The 40 Days of Lent

As we prepare for Easter with the whole church, we enter the time of remembering Jesus' passover from death to life, and our life in Christ is renewed.

You are welcome at Hutto Lutheran Church

regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation ethnicity, belief, income level or education. We invite you to be a part of this faith community.

Our Mission

We are one body in Christ, sent in Faith to share God's Love, through Worship, Srvice, Fellowship and Witness.

March 1

Light evening lunch at 6 PM.

Wednesday mid-week service 7 PM

Church Calendar can be viewed by clicking here.

Worship Link to live streaming

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 7 PM

Wednesday Mid-week service

Sunday, March 5, 2023 - 10:30 AM

Second Sunday in Lent

Paraments color: Purple

Scripture Readings for Sunday

During Lent we journey with all those around the world who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil. In today’s gospel Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born of water and Spirit. At the font we are a given a new birth as children of God. As God made a covenant with Abraham, in baptism God promises to raise us up with Christ to new life. From worship we are sent forth to proclaim God’s love for all the world.

Genesis 12:1-4a; Psalm 121; Romans 4:1-5, 13-17; John 3:1-17

* “Lent Lillies” painting by Beatrice Bailey. Daffodils are also known as Lent Lillies and represent rebirth, inspiration, creativity and forgiveness. 

From the Pastor's Desk

Grace and peace to you!

What a blessing it was to worship with you this past Sunday. Many thanks to the new members for the joy and hope and gifts you bring to Hutto Lutheran Church!!

For those of you who worshipped this past Sunday, what did you think of the new member liturgy? Did it sound familiar? The new member service is an Affirmation of Baptism service. Can you think of another name for Affirmation of Baptism?

Confirmation is another name for Affirmation of Baptism. In the Lutheran tradition baptism does not need to take place multiple times – God is the one doing work in baptism and we trust that whenever that baptism took place – in whatever tradition and location – that God showed up.

At the same time we can affirm that baptism and remember that baptism as often as we would like. When we affirm our baptism we remember God’s “yes” to us, and we have an opportunity to say “yes” to God.

In the early church lent was often a time when people would learn and study about God leading up to their baptism into the body of Christ on Easter Sunday. Lent is a great time for each of us to remember our baptisms, to remember anew God’s “yes” to us, and to say “yes” to being disciples.

Have you been baptized? Do you remember your baptism? The same words that were spoken this past Sunday are in our baptismal liturgy for baptism. We were and are invited to continue in the covenant that God made with us in holy baptism:

1)   to live among God's faithful people,

2)   to hear the word of God and share in the Lord's supper,

3)   to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed,

4)   to serve all people, following the example of Jesus,

5)   and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth

Have you ever thought about these promises in day to day life? I know they are not something that I think about on a day to day basis.

           Have you ever had seasons in your faith that have felt stagnant? When you have felt distant from God? I know I have. I remember in high school when people began asking me questions about my faith – why was I Lutheran? Is that even Christian? Why do you believe in God? If your God is so good, why is there evil and suffering in the world?

           At first I felt shame and guilt. I had just finished 3 years leading up to my confirmation, my Affirmation of Baptism. I should know these answers!!!

           But one day I had the courage to admit my questions and my wonderings to those close to me. I was surprised to find that they too had questions. That doubts and questioning was not a mark of failure or separation from God, but instead the birthplace of connection and growth.

           Again I find myself in a new chapter of my faith. On the other side of child bearing and after two years on leave from call. With new questions and new opportunities to grow in my own faith.

            How about you? How is it with your soul? With your faith? This lent an opportunity stands before us – an opportunity to connect with God in yet a new chapter, in new ways. What might we discover about ourselves in this new chapter of our lives? What might we discover about God?

In a previous congregation a young man came to me. He had been through all kinds of struggles in his life – as a veteran he struggled with PTSD and he struggled with addition to alcohol.

           But the holy spirit had moved in his heart and he was ready to start a new chapter. He came to me and asked if he could be baptized again, and recommit his life to God.

What if Affirmation of Baptism was an opportunity for each of us to do just that in each new chapter of our lives? We can imagine that we are those early Christians, discovering God anew on our journey towards Easter. Would you like to explore these gifts of discipleship from our baptismal liturgy with me this lent? At the end would you like to have the water poured over you once more as we affirm God’s “yes” to us in baptism and our “yes” to God?

Join in person and online this Wednesday at 7pm for worship as we explore the first gift of discipleship spoken at baptism, our promise “to live among God’s faithful people.”

God’s peace to you on this journey of lent and your journey of faith! And thank you for the chance to grow alongside you.

Pastor Amanda

The Faith Formation inventory that we will explore on Wednesdays is a tool from the transition process that invites us to look inward at our own growth on our journey of faith.

