2017 MFF monthly newsletter
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" We believe in making friends, not contacts.  We believe in giving, not taking.  We believe in helping others before helping yourself."
                                                                                       -Startup Grind


Summer is here! All of us at the Milstein Family Foundation are gearing up for a busy summer season, with great pride in the extraordinary impact of our work together.

In this month’s newsletter, we are excited to present the new Virtually Israel trailer that over 1.3 million have watched, Stand By Me organization which support the local Israeli-American cancer patients and their families, Adam’s latest podcast series with Israeli-American musical innovator Sharon Farber. She is a four-time Emmy Award-nominated composer who is passionate about Israel, Adam’s latest piece in The Jerusalem Post about our boots on America's campuses, the upcoming Milstein Meme Competiton, and finally, a feature from one of our grantees.

With appreciation for your continued commitment to strengthening the State of Israel and the Jewish people,

Gila and Adam Milstein 

Virturally Israel 2.0
Check out the trailer that over 1.3 million people have already seen for new Virtually Israel experiences. You don't even need to get off the couch to visit Israel!

Through cutting-edge technology, Virtually Israel aspires to bring Israel to life to anyone who wants to explore Israel without flying across the globe. They are a one-of-a-kind Virtual Reality experience showcasing Israel’s most prominent cities, including Tel Aviv, Jaffa and Jerusalem.

Partially sponsored by the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundaiton
Stand By Me
Stand By Me is a nonprofit organization that provides emotional and physical support to local Israeli-American cancer patients and their families.

"With a warm heart and open arms Stand By Me is the extended family in support of its brothers and sisters on their road to recovery."  President, Gila Milstein
Stand By Me was founded in 2009 so that none of our Israeli-American community members would battle cancer alone! 

The struggles of the families supported by Stand By Me are indescribable: Having to face cancer while speaking a foreign language, understanding a different culture, dealing with financial hardship and having little to no family around is unimaginable. 

Stand By Me provides services in Hebrew that are given by a professional team of psychologists, social workers, nurses, and volunteers. The organization's community members become an extended family. They stand by one another on a daily basis.
Adam Milstein's Video Podcast Series
Sharon Farber
Composer and Musical Innovator

Sharon Farber has gained international fame as a composer and musical innovator. She is a four-time Emmy Award-nominated composer for her work on The Young and the Restless.

Sharon is the winner of the 2013 Society of Composers and Lyricists Award for her “Outstanding work in the Art of Film Music” and the 2012 Visionary Award In Music by The Women’s International Film & Television Showcase. She has scored music for live theater performances, film, and a range of television networks—from NBC and CBS to Showtime and the CW.

Born in Israel, she is a proud Israeli-American living in the United States.

Check out some of Sharon's work in this trailer of Honor Diaries
On campus and off, we hear about massive, nationally-coordinated, well-funded, and professionally-organized anti-Israel hate groups staging events and demonstrations, which easily outmatch the small counter-protests organized by local pro-Israel activists on campus.

Written by Adam Milstein
Originally featured in The Jerusalem Post
Upcoming: Milstein Meme Competition
Do you have a great pro-Israel meme idea? Do you want your meme to reach tens of thousands of other Israel lovers like you? Do you just like winning? We will announce the details of the first of many Milstein Meme Competitions next month, cash prizes will be included! Stay tuned!
Featured Grantee: Untold News
'Israel Is On It' media campaign breaks new ground

Untold News tells the world about Israel's amazing innovations in unique and effective ways. Based in New York City, this nonprofit has a small staff and a big reach. Founder Marcella Rosen comes from the advertising world, and knows well the power of a great media campaign to change attitudes. 

In 2016, these media pros launched Israel Is On It, a groundbreaking campaign aimed at millennials who don't know much about Israel. Using provocative headlines, Untold News is exciting young people about Israeli medical, scientific, and technological inventions.

This organization went where young people congregate online to provide a serious counterpunch to the lies and hate of the BDS movement and generate understanding and good will towards Israel.

And it's working! Ads in the New York Times, articles on Vice and Buzzfeed, plus posts to nearly 600,000 Facebook fans have yielded remarkable results:

  • 12 million people exposed to pro-Israel ads and sponsored content
  • 300,000 read 13 Amazing Technological Advances that are Changing Your World on Buzzfeed (and 12,500 wanted to learn more at israelisonit.com)
  • Multiple synagogues featuring Untold News’ ads in their newsletters & e-blasts

    This campaign is showing the next generation just how Israel is changing the world in new and incredible ways. 

Thank you to The Milstein Family Foundation for your vision, support, and Israel love.
The Mission of  The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation  ("MFF") is to strengthen the State of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish People, and its special ties with the United States of America; and to ensure the special affinity to the State of Israel of the young and future Jewish generations.