Sep 18, 2023

Suzanne Hunt
Clairvoyant, Healer, Spiritual Teacher
Finding ANSWERS . . .

Hello Spiritual Friends,

It seems we are always looking for answers. Decisions to make, emotions to process, schedules to set, conflicts to resolve, or changes of direction - that may be intended or not. Life brings bumps and turns with every adventure. And even a familiar situation might feel different today because we bring a new version of ourselves to it. Our thoughts, emotions, and energy grow and change with every moment of life experience.

I found myself attracted to this quote:

The ANSWERS you seek 
never come when the MIND is busy; 
they COME when the mind is STILL,
when SILENCE is the loudest.  

~~ Author UNKNOWN

This message is a simple reminder to ground into the spiritual approach and find our direction. Today, I would like to talk about creating silence and building a foundation for more inner connection.

Yin verses Yang
Ancient Chinese philosophers developed the theory of Yin/Yang energy and the familiar symbol that describes two general flows of life energy in the body that are opposite but complimentary. An easy way to think of Yin / Yang is our personal energy is either flowing outward into the world, or we are receiving it as it flows inward.

Yang-based energy is engaging, thinking, doing, advancing forward into life. We are generally in Yang mode when we go to work, cook dinner, express ideas in a conversation or make plans for a vacation. Yang energy is considered active and masculine.

Yin-based energy is passive, quiet, still and contemplative. It is about receiving ideas, intuition and inspiration. We are in Yin mode when have insight for a solution at work, we get an idea for a new recipe to cook, when we listen in a conversation or find ourselves curious or drawn to a new vacation or adventure. Yin energy is considered receptive and feminine.

While these energies are polar opposites, both are important aspects of life. Action without contemplation may be a disaster, and beautiful intentions may never be realized without taking steps in the world to manifest them.

Our modern world validates Yang based accomplishments but doesn't leave much room for the Yin. As a result, doing becomes more important and many of us find ourselves stressed and overwhelmed with busy schedules and too many demands. It seems we have no room for the quiet, contemplative Yin.

How stress impacts the brain and body
When we are stressed, the fight or flight energy from the lower chakras (root, emotions and solar plexus) open up and flood the body with adrenalin and signals to prepare to take action. The physical body is ready to run, move or take whatever action is needed for safety.

When we are in stress-mode, our intuitive center (third-eye or 6th chakra) becomes smaller. The lower chakras pop open and our intuitive center closes down. When we live in a constant state of stress, our body remembers and retains this pattern. As a result, it may feel harder to quiet the body and open the mind to the receptivity we desire to find those answers.

It may feel that we don't have our own answers or can't find them. The truth that our answers are there, but we may not be making space for the receptive energy to flow in.

Find your silence.
Meditation is an excellent way to open the door to the stillness within. Shutting off the constant barrage of demands that keep knocking at our door - even for a few minutes - allows for an energy shift. The Yin energy wakes up, begins to flourish and grow a comfortable nest to receive insights, ideas and messages from spirit. The lower chakras that have been responding to the outside world, begin to calm, release energy and the body relaxes. Now the intuitive center opens, and our perspective becomes energized and more expansive. Ideas, solutions, inspiration and intuition can flow in. I teach an easy style of visual meditation. Watch for classes and workshops coming up later this fall.

But meditation isn't the only path to the silence. There are so many methods to quiet the mind, one need only experiment and find one that resonates. Many find that repetitive activities, such as contemplative walking or jogging allow the body to release energy and the mind to clear. One can finding silence in yoga, breath work, prayer, or focusing on a mantra, affirmation or spiritual concept.

If the mind it too full of a particular focus, such as fear or worrisome thoughts, random journaling may help clear the anxiety. Begin by writing down whatever comes to mind - thoughts, feelings, worries, or even hopes and dreams. Let it all out of the mind onto the paper. Write until nothing else comes to mind, then watch the restorative stillness come in.

Of course, spiritual healing of any kind can help restore our personal connection with ourselves and help open the door to the feminine within. Hands on healing or intuitive healing is available in many forms and styles, acupuncture, aromatherapy, qigong, massage or any type of alternative healing can help release the chaotic energy from outer world.

Be in the mystery.
Sometimes we have an expectation about how our answers look or appear. If the desired answer or result isn't there quickly enough or if it doesn't look a certain way, we feel discouraged and frustrated. Some people experience this and fear they aren't capable and abandon the journey within.

Why not allow yourself to be in the mystery of life. See life as an adventure and decide that it's OK not to have the answers right now. Trust in spirit that doors are opening in just the right timing for you. Trust that you will know in the moment exactly what is needed. Seeing life from a space of curiosity, wonder and mystery IS connecting with the feminine / receptive and moving you into a space to receive the answers you desire.

Jump start your spiritual wellness.
Join me at the BMSE Celebrations fair coming up this weekend in Denver, Colorado! This is a fun and affordable way to immerse yourself into alternative healing and open up your own spiritual connection. Most of the readers and healers will be giving a free presentation, with several happening at the top of every hour down the hall in the conference rooms. The presentations are included in your ticket price and you can attend as many as you like. Information about the fair, my booth and presentation on Friday are below.

Our relationships are a very important part of our lives. Join me to learn about a spiritual approach to bring more peace, harmony and contentment into your most treasured relationships.

Deepening Your Relationships
  • Learn three easy ways to achieve more peace, harmony and contentment in your relationships.
  • Friday, September 22nd, 3:00 pm, Room #2
  • 45 minutes long

See below for more information about the fair and my workshop.

Find the answers you seek:
  • Balance your Yin and Yang.
  • Remember how stress impacts the body and mind.
  • Find your silence.
  • Be in the mystery.

Join us at the Denver
Body Mind and Spirit Celebration 

Discover your spiritual inspiration next weekend at Body Mind Spirit Celebration! Follow the magic as you find personal development and life enriching FREE presentations held every hour. Visit intuitive readers and healers for personal insights and healing. Have fun shopping at hundreds of incredible vendors throughout the huge main hall. Local fresh food and smoothies are available too! 

The time to ignite your life journey is NOW. 
Join us at the Body Mind Spirit Celebration!

Denver Fall Body Mind and Spirit Celebration 
September 22-24, 2023
Crowne Plaza Denver Airport Convention Center, 
15500 E 40th Ave
Denver, CO

Admission $10.00 
Open hours: Fri 1-9, Sat 10-7, Sun 10-6

Find my booth: 
Energetic Healing Arts, Booth #17

Join my presentation:
Deepening Your Relationships 
Friday, 3:00pm Stage 2
I am available to schedule clairvoyant reading and healing sessions. Click on the scheduling link below.

Read more information about services at
call/text 720.351.3492
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