Volume 03 | June 1st, 2021
The AMHA Youth Scoop
Welcome to the June edition of AMHA Youth's newsletter! Stay up to date with all Youth happenings and don't forget to check out the AMHA Youth website for more information.

Meet the Newly Elected 2021-2022 AMHA Youth Council Members!
President: Sophie Proctor
Vice President: Allison Hall
Director of Public Relations: Kendall Pierce
Secretary: Grace Martin
Director of Marketing: Talia BarNoy
Want to apply?
Click the link below! Fill out the form and send to
REVISED Youth Council Job Descriptions

Check them out by clicking the link below!

Get your Youth something fun this Summer! AMHA's Summer Fun box contains fun activities to do while also staying cool and learning about Morgans! There are even a few different treats for your horses to enjoy!
Gift Boxes are $25 each plus tax, shipping and handling

AMHA Youth Patch Project!
Become a part of the AMHA Youth Patch Project!

With every AMHA Youth Program that you become involved in, you receive a patch!

Collect all of the patches and show them off!

To find out all of the ways to get a patch, click the link below!

Need Somewhere to put all of these cool patches!?
Head on over to AMHA Marketplace to get an awesome AMHA Youth Jacket to display all of your hard work!
The Morgan Horse Source

In case you missed it!
Click the link below to watch the recording of the latest episode with Dr. Ryan Penno DVM

These episodes are recorded! If you have missed any, find them all HERE
Our Youth network announces when our Kahoot nights will be on our Facebook page! So be sure to keep a look out because you don't want to miss these!

Not only are these educational, and beneificial, we have SO much fun! The winner receives a prize so let's make the competition steep!

Follow us @amha_youth_sayhay for current events, updates, pictures, fun and more!
AMHA Merit Program is proud to announce the New and Improved..
The AMHA Youth Committee has been working hard to improve and renovate all 5 levels of the Merit Program.

Looking to learn more about the program?
There will be an Information Forum held on June 23rd at 7pm eastern time
The link to join is below!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 0393 3692
Passcode: 611680

Are you running a Youth Contest this year?

Don't forget to send your Application Form to
Once you are registered you will see your contest here!

Want to start your team?

Contact today!

Check out upcoming some upcoming Youth Contests!

June 3rd-5th
Nebraska Charity Horse Show Youth Contest
Contact: Noor Jerath

June 10th-11th
Gold Cup YOTY Contest
Contact: Linda Stewart

June 16th-19th
Oregon Morgan Classic
Contact: Diane Pixlee

June 21st-30th
Harold P Brown DVM YOTY
Contact: Jennifer Hopper

July 7th
Seacoast Morgan Horse Show
Contact: Stephanie Marcelonis

July 15th-17th
Morgan Masterpiece
Contact: Sarah Krygeris

July 26th
New England Morgan Youth Contest
Contact: Emily Mulligan

August 5th-8th
C-Fair Charity Youth Contest
Contact: Linda Collins

August 11th-14th
Buckeye Morgan Youth Contest
Contact: Kim Thomas

August 16th-18th
Mass Morgan Youth Contest
Contact: Pam Powers & Candance Daigneault

August 27th
Central Region Morgan Show
Contact: Anne Hanna

2021 AMHA Youth Teams

Morgan Muckateers
Contact: Christina Stewart

The Mighty Morgans
Contact: Alexandra Matta

Tropical Trotters
Contact: Andrea Whelpton

The CCR Morganites
Contact: Lauren Marsh

LSH Fillies & Colts
Contact: Laura Lapointe

Vermont Morgan Horse Association Youth
Contact: Amanda Ryan

Great Island Youth Group
Contact: Ellie Stevens/Sophie Proctor

Show Me Morgan Youth
Contact: Val Pilliod

Cobalt Crew
Contact: Taylor Hoffman

Sebring Stables Youth Team
Contact: Jessica Sebring

Braeburn Hot Trotters
Contact: Carolanne Smith

The AMHA Teams Program is made possible in part by funding received by the United States Equestrian Federation. USEF has provided funding for the program that will go toward end of year awards.
The AMHA Youth Teams program is an annual competition designed to facilitate teamwork throughout barns and horse friends, while helping to educate and familiarize youth with the Morgan horse.
The Program is based on an accumulation of points within your “team” throughout the competition year. It recognizes Morgan youth at all levels of horsemanship. Points will be earned performing many different tasks relating to the Morgan horse from all aspects, from home at the barn, to horse shows, to their commitment to AMHA youth programs such as Youth Contests and the AMHA Youth Council.

Youth of the Year Contests!
Key Classic
Senior Winner: Allison Hall
Senior reserve: Ella Gilbert
Junior Winner: McKenna Ramerman
Leadline Winner: Adi Blue
Congratulations to all who participated!
UPHA Chapter 14
Senior Overall Winner:
Peyton Holmes
Junior Overall Winner:
Ava McNally
Walk Trot Overall Winner: Cora Viel
Silver Medal Winners!

SSMHA Fuzzy Spring Show
Hunt Seat on the Flat
Hensley Moses
Western Seat
Remington Davis

Route 66
Hunt Seat on the Flat
Abby Boyles
Western Seat
Kendall Tipton
Saddle Seat
Eva Cummings

Indiana Spring Classic
Hunt Seat on the Flat
Claire M. Kiley
Saddle Seat
Ashely Sweeney
Western Seat
Samantha Sweeney

Diamond Jubilee
Hunt Seat on the Flat
Lindsay Ann Heliker
Saddle Seat
Kaitlyn Jackson
Western Seat
Ava Bender

Citrus Cup
Hunt Seat on the Flat
Bailey Braddon
Hunt Seat over Fences
Anna Lei Donaldson
Western Seat
Margaret Anna Grace Wilson
Anna Lei Donaldson

Big D Charity Horse Show
Hunt Seat on the Flat
Lauren Bandl
Western Seat
Evyn Duncan

Saddle Seat
Rachael Winograd
Hunt Seat on the Flat
Morgan Nicholas

FASH Spring Show
Hunt Seat on the Flat
Leah Bots
Saddle Seat
Zoe Roberts
Western Seat
Madison Palen

Key Classic Benefit
Hunt Seat on the Flat
Isabelle Anne Gellner
Dressage Seat
Isabelle Anne Gellner
Western Seat
Debbie Sieverkropp
Saddle Seat
Morgan Underwood

Silicon Valley Horse Show
Hunt Seat on the Flat
Amanda White

Greater Boston Charity
Hunt Seat on the Flat
Isabel Baidy
Saddle Seat
Anabelle Crotty

Be sure to check out our Facebook page to see a different medal winner featured every "Medal Monday" !!


Allison Hall

"Hello, my name is Allison Hall. I am 17 years old and I am the Vice President of the Western Region for the 2020-2021 year. I have a passion for Morgan horses and promoting the unique breed. I compete in Western pleasure, equitation, the AMHA Western seat Medal, Showmanship, and Youth of the Year. With my free time, I enjoy crafting and being with my friends. I am excited for the future opportunities with the AMHA Youth Council."