In an effort to better meet the evolving needs of older adults and their caregivers, AgeGuide evaluates their services for older adults to ensure they are meeting their needs. Your feedback on this survey will help shape aging services in Northeastern Illinois for the next 3 years.
Is there a service you wish we offered? Do you have feedback to improve a service we already offer? Is there a way we can help improve aging services and supports in your community? Let us know!
Older adults, service providers, and caregivers are invited to take a 15-20 minute survey about aging services. The survey will be open from January 12 through February 12.
The findings of this survey will help AgeGuide design and tailor services for older adults to meet the challenges of the next three years and beyond. Results of the survey will be used in summary form only to protect confidentiality. No identifying information will be shared.
After we tally the results of the needs assessment, they will be available on our website.