone cool this summer, please donate $15 or more at the link below or mail a donation to Eblen Charities, 50 Westgate Parkway, Asheville NC 28806
Wicked Weed Brewing /
Brad Johnson
Celebrity Golf Classic
Hosted by:
The Cliffs At Walnut Cove

We would like to thank Brad Johnson, Wicked Weed, The Cliffs at Walnut Cove, as well as, the teams, sponsors, volunteers and committee for all the help in making the Wicked Weed/Brad Johnson Celebrity Golf Classic a huge success!
This year two full flights of teams come out to play and help raise money for the Eblen Charities, which help families in our community who are in need of emergency assistance. Golfers were treated to tastings provided by Wicked Weed as well a variety of other beverages, food and give-a-ways in the Ingles Corporate Village.

If you would like information on our Fall Golf Invitational held at the Cliffs at Walnut Cove, Tuesday, October 1st, please contact Amanda Putnam at as we will have limited availability. Thank you for your continued support of the work of Eblen Charities.

Contact Us
Mary Ann McMinn to volunteer.