The Adjunct Faculty Newsletter

Vol. 4, Issue 1

News You Can Use

Acronym Finder

Absence/Substitution Guide

Adjunct Services KWeb

Adjunct Services Website


Attendance Procedure FAQ

Attendance Instructions

Attendance: Reinstate

Faculty Central

FLAC Guide

Learning Commons/Library


Payroll KWeb

Student Concerns Report

Student Laptop Program

Student Records and FERPA

Syllabus Help

Blackboard Boot Camp Online (BBBC1000)

Just a reminder that you must complete Blackboard (Bb) Boot Camp in order to request and use a Bb site for your course. Register through TEC to complete this task.

Upcoming sessions:

  • Aug. 21
  • Aug. 29
  • Sept. 4
  • Sept. 20
For training & SEU credit, remember to:

Wondering what other training is available? Click here to view the Faculty Development calendar.

Adjunct Services has subscribed to the publication, and we're passing the information on to you!

Feel free to browse and read at your leisure.

Log in at

ID: TRI-C (all-caps)

Password: Adjuncts2020


Do not change or alter the login ID or password. Contact your Adjunct Services manager with site issues.

Did you know that you and your qualified dependent(s) could be eligible for remission of fees?


Remission of fees pays the instructional fees for Tri-C courses.


Eligibility requirements, courses covered, and amount eligible for reimbursement vary by employee group. 

Visit the remission of fees KWeb site for details and to submit a request.

Discounts Available

Because you are an employee of Tri-C, you can receive discounts for various events, products, and services like, cellphone plans, banking, wholesale clubs, and local theater.

Click this link within Human Resources to explore one of the benefits of working at Tri-C!

We can help prevent suicide by: destigmatizing mental health diagnoses, building awareness of suicide risk factors and warning signs; learning effective communication approaches; and having access to helpful resources. A free mobile app for students, employees, family, and friends.


Click here to learn more. 

Don't Leave Easy Money on the Table!

The Adjunct Faculty Professional Development program provides an opportunity for adjunct faculty to enhance their success in the classroom and promote engagement in the Tri-C Community. These stipend-eligible categories focus on interdisciplinary, pedagogy, and technology competencies and explore new teaching strategies, pedagogies, and emerging technologies.

The Stipend Program provides a financial incentive of $500 to adjuncts who complete five stipend-eligible units (SEUs) in at least two categories (i.e., all SEUs submitted should not be from the same category) within a single academic school year.

Start earning your SEUs needed to complete your stipend now.

Click here to learn more!

What is RSI?

  • RSI refers to types of required communication and interactions between students and faculty in online classes as determined by the U.S. Department of Education and aligned with Higher Learning Commission (HLC) standards.
  • RSI applies to all modalities of online learning, including online (synchronous & asynchronous) and blended.
  • RSI is one of the key elements distinguishing distance education from correspondence education and is required for Title IV funds.

On-Demand Training Available in TEC Now!

Regular and Substantive Interaction CLE1363

NEW~ Adjunct Assignment Acknowledgement

Updates to the assignment acknowledgment process for all adjuncts are now in effect. Please acknowledge your assignments by the close of the window to ensure you are paid on time! Failure to do so can result in receiving payment at a later scheduled pay date.

Acknowledgement Quick Guide (How-to)

See Adjunct Faculty Fall 2023 Semester Guide for acknowledgement windows and adjunct pay dates.

Now at Tri-C

Over this summer, OLAT and College leadership licensed Turnitin for use in our current LMS, Blackboard Learn Original. Turnitin generates Similarity Reports to flag traditional plagiarism/fraud, includes tools for grading/feedback, facilitates peer review, and detects AI-writing (which includes paraphrasing tools, translation tools, and ChatGPT).

Below is a recorded 16-minute narrated PowerPoint that will help faculty gain access, avoid navigational pitfalls, and promote academic integrity in their courses. This is a critical time when many faculty are (re)building classes, updating assignments, and preparing for our students’ success.

Please follow this link to access the quick-start video. 

Fall 2023 Adjunct Faculty

Bootcamp Day

Saturday, August 26, 2023

8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Eastern Campus Student Services (ESS) President's Plaza (located on the 2nd floor).

Parking: Park in Lot R3 off of Richmond Rd. Click HERE for Directions and Eastern Campus Map.

Register in TEC~ ADJ1093

Click here for event agenda.


Learning Objective: By the end of the workshop, the attendees will have deepened their knowledge and understanding of various college-wide resources and identified ways this learning can be applied to enhance their teaching experience.

This is stipend eligible (2 ESUs).

Faculty Grants Available!

The FIG grant was designed to provide support for full-time and adjunct faculty to design and implement new tools, resources, or techniques in their classroom (or virtual classroom) to enhance instruction and increase student learning outcomes. Additionally, the Tri-C Foundation developed the LTE grant to help faculty fund projects that fill a short-term need for our students and has a direct connection to the College’s Strategic Plan to promote Access, Equity, and Success. 

Applications will be accepted in September.

Be prepared and start your proposal now!

FIG application link

LTE application link

Common Reading Program

Half American: The Epic Story of African Americans Fighting World War II at Home and Abroad

Matthew Delmont’s new book asks readers to rethink what they know about the war by centering Black protagonists. He writes, “Nearly everything about the war — the start and end dates, geography, vital military roles, the home front, and international implications — looks different when viewed from the African American perspective.”

Wednesday, Aug. 30 | 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

Register in TEC -FDEV6579.

For more information, visit the Tri-C Common Reading program page.

Read-n-Rap Series

Join your Adjunct Services Managers and fellow Adjuncts as they discuss the Advanced Teaching Strategies Series, Handbook II. Learn new tips and hints from your peers to use in your classroom.

Join us every Monday in October from 5-6:00 p.m.

Register in TEC~ Faculty Engagement Series-ADJ1097

This is stipend eligible (1 ESU)*

* Must attend two sessions to earn 1 ESU.

Copyright, Fair Use & FERPA

The Office of Legal Services will present the basics of Copyright laws and provide tips for using copywritten materials or those considered “fair use.” Legal Services will also review the importance of FERPA and how to comply with its requirements when dealing with student records. 

Each session is worth 1 SEU towards the stipend. Register in TEC.

  • Copyright and Fair Use/FERPA Training for Adjunct~ADJ1097

October 17, 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.

  • Title IX Training for Adjunct Faculty~ADJ1097

October 19, 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.

Events and Opportunities

OATYC 2023

Location: Lorain County Community College (LCCC)

When: Friday, October 20

Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

This year’s theme is Making the Academic Journey HIP: Equity-Minded Teaching Through High Impact Practices. With a focus on High Impact Practices (HIPs), we hope to hear from faculty across the state about lessons, activities, and assessments that provide the deepest learning experiences for students in Ohio. In addition, we hope this discussion highlights how incorporating high-impact practices keeps equity at the forefront of our courses.

For registration and details, click here!

Free Tickets to Blossom and House of Blues Concerts

Through our partnership with Live Nation, we have a bank of tickets available for faculty, staff, and students to use for select upcoming Blossom and House of Blues concerts.

Have you requested your tickets yet?

Click here for instructions.

Eligible employees can use remission of fees for classes at Corporate College® 

Interested? Check the College's Remission of Fees Procedure to determine eligibility and get supervisor approval. 


Check out the Corporate College Professional Development page for more information. 


Enhance your career, improve your job performance, and increase your productivity. Courses are taught by subject matter experts with industry experience. Online and in-person options are available. 

Popular upcoming programs include:

Faculty Development

The Office of Academic Professional Development collaborates with Collegewide and campus-based departments to support ongoing training and development needs for full-time and adjunct faculty.

August 25, 1:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m.

September 7, 9 a.m.-10:00 a.m.

October 2, 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

  • ProctorU Options for Online Courses ~ OLATFF1003

August 29, 3:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.

September 8, 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

Click here for training opportunities!

The CLE provides instructional support and resources to faculty via workshops and consultations that assist them with their unique classroom and online learning needs.

