Hello friends of Eblen!
We wish you all a Safe and Happy 4th of July holiday weekend!

Please feel free to forward us to your family and friends,
and we thank you for all that you do with Eblen Charities! 
This Week at Eblen
Great Beginnings
Great Smiles
Tools for Schools
Night for Eblen
Special Guest Hosts:
Batman & Belle & the Cow..
Oh my!

2 Oppurtunities! 2 Locations!
July 11th 5-8 pm at
N. Asheville Chick-fil-a Merrimon Ave

July 16th 5-8 pm at
S. Asheville Chick-fil-a Hendersonville Rd
Read more Below..
Get your Ingles/Eblen Tools for Schools Collection Boxes

If your office, club or neighborhood organization would like to collect school supplies please contact Amanda Putnam at aputnam@eblencharities.org and we will be happy to provide you with a collection box!
Eblen Cooling Project

Eblen Charities is providing fans for individuals/families in need of cooling this summer. Donation of $15 will provide a fan to someone in need.
Read more Below..
Mary Ann McMinn!
Our Volunteer
Mary Ann McMinn calls them "Eblen Miracles" - the strange yet delightful way the charities needs are almost always met.

Mary Ann McMinn first came to Eblen Charities in order to do some good in retirement in the fall of 2009. At the time there was only one other volunteer!
Today there are months that Eblen relies on more than 300 volunteers and she orchestrates them all: Volunteers for events, fundraisers, sorting, collecting, give-a-ways, and the reception desk.
“The growth has been phenomenal…more hands and feet to do a massive job” she says. As Eblen Charities has expanded so has and does the need for volunteers. Each week during the winter 40 volunteers help in the office. “Much of the outreach and many of the programs Eblen provides simply could not happen if it were not for our volunteers”, says Susan Riddle of Eblen Charities. The help they provide is priceless but if you had to put a value on it would be around 200 THOUSAND dollars! Last year volunteers worked 7804 hours with a standard value of $24.19.
“We are all working toward the goal of helping people who are struggling-hard, working people who for the most part just can’t make their dollars stretch or are experiencing a crisis or catastrophe.”
As a retired teacher, a mother of 2 and grandmother of 4, MaryAnn, along with her husband Ray have impacted countless lives in the Asheville area through their years of work and volunteering. “There is a place for everyone and every background - if you like administrative work…we have that. If you prefer to help at an event…we have that. If you can only help from home…we can do that too!”
If you would like to know more about the volunteer opportunities at Eblen please email Mary Ann at mcminn120@gmail.com

Upcoming Events

Christmas in July - Saturday July 20th
Annual ride takes place in conjunction with The Smoky Mountain Toy Run
to benefit the Eblen Charities St Nicholas Project

Great Beginnings Great Smiles Night for Eblen
North Asheville Chick-fil-a Merrimon Ave : July 11th
South Asheville Chick-fil-a Hendersonville Rd. : July 16th

Ingles Tools for Schools Supply Drive: Wednesday, August 7th
In partnership with Eblen Charities - Mark Your Calendars!
If your office or group is interested in sponsoring and/or collecting school supplies
please contact Amanda Putnam at aputnam@eblencharities.org

Featured: This Week at Eblen
Eblen Cooling

Many of us may complain about the heat..
Others will struggle to survive it.
Something as simple as
a box fan can save a life!
WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are giving away fans to those who are in need this summer.
Each fan is purchased at a cost of around $15. If you would like to help keep someone cool this summer, please donate $15 or more at the link below or mail a donation to:
Eblen Charities, 50 Westgate Parkway, Asheville NC 28806
Contact Us
Mary Ann McMinn
mcminn120@gmail.com to volunteer.
We thank you so much for the wonderful feedback on our Newsletter reboot and please, don't hesitate to contact us as we'd love to hear your thoughts or suggestions.

If you are a new subscriber you can catch up on previous editions at the links provided here: 1st edition - 2nd edition - 3rd edition - 4th edition