In This Issue
Training and Development Update
Introduction to Positive Behaviour Support (Virtual) Training 
Introduction to Positive Behaviour Supports virtual training will be hosted through Zoom on Wednesday, September 9, to Friday September 11 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM each day. Registrants will receive an invitation with a link to the virtual classroom and learner materials following the confirmation of registration through this form.
The cost of this training is $90 + GST per learner for ACDS members and $129 + GST per learner from non-member organizations. Subsidy support from the Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program has been applied to these rates. This training session has a capacity of 20 learners. 

Contact [email protected] with any questions regarding this training session. 
Fall Webinar Series
In response to the continued and important need for strong professional development opportunities in the Community Disability Services (CDS) sector, ACDS will be hosting a 5-session webinar series from October 19 to October 23, 2020. Each day will have one 90-minute webinar followed by a 30-minute question and answer period. 
This series will cover topics such as: 
  1. Dementia Capable Care of Persons with Developmental Disabilities 
  2. Sexuality and People with Developmental Disabilities 
  3. Diversity Training: Culturally Sensitive Care 
  4. Mental Health & Trauma: Coping & Recovery for the Caregiver 
  5. COVID-19: Reflections for Learning 

Registration will open in September, and pricing for this webinar series will be: 
  • $50 for one webinar 
  • $135 for three webinars 
  • $225 for all five webinars, and includes follow-up access to the series for 14 days afterwards 
Please direct questions about this webinar series to [email protected] with the subject line 'Fall Webinar Series'. 
Accreditation Update
Call for Participation: Standards Review Committee 
Who? Those with an interest in Accreditation who have Leadership experience in the Community Disability Services sector 

Purpose: Review and give recommendations for revisions to the Creating Excellence Together (CET) Accreditation Standards  

  • Senior Leadership position  
  • Specialist in one or more of the following fields: 
  • Service delivery to adults or children with developmental disabilities 
  • Respite service delivery to adults or children with developmental disabilities 
  • Supports for adults with multiple disabilities 
  • Supports for people whose lives intersect with multiple systems (e.g., Community Disability Services, legal system 
Time Commitment: Weekly meetings via Zoom from September to December 2020 plus personal time reviewing the 2016 version of the CET Standards and the report of an external consultant 

Contact Clova Lehr at [email protected] or call (403) 250-9495 ext. 231 to apply
Virtual Surveys: Collaborative, Supportive, Secure and Safe 
In July, ACDS relaunched Creating Excellence Together (CET) Accreditation using a strategically planned virtual survey process that prioritized confidentiality and ease of use. We also began using a licensed file sharing program that has view-only access and is time-limited to ensure the safety and privacy of user information. 

Service providers that recently completed a virtual CET survey were exceptionally helpful in supporting their own staff and individuals accessing service to adapt to the process, and in supporting the CET survey team to do file reviews and have conversations. Some service provider staff told us that the process accommodated their needs better than expected. We are using the feedback we receive to further enhance and refine the process. 

To help service providers prepare for and learn about the various aspects of a virtual survey, visit our CET Survey Relaunch Resources webpage. Our Accreditation staff will work with you from start to finish to make sure your questions and concerns are all addressed.  

Contact [email protected], or your regional ACDS Accreditation representative with any questions regarding the virtual survey process. 
Congratulations to Peak Vocational and Support Services for Achieving CET Accreditation Level 2

Peak Vocational and Support Services has achieved Accreditation Level 2 and has earned the right to be recognized for its innovative and creative approaches to delivering quality services to individuals with development disabilities. They have also met the requirements for the Complex Support Needs Designation. 

The survey team commended Peak for:  

  • its efforts to have individuals participate in a comprehensive intake process intended to stabilize many individuals and provide them with necessary accommodations and supports and services 

  • having an Individual Rights Best Practices Manual and with having qualified staff, including a Behaviour Specialist, to help guide the process to ensure that best practices are followed when developing and implementing planned restrictive procedures 

  • having well thought out risk management processes and effective and elaborate communication systems such as ShareVision, company e-mail for all employees, and Call Em All, promoting timely and ongoing communication with all staff and others who require the information 

  • utilizing various approaches and opportunities to foster employee development 
CET Accreditation Level 1 for Adults with Developmental Disabilities 

Congratulations to the following service providers for attaining CET Accreditation Level 1 in the last quarter. Your accomplishments are appreciated by ACDS and the individuals who access your services. 

  • Centra Cam Vocational Training Association 
  • Columbia College 
  • Elves Special Needs Society 
  • March of Dimes Canada 
  • Special Development Unit (Alberta Health Services) 
Other Updates
First responders’ Mental Health Grants 

Alberta’s firefighters, police officers, paramedics, sheriffs, corrections officers and emergency health care workers often deal with stressful, dangerous and traumatic situations. This stress has a negative impact on first responders and emergency health care workers. They often experience post-traumatic stress injuries (PTSI) at significantly higher rates than the general population. There is up to $1.5 million available for this grant program in 2020-21. 

The Supporting Psychological Health in First Responders grant program has 2 separate funding streams: 
  • Stream 1 (Services) provides funding for non-profit organizations that provide services to first responders and emergency health care workers living with or at risk for PTSI. 

  • Stream 2 (Research) provides funding to researchers engaged in applied research that generates evidence on prevention or intervention for first responders and emergency health care workers living with or at risk for PTSI. 
Community Engaged Learning Course Wellness 400: Seeking Community Partners 

The University of Calgary is looking for organizations to partner with this capstone course of the Embedded Certificate in Mental Wellbeing and Resilience. This certificate was launched in Fall 2019 and has foundations in the University of Calgary Campus Mental Health Strategy. 

The course, Capstone in Mental Wellbeing and Resilience, or WELL 400, is a community-engaged learning course that will partner students with local organizations to address a community-identified challenge relating to the course topic. The course will run for the first time in the winter semester of 2021 (Jan-April) and asks for a small time commitment from community partners throughout the semester while the students work to address their community partner’s challenge or topic. 

Alberta Council of Disability Services