Midweek Discipleship Lenten Worship Series

beginning April 1

Join us for a 6:00 PM midweek meal and 7:00 PM worship.

In baptism God said "yes" to us. This Lent we were invited to say "yes" to God.

Join us this Lenten season each week as we explore a different "yes" to God from the baptismal liturgy - a different gift of discipleship. This week we will look at "living among God's faithful people."

*Sign up in Narthex to help with a meal

Children, Youth and Adult Worship Sign up We are the body of Christ, and everyone's gifts are important! We need your help. Sign up to lead at the Hutto Lutheran Church Sign up Genius. If you want direction on leading let Pastor Amanda know and she can train you. You can sign up yourself by clicking here.

Friday Fellowship

March 3, 10 AM at Rio Grande

Feeding the 5,000

Saturday March 4, beginning at 9 AM. Biscuits & gravy.

Knott Perfect Quilters

Sunday March 5 1 PM in the 502.

Transition process update

Thank you to those who have agreed to serve on the Hutto Lutheran Church Transition Team! Please feel free to contact them with questions about the process.

Jane Bolgen, 512-413-7242, [email protected]

Joe Cook, 612-702-5466, [email protected]

Randall Craig, 512-508-0847, [email protected]

Brenda Graham 512-759-1314, [email protected]

Tami Johnson, 512-423-3798, [email protected]

Jeff Svoboda, [email protected]

Becky Zimmermann, 512-630-4294, [email protected]

The transition team will meet again Sunday, March 12th after worship at 11:30.


Upcoming congregational listening and sharing opportunities:


Faith Formation Inventory

See notes about Midweek Lenten services above.


Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Consultation

One of the instruments of the transition process is a consultation with Pastor Katy Miles Wallace from the Southwestern Texas Synod to look at Hutto Lutheran Church and inclusion, diversity and equity. Pastor Katy will join the congregation for worship on March 12th and join the transition team for their March meeting after worship.

Please hold the team in prayer as they begin the journey of listening to the congregation, to the community and to the Holy Spirit in preparation for the next chapter at Hutto Lutheran Church. If you would like to send an email to the Transition Team you can send it to [email protected].

March 12th Worship Guests Arc of the Capitol Area and United Partners We have been blessed to partner with Arc of the Capitol Area since August of 2022. They use the 502 to provide education and opportunities for adults with disabilities and offer a monthly donation to Hutto Lutheran. We are looking forward to having Tricia Wieser, site director, share about their mission during announcements before worship. Debbie Wiederhold will also be sharing about United Partners in Pflugerville, a God centered organization that seeks to empower the abilities and build community.

We will hear from both organizations opportunities to volunteer/partner, but in the meantime, if you would like to make a donation to the Arc of the Capital, click on the image below TODAY or TOMORROW for a link that explains how to make a donation that will be matched by Amplify Austin giving day.

Coming Events

April 14-16, 2023 Spring Congregational retreat at Camp Chrysalis


Recurring meetings and events

Click on the heading above to open a window of the current month's events. Or click on the 'Church Calendar' link at the top of this eLink

Cemetery Corner

For Cemetery Clean Up Day on Saturday, April 1st, there are 10 Lots that need adopting for cleanup. They are all in Section I, which is the section on the left side of the main entrance to the cemetery. If you are interested in adopting a lot that needs special attention for one day, please text Donna Fowler @ 512 736-2001 with your choice of: Lot #16 Forsberg, Lot#23 Carl Peterson, Lot #25 Hyltin, Lot #26 J.A.Johnson, Lot #34 J.E.Johnson, Lot #35 Orlean Peterson,

Lot#36 Carlson, Lot#40 Anderson, Lot #41 Larson, Lot #42 Swenson. There is plenty of general clean-up to do without adopting a lot as well, so if you are able, please join us with your rakes, hoes, gloves, and a bucket if you have it. Hope to see you there!

OWL's Schedule

The HLC OWL's meeting for March will be Wednesday the 22nd. We will be welcoming Mayors Mike Snyder of Hutto and Brandt Rydell of Taylor. They will be talking to us about the changes coming to our communities.

Our April meeting will be on the 26th with a visit to the Wendish Heritage Museum in Giddings. We will meet at HLC to carpool. Our time there will include a meal and guided tour of the facility. The meal includes Sausage, Sauerkraut, their famous homemade Wendish Noodles, Pickled Beets, Green Beans, Dill Pickles, Homemade bread & butter, Tea & Coffee and a homemade dessert.

They request reservations for the meal and that a single check be made out to them. The Cost will be $20 a person. To reserve your spot, please make contribution to HLC and indicate OWL's for the purpose.

A link to their website is below.

