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"Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way.
It doesn't matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored.
I'm going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy

~ Wayne W. Dyer

Our wish for you this week is that you do follow your bliss,
do what you love and love what you do,
and that you relish just being uniquely You!

Sue Sizemore of Vancouver, WA is always wowing us with her wonderful creations!
This week we marvel at her 8" Corgi!!

Made with Living Felt Core Wool and Camel MC-2 Batt.

s always, we wish you happy felting, and let us know
if you have any questions or need any support by emailing us at

customer service@livingfelt.com

With Love,


Living Felt 2012 International Felting Contest!!

We are starting to receive submissions now...it is very exciting!

Are you entering, still thinking about, do you have questions?

Join our conversation on facebook, if there are enough questions,
we can plan a live facebook gathering, but let us hear from you so
we can help you get your questions answered and enter!

Entry Form & Contest Rules

Register Online


Sue Hale won 1st Place in our Theme Category for 2011: Seuss-pirations

"Leafly & Grimlox, Ridden by Soozie Pantoozie, Take First Place at the
Second Annual Brittle Bootleg Dressage & Flugelhorn Competition

by Sue Hale 14" H x 17" L
Soozie Pantoozie & her steed, Leafly & Grimlox were constructed using various colors of wool roving over a wire armature. Bits and Pieces used for embellishment include buttons, ribbon and embroidery floss.


Peace Felt 2012 Registration opened last week,
and already we have over 150 participants from around the world!

Please join the mailing list at www.peacefelt.org
and follow Peace Felt on facebook.

This is a very special project and registering commits
you to participating, plus you receive a heart felt gift
from a new felting friend. The registration window
will be approximately 4weeks, so watch for it and
be sure to sign up early!

Peace Felt 2011 gift created by Janice Riordan Haringsma
of California for her partner in Australia.


Mira Broyles of Eagan, MN felted these happy
love birds out of Core Wool and MC-2 Fleshtone.
See and learn more on the blog.



We just fell in love with the mood setting cards by Ronda Loyer,
so we share more of her wonderful felted works
on the Felting Friends Blog this week.

If you are not sure which wool to start with, we
recommend our Merino-Cross Batts. We guarantee felting success!
Whether you are needle felting or wet felting, try anything with
an MC-1 next to it, and you'll love your outcome!


Check out this amazing cat felted by Patricia Bierer
of Muskego, WI...what a fabulous composition,
and made from the Earth Tones Studio Pack.


...and this fabulous sculpture 'Baby Trek' by Jolene Klassen
of Winnepeg, Canada. He is 12"! You can see how much
he resembles the real Trek on the Felting Friends Blog.

Jolene used Core Wool and the Earth Tones Studio Pack above.




If you can't decide which colors to choose (there are a lot!)
start with some studio packs, or check out our Studio Builder Packs!

Studio Builder 1 has 6 Studio Packs! This will stock your studio
with a great palette of color!

Studio Builder 2 adds core wool, foam and needles to the bundle!
Both are a great deal and discounted from the regular retail price.

Send us pictures of your felting projects!

- purses, bags and carry-alls

- art dolls, traditional or wild!

- hats and scarves

- mixed media with felting

- fall, halloween and Christmas holiday projects

(can be pictures, wearables, sculptures, etc. include details -- see below)
Send us a picture of yours for a chance to win
a Living Felt Gift Certificate!

send to: submissions@livingfelt.com

Just follow these 5 simple steps:

1) Take a nice clear photo with a complimentary background

2) Re-size to a maximum of 1000 pixels wide.
If you can’t do it with your own software, try this free tool: http://www.picresize.com/

3) Send your photo to submissions@livingfelt.com with Photo Entry - Item (hat, bear, scarf, etc.) in the Subject Line


5) Tell us what supplies you used - be specific if possible

*Remember, every photo posted on facebook or emailed to us is entered into our Monthly Drawing for Living Felt Gift Certificates and Prizes!

facebook | felting friends blog



Join us on facebook, and become a friend of LIVING FELT where you can upload your felted creations for all to enjoy!


Sending My Blessings
Marie Spaulding
www.LivingFelt.com ~ Act on Your Inspired Ideas!

On behalf of all of us here at Living Felt, I thank you for your letters, emails, pictures, and facebook posts. We truly love hearing from you, receiving your echoes of joy at tapping into your Inner Creativity, feeling the wonder and exhilaration of expressing from your heart. All of us here read your notes, and we all give thanks that we can be of service in lighting up that brilliant, brilliant light within you, and reminding you that it was with you all along.

Registration is now open!

Living Felt 2012 International Felting Contest!!

This year will be like the previous years,
with two categories to enter:

- The Doll Category

- The Theme Category:
Childhood Fairy Tales

Entry Form & Contest Rules

Register Online


Felting Friends Spotlight!

Ronda Loyer has been a floral designer for 12 years, and loves to work in many mediums.

Ronda on the blog


Jan Waller shares her journey, process photos and tips for creating amazing felt images.

Jan on the blog


Liza Hamilton captures real life in her fiber illustrations and sculptures.

Liza on the blog


Enjoy another fabulous tutorial by Patty Gibson!
Patty awes us on facebook with her amazing bird and wildlife sculptures in wool, and you might recall that she previously gifted our community with a wonderful
step-by-step tutorial for needle felting nested birds.

Now she takes us through the process of making custom bird feet for your needle felted feathered friends.

Bird feet tutorial


Needle Felting a Gnome Home

An enchanting and fun project by customer and felting friend Joyce Hazlerig


Free Needle Felting Tutorial: Nesting Birds

Check out this fabulous and very detailed needle felting tutorial by Patty Gibson! If you participate in our community on facebook,
you may have seen Patty's incredible life-like
bird sculptures.

Previous Newsletters

Lovely Felted Pictures

Really FUN Felted Friends

Felt Wall Hangings

Gnome & Their Homes!

Incredible Fairy House



Peace Felt on Facebook



Link to Living Felt!

This wonderful icon was made for us to share with you! We invite you to post one on your blog or website:


Living Felt Connections

Felting Friends Blog


