The Aging Report

March 2022

The Longevity AGEenda - Engage. Empower. Advocate.

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This spring, AgeGuide hosted two virtual Advocacy Collaborative Events around the theme, the Longevity AGEnda. These events focused on informing legislators about issues facing older adults, caregivers, and their families in our region. Over 265 aging network professionals, elected officials, older adults, and other advocates came together to engage, empower, and advocate. 

AgeGuide Chief Executive Officer, Marla Fronczak, talked about how the pandemic left an indelible mark on older adults and essential aging services. Courtney Hedderman, Associate State Director for Advocacy and Outreach at AARP Illinois, inspired us to engage in advocacy with an insightful keynote speech about reforming long-term care. Local aging service providers shared how interventions and supports empower older adults in our region and elected officials shared how we can advocate together for specific legislative proposals that affect older adults. 

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National Nutrition Month: Celebrate a World of Flavors


Enjoying different flavors of the world is a chance to learn more about your own food culture as well as those that may be new to you. Trying foods and recipes from various cultures is one way to include different flavors into your healthy eating routine. Many cuisines offer dishes which include foods from each food group, so it’s possible to plan meals that are nutritious, well-balanced, and bursting with flavor. Choosing a variety of nutritious foods from all of the food groups (fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and proteins) and in the recommended amounts will help you get the nutrients that are needed for good health. Incorporate your favorite cultural foods and traditions, as you “Celebrate a World of Flavors” during National Nutrition Month® and throughout the year.

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New Podcast is LIVE!

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Welcome to the Age Guide podcast highlighting perspectives on the aging journey. We are here to be your personal Age Guide and enhance your quality of life on the road ahead. This podcast is about putting a face on aging and giving a voice to older adults and caregivers by highlighting their experiences and stories. We want to provide a window into the struggles and joys of aging, to dispel myths and combat ageism.

For the March edition, you will get an immersive view of what it was like to live in long-term care during the COVID lockdown. Gretchen went into the facility and interviewed two seniors about what it was like before, during and after the lockdowns. This podcast shines a light on the struggles and challenges facing long-term care residents and aims to inspire advocacy and change around policies and practices. Tune in today!

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Do You Need Tax Assistance?

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Do you or someone you know need assistance in preparing 2021 taxes? Older adults and their caregivers are often looking for assistance in preparing and filing tax returns. Our blog post provides some helpful information and resources for filing your 2021 tax return. Federal and Illinois State tax returns are due on April 18, 2022.

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Disabilities Awareness Month


March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. The theme this year is “Worlds Imagined,” which speaks to how our world is changing. Thanks to improved awareness, policies and medical advances, people with Intellectual/ Developmental Disability are living their lives as no one could have imagined even a decade ago, opening up new opportunities and positive change. 

This month people are taking to the internet not only to help spread awareness of developmental disabilities but to discuss, connect and share stories of how to reimagine possibilities by supporting and coming alongside people with developmental disabilities.  

AgeGuide has services and supports for adults age 18 to 59 with disabilities and their caregivers. Contact us at (800) 528-2000 to learn more!

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Interesting Additional Resources

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Illinois Department on Aging’s Aging Healthfully Newsletter  (Need another language? Click here and scroll to the bottom). The Aging Healthfully newsletter provides information on healthy eating, physical activity and lifestyle changes to help older adults stay healthy and active.

Do you need a vaccine against COVID-19? Do you know someone who is homebound who needs a vaccine? AgeGuide is here to help. Call us at (800) 528-2000 for more information.

The proposed Fiscal Year 2023 Illinois State budget proposes to fully fund the Community Care program, expand home-delivered meal programs, support family caregivers and more. Click here to read more.

Are older adults really less tech-capable? Read this insightful article called Lessons from my distracted son, my father, and the lawn mower in my garage.

Follow Us on Social Media!


At AgeGuide, we love getting social! Stay up to date with the latest news, updates and learn more about AgeGuide and our work advocating for older adults and the services they need on our social media pages!

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Save the Date!


47th Annual Meeting & Luncheon

April 28, 2022

Featuring keynote address Engaged & Thriving: Promoting Intergenerational & Social Connections by RRF Foundation for Aging

Cantigny Park

1S151 Winfield Road

Wheaton, IL 60189

Tickets are $50 per person

RSVP Today!

27th Annual Senior Lifestyle Expo

August 23 & 24, 2022

We are excited to welcome back older adults to this two-day event at

Drury Lane!

For more information, contact Kaitie Hauser at (630) 293-5990 or visit

AgeGuide Northeastern Illinois was established in 1974. Services funded or coordinated by AgeGuide meet the diverse needs of the most rapidly growing population in Illinois. Over 725,000 adults age 60 and over live in the agency's eight-county service area:

DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will Counties

AgeGuide | (630) 293-5990 | [email protected] |

1910 S. Highland Ave, Suite 100

Lombard, IL 60148

Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved.


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