The Alchemical marriage is the first step toward union with the divine, union with God/Goddess. First, the male and female within the self must fuse, allowing individuals to connect to their divinity. Then from that connection, we can connect or communicate to the divine in all creation. 

When the Alchemical marriage within a person's consciousness is achieved, it is achieved by the opening of the heart center where the male and female energies of consciousness unite in the heart, becoming divine within the heart; causing the human to become not only divine within but to merge into the divine outside of themselves. 
What Others Are Saying

Dr. Shakinah is an exceptional practitioner! Not only does she have many years as a psychotherapist for a grounded foundation, but she is also on a very beautiful path of Spirituality and carries a potent energy of the Sacred Feminine. She is highly intelligent and very well versed in various philosophies, traditions, and more. She is direct, clear, intuitive, committed, very thorough, and walks her talk. I highly recommend her for any of her work... she is a gentle yet strong lamp holder, guiding journeyers on their path.

What Does it Mean to Create
Sacred Space and Self Care?
Expressing Love and Loving Unconditionally
 When we have come to the point where we have solved conflicts within ourselves and have begun the quest for self-knowledge, we will connect into the core self or Soul. In our outer life, we will find many circumstances that lead to this point. It is often pain, loss, crisis, or illness that conspire externally or internally to provide the catalyst for this eternal quest. Francis Bacon taught that the most significant handicap to the advancement of learning is the human mind. As long as the individual is in captivity to the mind’s tyranny, the mind will hold the individual to the conditions with which it is familiar. The key phrase here is to break this tyranny with love and compassion. Love and compassion is the feminine path which Christ and the secret societies taught. Once we polarize to the feminine aspects of ourselves, we can manifest the duality of both the male and female in our body, which allows us to merge and transcend, to join together in the union of the alchemical marriage. 

Self Care Means
Listening to the Signals

Is there a part of your body that is hurting and
needs more attention?

Are you experiencing intuitive messages
about how to care of yourself more efficiently?

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