Hi! I am so happy to have landed here at JFS Connecting Hearts. What a great place to be. We have a diverse team all working to help connect families with children who are waiting for their place to call home.
One of my favorite jobs here at JFS Connecting Hearts is supporting all of you through our Family Alliance program. Finding the right resources to help you do your best for kids is a great way to spend my day. Please get in touch with me any time to let me know how I can help you. We can find resources and programs to help support you and your family. You can email me at
chawks@jfsrichmond.org to let me know what support you need and what questions you have.
We are here for YOU! Here at JFS Connecting Hearts we recognize that you are doing the heavy lifting. Every day you’re helping children heal from trauma, nurturing them so they become healthy, happy adults, and attending to their needs. We thank you and we are here to help you!
Finally, I am hopeful some of your will become ambassadors for foster care and adoption! National studies are clear – the best recruiters of foster and adoptive families are other foster and adoptive families. We need your stories of love, challenges, and success to help us encourage more families to join us on this journey. Please contact me when you are ready to share the love!
Thanks, again, for all you do, everyday!