| February 1st, 2023
The AMHA Youth Scoop
Welcome to the February edition of AMHA Youth's newsletter! Stay up to date with all Youth happenings and don't forget to check out the AMHA Youth website for more information.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Give your favorite horse a kiss from us!
Show Season 2023 is right around the corner! Don't forget to apply to run your AMHA Youth Contest!
Click Here to download the YOTY Contest Application
Look for Upcoming Youth Contests Here Next Month!

2023 Silver Medal Classes
Show Season is right around the Corner! Don't forget to send the AMHA Silver Medal Class Application in today!
In the Meantime, Check out the 2023 Shows that are holding AMHA Silver Medal Classes near you!

To see all of the 2022 Silver Medal Winners click HERE
Be sure to check out our Facebook page to see a different medal winner featured every "Medal Monday" !!
AMHA Youth Council is always looking for new members! Apply today or call Nikki for more information!
The Morgan Horse Source
The AMHA Youth Council proudly presents another episode of the Morgan Horse Source! This episode's feature is "The Next Generation of Horse Training" with Ryne Swope. Join us Wednesday February 8th at 8:00 PM.

Join Zoom Meeting

We have all episodes from this fun interview series available to binge! Want to hear from industry experts how they got started? Learn some tricks of the trade? Hear about a day in the life of horse pro? Click the link below!

Congratulations to the most recent Merit Level Achievers!

Saara Vahedian
Khloe Hautman

Benjamin Witte
Victoria Miller
Olivia Miller
Abigail Stever
Gabriella Seeberger
Madeline Tylenda

Madeline Tylenda

Madeline Tylenda

AMHA Merit Program is proud to announce the New and Improved..
The AMHA Youth Committee has been working hard to improve and renovate all 5 levels of the Merit Program.

Do you have a Youth that would like to become an AMHA Youth member? Complete the Figure Level of the Merit Program and get a FREE YOUTH MEMBERSHIP for the remainder of the year!

The AMHA Teams Program is made possible in part by funding received by the United States Equestrian Federation. USEF has provided funding for the program that will go toward end of year awards.
The Program is based on an accumulation of points within your “team” throughout the competition year. It recognizes Morgan youth at all levels of horsemanship. Points will be earned performing many different tasks relating to the Morgan horse from all aspects, from home at the barn, to horse shows, to their commitment to AMHA youth programs such as Youth Contests and the AMHA Youth Council.

2022 Teams Points is officially closed! Look for results in the next Youth Scoop!

2023 Youth Teams Applications are due! Get your Teams application here.
Call Nikki for more info; (859)448-5109
Want to start a Team?
Contact Nikki
or click here.
Team News
The Mighty Morgans Youth Team assisted some animals in need by hosting a food/supply drive for their local animal shelter. Great job Mighty Morgans!
The 2022 Teams are listed below!
Morgan Muckateers
Contact: Christina Stewart

The Mighty Morgans
Contact: Alexandra Matta

The CCR Morganites
Contact: Lauren Marsh

Hold Your Horses Youth Team
Contact: Annette Williams

LoCo Morgans

Jackalope Morgan Youth Club

Meadowair Minions

Sunny Acres Paddock Posse

Morgan Riders to the Extreme
Great Island Groupies
Contact: Sophie Proctor

Show Me Morgan Youth
Contact: Val Pilliod

Braeburn Hot Trotters
Contact: Carolanne Smith

LSH Fillies & Colts
Contact: Laura Lapointe

SLF Morgan Youth

Morgan Maniacs

Evergreen Morgans
Contact: Allison Hall

FHF Morgan Madness
Contact: Jessica Pelissier
AMHA Youth Patch Project!
Become a part of the AMHA Youth Patch Project!

With every AMHA Youth Program that you become involved in, you receive a patch!

Collect all of the patches and show them off!

To find out all of the ways to get a patch, click the link below!

Need Somewhere to put all of these cool patches!?
Head on over to AMHA Marketplace to get an awesome AMHA Youth Jacket to display all of your hard work!