Dedicated sharing of Practice Growth Insights motivates productive progress, from co-creating strategic plans and educational content, to developing best practices which empower, in the inspiring words of Seth Godin, “people like us to do things like this.”
While consistently sharing new Insights, with many new readers and in the spirit of not reinventing the wheel, occasionally it makes sense (and is fun) to rediscover prior issues which speak directly to our current strategic narrative.
Since initially published a year ago and in numerous brainstorming sessions about medical referrals, our ABCs issue has been a high-impact catalyst. For those seeing it previously, with all that has occurred since then, we encourage a healthy refresher. For new viewers, we are confident your careful review will be time well-invested.
Like all well-planned initiatives, nurturing Physician Referrals needs a sensible starting point and logical flow. Please explore our June 3, 2020 issue and in particular, revealing links to:
- ABC’s Prioritization Construct
- Physician Visits, Say Thanks with Fun and Flair