The Alliance View
Second Edition Fall 2018
Message from the Executive Director
Hello Folks,

Welcome to the fall edition of, The Alliance View. Since we sent you our last issue, we’ve seen significant changes in our Public Policy world. The November 6 th election gave us a new Governor and several new seats in the various levels of Government. We continue to work with our local and statewide partners in crafting policy and developing a unified voice in our advocacy efforts. Read below to review the 2018-19 State Policy Priorities adopted by the Child Care Alliance of Los Angeles (CCALA) Board of Directors on November 1 st. We are grateful for the continued support of First 5 Los Angeles through its Policy Advocacy Fund, managed by Community Partners.

We continue to implement of the Emergency Child Care Bridge program, which kicked off mid-August. You'll see our report below, which outlines our accomplishments in the first 2 1/2 months of the program. As part of the Bridge Program, we've also developed a comprehensive Trauma-Informed Care curriculum in partnership with one of our Alliance agencies, Drew Child Development Corporation. Ten trauma-informed advisors will be trained on the curriculum. The advisors will work at each of the Resource and Referral agencies across the county, where they assist local child care providers on this topic.

Finally, with all our new and expanded endeavors, we’ve welcomed several new staff to the Alliance office. You’ll meet them below.

From all of the CCALA family, we wish you a wonderful holiday season.

With much appreciation,

Cristina Alvarado
Executive Director
Bridging the Access Gap

The Child Care Bridge Program (Bridge Program) has hit the ground running. In partnership with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and the Resource and Referral agencies across the County, the Bridge Program has been able to reach...
Strengthening Families and Providers

Our Quality Start Los Angeles staff successfully engage and support families and providers through community events and training to provide high-quality early...
Falling Into Action

With the Legislature in recess, CCALA and its member agencies, along with policy staff from First 5 LA have fallen into action to engage our State representatives and share our 2018-19 State Policy Priorities.
Building Together

CCALA congratulates Fiona Stewart, Program Director, whose book, "Building Together: Collaborative Leadership in Early Childhood Systems" has been published by Redleaf Press. The book...
Working together to strengthen families and ensure high-quality child care and early learning across Los Angeles County

What's New

There are many new faces at CCALA . We are excited to introduce: (names in order from left to right)

Sophia Sandoval, Outreach Coordinator
Dylan Ludwick, Program Assistant
Tyler Allman, Program Assistant
Michael Salerno, Data Entry Supervisor
Blandina Flores, Technical Assistant Specialist
Cindy Montes, Technical Assistant Specialist

We have room for more, so if you enjoy being a team player and working at a place you enjoy, then learn more about our open positions below.