Wendish page

Stringed Instruments:

If you are a stringed instrument player (any level from beginner to pro), we are forming an ensemble to add to the worship experience at Hutto Lutheran Church. We will be meeting for short rehearsal sessions directly after worship on the second Sundays of the month. We will focus on familiar songs with just a few chords and easy strum patterns as we start the group, and you don’t need to be able to read music. We are looking for fellowship with others interested in making a joyful noise unto the Lord! (We have a few ukuleles to loan out if anyone wants to give it a try.)


For more info call Trudy Simon at (512) 554-5417 or email her here

Financial Status

The Financial Status of HLC thru the end of January 2023 follows:

Total budget $19,039

Total expenditures $17,590

Total income $16,463 for a

Income under expenses by $1,127

Income under budget by $2,576

Adult Education

We will be studying the book 'Making Sense of the Cross' for our Lent Adult Sunday School series. The books are here and can be picked up by contacting Meg Jameson. The class times will be in the Fellowship Hall at 9 AM the Sundays before Palm Sunday.

Prayer List

Have a prayer request for February? Email the Office with a prayer request for you or someone you love. Requests will be left on the list for the month of February. Feel free to submit request again for continued prayers in March.


Judy Prater; Cory Morrison, son of Jill Johnson, Nolan Davis Sturm, great grandson of Iola Sturm, Nathan Pompa, grandson of Dennis & Christina Pompa; Helmer Dahl, David Dahl; Barb Kinnaman; Debbie Cummins, Barbie Johnson, the family of Mary Carlin family of Robin Valera, Sean Quinlan son of Claudia Cook's coworker,


Seeking personal prayer?

If your need is private, and you don't want your name publicly posted in this eLink email the Office directly.

Your request can get passed along to HLC's small confidential prayer team. In life's difficult times (we all have them), know that HLC is ready to lift you up in prayer.


Know someone who could use a prayer blanket?

Many thanks to our prayer shawl ministry team for blankets made for HLC congregation. Supplies for fleece tie prayer blankets available to make a blanket for anyone in the community in need of prayer. Email Pastor Amanda [email protected] to find out more. 

Worship Participants


Council Rep

Kirtus Kolar



Becky Zimmerman


Altar Guild

Rodney Westphal



Rey Segura



Connie Schmeisser


Assisting Minister

Randall Craig


Communion Assistant


Children's Message

Sunday School

Altar Flowers



Thanksgiving Moment


Worship Volunteers

sign up to volunteer in worship

or email the office if you wish to put your name on the sign-up.

Munch 'n Mingle - provide snacks for before and after worship in the Narthex (will resume after Narthex is repaired)

Greeter - Welcome members and guests

Lector - Read the lessons for the day in worship.

Assisting Minister - One or two people to offer the prayers of intercession.

Communion Assistant - Assist with serving communion.

Altar Guild - Set up for and take down after communion.

Thanksgiving moment - One person to share briefly (two or three minutes) something they are grateful for.

Altar Flowers provide flowers for both sides of the altar.

Celebrations for March


02 Kate Radzyminski

03 Barbie Johnson

08 Mark Reswik

08 Karin Stern

08 Gulf Walters

11 Joe Cook

11 Rob David, Jr

14 Matrthew Cook

14 William Stern

15 Paula Martin

16 Matilda Rydell

20 Coleen Klatt

22 Clare Murray

22 Harlan Svoboda

22 Kathy Svoboda

23 Lois Haag


10 Dabuek & Leslie Doty

19 Mark & Nancy Lidell

31 Bobby & Karin Stern

Hutto Lutheran Church Council

Name & Ministry Team

You may send a person an email by clicking on the bold ministry team position


Executive Committee

Cathy Bryant - Council President

John Campbell - Vice-President

Jane Bolgen - Secretary

Rodney Westphal - Treasurer

Council Members

Meg Jameson - Education

Cathy Bryant - Stewardship & Finance; Outreach & Fellowship

Jane Bolgen - Outreach & Fellowship

Irene Hackbarth - Financial Secretary; Outreach ;Fellowship

Frank Simon - Stewardship & Finance, Worship & Music

John Campbell - Worship & Music, Stewardship & Finance

Keith Hunter - Property

Sara Santoliquido - Property

Emily Page - Property, Worship & Music

Office Info

Pastor Amanda plans to be in Hutto Mondays through Thursdays from 8:30 AM until 3:30 PM either at the church or out making visits. If you would like to visit with her and want to confirm she will be in the office or want to meet outside of those times, you can reach her by phone 512-636-9784 or by email [email protected]


Office Hours

Office hours are Tuesday to Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM or by appointment.

Contact info

Reach the office by leaving a message on the Church phone (512) 759-2064 or email the church office at [email protected] 


Ash Wednesday, February 22

Worship Service, February 26

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