Family Leaders Ready to Partner
In three years, Families as Allies has trained over eighty family leaders in the Serving on Groups leadership training.

Parent Peer Support: Why It Matters
Coreaner Price had the opportunity to share her experiences with parent peer support at this past Saturday's Hope Rising summit.

Families: Tell Us What You Think About Your Child's Healthcare
Any family living in Mississippi raising a child between birth and 21 years of age can take the survey about CHAMP and access to healthcare.

Child Welfare Professionals Interview: Families as Allies and Family-Driven Practice
Child Welfare Professionals interviewed Joy Hogge for this Instagram-based look at Families as Allies and family-driven practice.

Facebook Live, Sept. 30
Join us each fifth Wednesday for a Facebook Live conversation about Families as Allies and how we can help you.

Virtual Family Support Meeting, Oct. 1

Family support meeting for parents or caregivers raising a child to check in with each other, discuss problems and concerns, and support one another.

Register here >>

Status Conference in U.S. v Mississippi Mental Health Lawsuit, Oct. 2

Judge Carlton Reeves issued the order below on September 22. The status conference scheduled in this case for October 2, 2020, at 9:00 A.M. will be conducted by videoconference. Members of the public may listen in by dialing 877-336-1829 and entering passcode 3608939#.

NFFCMH 2020 Virtual Mini-Conference, Nov. 10-12
Workshops addressing peer support, family/youth leadership, co-occurring mental health/substance use disorders, trauma-informed services.

Mississippi Department of Mental Health Peer Support Training, Nov 16-20
This training includes a track facilitated by Families as Allies for parents who want to do peer support for other parents.

MDHS' Mississippi Suicide Prevention Plan 2020-22 Report

The Mississippi Suicide Prevention Workgroup was formed in April 2016 to finalize the state's efforts in developing a formal plan to help end a public health issue that affects people of all ages, races, and genders - suicide.

Sesame Street video helps kids with autism learn to wear a mask

Wearing a mask to prevent the spread of COVID can be hard for kids who have autism. In a new Sesame Street video, Julia and her dad practice wearing a mask.

Shattering the Silence: Youth Suicide Prevention | Sadie Penn | TEDxYouth@Lancaster

Sadie Penn is a suicide survivor and is now an advocate of suicide prevention. She feels it's time to talk about the struggle and get it out in the open.