Sunday at All Souls

December 31st

with Rev. Susan V. Rak

"We Make the Path"

In-Person Service and livestream at 11:15 am ET

Join All Souls online or in person for this service of music and meditation. For those attending in person, All Souls provides listening assistance through Bluetooth enabled hearing aids or through earbuds from your smart phone. Detailed instructions are available in the vestibule.

December 31 Livestream
Order of Service


January 1

No programming - Happy New Year!


January 2

No programming - the All Souls building will be closed.


January 3

Community Meditation

8:30 am ET

on Zoom

Stories With Soul

6:45 pm ET

on Zoom

“The First Contact With the Gorgonids” by Ursula K. LeGuin

Read by Christina Gombar

Host: Anne Hollyday


January 4

Community Meditation

8:30 am ET

on Zoom


January 5

Community Meditation

8:30 am ET

on Zoom


January 6

Community Meditation

8:30 am ET

on Zoom

All Queer Souls Friendship Circle

10 am ET

on Zoom


January 7th

Listening Circle to Explore Pamela's Ordination

10 am ET

The Ware Room

Sunday at All Souls

with Rev. Galen Guengerich

In-person and online

11:15 am ET

Mentari Coffee Hour & Panel Discussion

following 11:15 service

Reidy Friendship Hall

The panel will begin at approximately 1 pm - for additional details, see "Upcoming Events" section.

Religious Education

Sunday, January 7th

Children’s Choir

10:30 - 11:15 am

Religious Education Classes

11:15 – 12:20 pm


Listening Circles to Explore Pamela's Ordination

Sunday, January 7th at 10 am in the Ware Room

Wednesday, January 10th at 6 pm on Zoom

The Ordination Study Committee, led by Cherie Henderson and Miles Chapin, has scheduled two listening circles to give more detail about the process of ordaining someone directly through a congregation. They will gather feedback and answer questions. Pamela will join for the first part of the meeting. Everyone is welcome.

Mentari Coffee Hour & Panel Discussion

following 11:15 am service on Sunday, January 7th

Reidy Friendship Hall

Join representatives of Mentari for a discussion about the issue of human trafficking and their work to provide important programs for survivors of gender based violence, abuse, exploitation and human trafficking. This coffee hour will also feature a photography exhibition from Mentari titled "The Power of Resilience and Beauty."

Learn more about Mentari

Adult Education: The History and Modern Definitions of "Woke"

with Marjorie Jean-Paul

Sunday, January 15th at 10 am

The Ware Room

In recent years, the term "woke" has become increasingly prominent in social justice and activism discussions. Understanding the history and modern definition of "woke" is essential for those seeking to engage in social justice conversations, including its implications for spiritual life. Join us for this discussion facilitated by Marjorie Jean-Paul.


Introduction to Zen Meditation with Laura Cohen

Sunday, January 14th at 2 - 3 pm

The Ware Room

Interested in trying meditation, or in establishing a regular practice? Looking to calm a busy mind? Come and learn the basics of Zen meditation. The hour-long session will include sitting meditation and walking meditation, as well as a chance to ask questions. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome.


Buddhism & Mindfulness presents

Conversation with Tengyur Rinpoche

Sunday, January 21st at 1:30 pm

The Ware Room

Tengyur Rinpoche will preach for our 11:15am service on Sunday, January 21, and he and Pamela will host a conversation that afternoon. Join us to learn more about Rinpoche's life as a monk and a scholar and his programs to advance education in India and the US. 


Buddhism & Mindfulness presents:

A Buddhist & Psychological Response to War with Dr. Pilar Jennings

Saturday, January 27th, 10 am - 4 pm

on Zoom

Please join us for this online retreat with Dr. Pilar Jennings - A Buddhist & Psychological Response to War: Working with Compassion and Wisdom When It Is Most Needed.



Interested in getting more involved at All Souls in the New Year? Contact Membership and Engagement Coordinator, Gretchen, for more information about assisting with coffee hour or joining the usher team!


All Souls publishes two email newsletters: The All Souls Weekly, the Friday email which announces upcoming events for the next week; and Today at All Souls, which arrives at 8 am every morning and includes the Zoom information for events that day.

To subscribe, please send an email to


If your group would like something included on our congregation calendar and shared in our Friday email, please submit to our Communications Assistant, Taylor:

Submissions for the Friday email must be received by the previous Sunday at 4 pm (at least 5 days before the email it is intended for).

If you need to reserve an in-person meeting at All Souls, please contact our Director of Growth, Cecily: