The Healing WELL: A community for healing, renewal and growth
September 2018 Newsletter
Dear Friends,

Last Sunday afternoon several of us gathered for a memorial for a dear community member, Peace, who died tragically earlier this month. Through listening to his favorite songs, reading his poems, and hearing one another’s stories, we celebrated and honored the light that Peace was in so many lives. We also experienced, quite profoundly, how much each one of us needs community and connection, where we can be known and loved, encouraged and challenged. The Healing WELL offered that to Peace. With gratitude, we dedicate this simple newsletter to Peace, as it reflects the Healing WELL community to which he contributed so greatly.

Peace smiling at The Healing WELL
Advisory Committee Retreat
Our Advisory Committee held its annual retreat in Tiburon, focusing on the strengths and wisdom we experienced in our first year in our new home, and considering ways to deepen and expand the healing and wellness we promote inside our doors and throughout the Tenderloin neighborhood. Thanks to the Sisters of Mercy for their great hospitality, Rocco’s Cafe for their delicious meal, and Alex Armenta for her superb facilitation of our day.
Leadership Intern Program
One of our neighbors, Michael, received a library card directly as a result of our Leadership Intern Program. In leading community members to the library to introduce them to all the resources there, Ken helped Michael sign up for a card - opening the world of literature to him. We’re inspired by our leader interns as they facilitate groups, lead outreach visits, organize activities ranging from bowling excursions to AA meetings, offer hospitality at The Healing WELL, and engage in public speaking. Wisdom, energy and commitment resides within our community, and the Leadership Intern Program allows us to tap into it.
Block Party
We welcomed 20 Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep students to our September block party, and look forward to welcoming them back for future parties this academic year. The students prepared and served bagged lunches, helped with games, joined a Sound Healing session, and got to know our community. As with all our block parties, we offer great thanks to the Central City SRO Collaborative , Onsen Bath and Restaurant and Schubert’s Bakery for partnering with us to offer engaging activities and delicious food for our neighbors.
Community Connection
At recent monthly forums, our community members discussed the efforts to open a Safe Injection site for IV drug users in San Francisco. So many thoughtful and diverse opinions and questions were raised that The Healing WELL was invited to send a group to the Safer Inside Demonstration at Glide. We offered our ideas and questions to the leadership striving to create this site, and representatives will join us at our next Forum so we can discuss more of the opportunities and challenges such a site could offer. Our monthly forums have evolved into a space where neighbors can discuss openly the strengths and challenges of life in the Tenderloin.

Healing WELL Friends
The Healing WELL Friends hosted our first Informational Evening in July for 25 guests. Kathy offered an overview of The Healing WELL in the context of the strengths and opportunities in The Tenderloin, and Salvador and June shared their experience with our “whole person” approach to healing. We capped the evening with dinner and jazz at The Black Cat. Great thanks to Janet, Lisa, Gina and Barb for envisioning the Friends, and to Bon Appetit for the donation of hors d’ouevres. On Monday, November 19, we’ll host another Informational Evening; please contact Kathy if you’d like to join us.
Participant Expression
Poetry of and Art by Peace
The Ways of Peace
(Dorian Dorey)

In your light, life was bright, & all seemed right
    proving myths real
    fantastical creature of flight & forest
    energy so far-reaching it sparked
    sparks landing wherever you willed
    never hesitating to share love or ask questions
    strangers didn’t exist, not to you, not in myth

In your light, life was bright, & all seemed right
    embodied illumination
    powerful yin-yang of dusk & dawn
    a force of nature, cycling both
    such infectious joy, delivered with a grin
    how could someone so ephemeral stay?
    that energy remains, in illumination, we see you

In your light, life was bright, & all seemed right
    channeling empathy
    phenomenal entity of love & peace
    heart so encompassing, it hurt
    seeing past facades, reaching into souls
    each impacted, carrying resonance forward
    thru vibrations of peace, in empathy, we feel you

In your light, life was bright, & all seemed right
    living creative act
    radical faerie of art & poem
    a musical muse, as inspiring as inspired
    creations infused with truth & hope
    messaging the future, always encouraging
    when we are creative, we are with you
Donations by check, addressed to "The Healing WELL," are also welcome. 
Please mail them to:
The Healing WELL
476 Eddy Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
The Healing WELL is a fiscally-sponsored project of Community Initiatives
415.500.2099 | |