Thank you for spending a few minutes with the Buzz! In this edition, we check in with Kinaxis to learn how their certification program is driving growth and engagement by expanding their digital badging program. We also highlight how Alpine’s commitment to security doesn’t stop at providing our customers with exam security solutions (i.e., prevent, detect, mitigate, enforce). It has also compelled us to achieve and maintain ISO/IEC 27001:2013 accreditation, assuring our customers that their data is safe with Alpine.
Please enjoy this edition of the Buzz and do not hesitate to contact us to exchange ideas on how, together, we can continue creating validity-centered solutions that to support your program and:
· better mitigate security risks and other threats to validity;
· better fit the ever-accelerating pace of change and value propositions desired by
your stakeholder groups, including the engagement expectations of Millennials
and Gen-Z; and,
· better position and apply assessment as a valuable ally in one’s journey as a life-
long learner.
Best regards,
Brian Adams
President & CEO of Alpine Testing Solutions, Inc.