Welcome to The Alumni Insider, a quarterly newsletter to build connections between alumni.
Share a story, keep us posted and stay connected! Submit any news or updates that you would like to see in our next issue to by clicking here.
Please send us your leads for campers for next season so that we may share the gift of a CYJ experience with more families!
50ish Anniversary Celebration
Whether you came from near or far, thank you for joining us in Skokie on April 22-23, 2023. We hope that being together with old and new friends rekindled that magical feeling many of us have whenever we see, hear or talk about our beloved camp.

Click here to see photos of the event.
Impact campers at CYJ this summer and beyond! Check out the list of items from 
CYJ's Giving Tree that your donation can be earmarked for.
Pickleball Equipment: $50
Kona Ice Truck: $300
Tzevet Pre-Camp Outing: $200
Tzevet Banquet: $200
Camper Banquet: $75
Bonfire Night: $75
Tzofiyut Supplies: $100
Softball Mitt: $25
Baseball Bat: $25
Ropes Course: $200
Rainy Day Games: $50
Havdallah Supplies: $18
Arts & Crafts: $100
Tzevet Oneg: $100
Tiyul Sponsor: $75
S'mores: $18
Shabbat Hershey Kisses: $18
Tie-Dye Materials: $36
Yom Yisrael: $100
Voleyball Net: $150
Voleyball Sand & Poles: $1,000
Cooking Chug: $50
Archery Chug: $100
Mirpa'ah Supplies: $150
If you would like further information on other ways to give, please contact
Rabbi Hannah Wallick, Director by clicking here.
Year Round Camp Store
The CYJ Midwest online store is in full force! There is lots of fun apparel for your campers (and adults) to enjoy! Please go to this link to check out the selections and place your orders! The store is available all year- so you can keep adding to your collection. Happy shopping!
The Next Generation
Check out who has registered the next generation for CYJ in 2023!
Will Adler - Zach Alpert & Caryn Stern
Alison Bank - Eyal H Barash - Ben Baum
Jenny Beck - Rebecca Broudy - Alison Cherry
Mara Flamembaum Christos
Amy Eisenstein - Susan D. Elbaum
Jacob Fisher - Amy Flamenbaum
Michael Flamenbaum - Sarah Goldshlack
Zac Hirschman - Brian Jaffee - Libby Karon Sherri Kushner - Debbie Marks
Heather McKee - Molli Tobin Monk
Katy Burstein Motto - Julie Ruskin Ohana
Richard Primus - Miriam Rieger
Gila Marcus Robinson
Elana Harris Schanzer
Sivan Kredow Schondorf - Tamara Schwartz
Ben Shayne
Asherith Even Shulman & Dan Shulman Suzan Sultan - Shira Walny
Jonathan Weinkle
Who is going to be next to register for session 2 of the 2023 season?
Want to host a special virtual open house for your friends? Reach out to Rabbi Hannah Wallick at for more information.
Meet our 2023 Tzevet
Digital Yearbooks & Alumni Website
Imagine the ability to find long lost CYJ friends, network professionally within the vast Camp Young Judaea Midwest alumni and parent community, and catch-up on alumni life-cycle and milestone events. Check out our alumni page and get connected today!

We have almost every yearbook digitized just for you!
Click here to start exploring!
In The News
"Your children need to see you in Israel with them so that it becomes part of their childhood memories and identity. They need to know what it tastes like to have really fresh pita bread or to argue with each other about whether to walk up Masada or take the cable car." - Authored by camp alum Dan Elbaum.
Good & Welfare
Camp alumna and current Tzevet, Aliya Dahlin has been selected for the US Open Women's Volleyball team representing the United States at the Pan America Maccabi Games in Argentina.
Kudos to camp alumna Claire Eisenstadt of Northbrook, IL and Mia Finestone of San Rafael, CA. for winning Hadassah’s 2023 Leaders of Tomorrow Award. Read about it here.
Give Back to CYJ
Join the CYJ Forever Legacy Society to ensure future generations can share in this legacy and to give you an opportunity to continue to be a part of our future, forever. Click here for more information.
Don't forget to shop through for donations to CYJ Midwest when you shop at stores you already use. Just go to for the exact same products and iGive will donate a percentage of your purchase.

You can set your account to always give to CYJ on every purchase.
We are looking for former campers and staff to get involved on our alumni committee. If you are interested in learning more, please email Ellen Finestone at