June 26, 2023

The Alaska House Coalition Calls on Legislature to Override Irresponsible Vetoes

Today, the Alaska House Coalition sent a formal request to the Speaker of the House to take an official poll of the House to determine whether the legislature will call itself into special session for the purpose of overriding the governor’s vetoes. Under Alaska Statute AS 24.05.100(a)(2), the Speaker of the House “shall initiate a poll upon the request of 25 percent of the membership.” If two thirds of the House and Senate agree, the legislature will convene a special session.

“Despite the hard work put forward by the legislature to pass a balanced budget that made critical investments in education, childcare, workforce development, and in senior care, the governor has decided to veto these responsible investments and cut education funding to an amount that will force class sizes to grow, teachers to struggle, and school districts to consider drastic options including shortening the school week” said Minority Leader Calvin Schrage (NA-Anchorage).

“When education and Head Start get cut during the implementation of the Alaska Reads Act, it makes me question whether this administration is truly concerned about student reading and academic success for all children,” said Representative Andi Story (D-Juneau).

“The cuts to the University of Alaska’s workforce development programs and deferred maintenance are short-sighted,” said Representative Ashley Carrick (D-West Fairbanks). “Our students, faculty, and staff deserve budget stability and a commitment from the administration to growing our workforce for the high-demand careers we need to fill right now and into the future.”

"The governor has said that a budget demonstrates your values. If we're to be a pro-family state that values our children and a better future, we as a legislature must come together to override these destructive vetoes," said Representative Jennie Armstrong (D-Anchorage).

View the submitted request here.


Graham Judson

Communications Director

Alaska House Coalition

(907) 465-5284

[email protected]

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