  • Ayo-Ai: An Introduction to ChatGPT and AI~ CLE1359

August 25, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

  • Brain Space: Reducing Mental Load to Increase Student Success~CLE1357

November 17, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

On Demand in TEC

On Demand in TEC

  • Digitize Your Whiteboard with Rocketbook Beacons ~CLE1338

On Demand in TEC

Find more training in TEC in your learning tab. is the College’s asynchronous communication system for faculty to text or call students without sharing phone numbers. You can enable Remind on any of your Blackboard course sites so that you can send messages right from Blackboard.

Visit our Remind resource page or email for more information.

Short Video: What Is Remind?

Register in TEC Remind Text Messaging Training for Faculty~OLATOD1004

Make your Content Accessible


Unlock the power of inclusive communication with our transformative workshop. Reaching a diverse audience is paramount, beginning with creating content everyone can engage with. This workshop is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to ensure your content is accessible to individuals of all abilities. 

 From documents to presentations, you'll learn practical techniques to enhance the usability and inclusivity of your materials. Join us on the journey toward making your content informative and genuinely accessible to everyone. Let's do it together, one piece of content at a time.

Register in TEC, Make Your Content Accessible- OLATFF1022

Email Online Digital Accessibility or Student Accessibility Services for additional assistance or resources.

Resources for You

Get Research Help for Your Online Courses

Professional research assistance for students is now available in Blackboard! Are you ready to add this valuable service to your online courses? Read on to learn how to embed a librarian.


What is an embedded librarian?

An embedded librarian is integrated into your online course to directly support your students’ research needs. 


How can they help my students?

An embedded librarian can deliver customized research instruction to your entire class synchronously or asynchronously via WebEx.

  • Faculty librarians can answer your students’ research and citation questions via an Ask a Librarian/Research Questions discussion board.
  • Librarians are also available to assist via chat, email, phone and WebEx.   

Click here for directions on adding an embedded librarian to your course...

Still, need a parking hangtag for your vehicle?

Follow these directions to obtain a parking tag and avoid a ticket.

Stomp Referral, BIT or Conduct Report?

Don't remember the difference between a BIT and a Conduct Report? Unsure when to submit a Stomp Early Referral? Click here for a quick reference guide.


Lending Library

Adjunct Services has purchased a variety of books on innovative teaching techniques. Stop by your nearest ADJ office and check them out!

Click here for a list of our current selection.

Student Resources: Crushing the Digital Divide

Are your students in need of Wi-Fi access or computers? Here's some information you can share.

Wi-Fi: Tri-C provides limited outdoor Wi-Fi for students and visitors. Click here for locations and more information.

FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit Program:

A new Emergency Broadband Benefit program helps eligible households receive a discount of up to $50 per month off the cost of broadband service from an approved provider. Click here for more information.

Tri-C Student Laptop Program: Tri-C offers discounted Dell computers to students who qualify. Visit the Student Laptop Program for more information.

Computer Assistance: PCs for People offers low-cost laptops and Wi-Fi connection plans to those who meet income requirements. Visit for more information.

Financial Aid: More Than Just the FAFSA

Click the links below to learn about financial resources available to assist our students.

Questions? Contact your campus Financial Aid office. We're also available to join department huddles.

*NEW* Virtual one-on-one financial aid appointments are now available through eSars! 

Why are personal pronouns and gender identity important?

Identifiers such as name, gender and personal pronouns are core factors in many individuals’ sense of self. In alignment with the College’s goals and values as an inclusive institution, the newest update to the employee and student information forms includes fields to indicate preferred name, personal pronouns and/or gender identity. Instructors, advisors and administrators will see these values on class rosters, advising rosters and other administrative pages.

Review This Is Me for more details

Fall 2023

Semester Guide

The Fall 2023 Semester Guide is here! Click here or on the image to view the pdf.

This is your go-to reference guide for:

  • Academic calendar
  • Grade/status reporting
  • Stipend submission
  • Acknowledgement windows
  • Pay dates
Need help? Have questions?