God's Loving Presence in a Hurting World

Musings from the Pastor's Desk

January 12, 2025

What Do You Remember About Your Baptism?


What do you remember about your baptism? This was the question our retreat leader asked us. Not many of us in attendance could answer the question except a few who were baptized as teens or young adults and could share their vivid memories of the event. Their stories were interesting, and I began thinking about my own baptism.


In preparation for the retreat, we had to bring our baptismal certificates. I didn't have mine, but I viewed the church book containing all the congregation's baptisms, funerals, and weddings. My name was listed with two other infants at the 11:00 AM worship service at Good Shepherd Lutheran, Plainview, NY, on November 22, 1960.


But this was the only information I had. I asked the family members who were still alive what they remembered, and my aunt, who was my Godmother, could not remember anything. I asked my mother, and her response was, "I don't know, I wasn't there." Where were you, Mom? I asked. She said, "I was home cooking."


I was shocked and could only laugh. Friends told me it was a cultural thing where the family stayed back to prepare the banquet. But it bothered me for some time that I didn't have any details from my big day. I could only surmise that I was a well-behaved baby and didn't cry.


But over time, I pondered how my baptism was not about what we ate, what I was dressed in, or if I cried. What I will remember are the words of life and promise. I was delivered from sin and death and raised to new life in Christ Jesus. God called me by name and claimed me as a child of God, sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever.


I love the hymn, You Are Mine, "Do not be afraid, I am with you. I have called you each by name. Come and follow me; I will bring you home. I love you, and you are mine." 


Join us Sunday at 10:30 AM as we celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord. We will affirm our baptism together and feel the love and glory of Jesus Christ wash over us. All are welcome!

May Christ's light fill your heart and guide your path all year.

Pastor Eric

Preparing for Sunday

First Sunday after Epiphany

(click on the readings below)

Isaiah 43:1-7

Psalm 29

Acts 8:14-17

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

Household Prayer: Morning

Lord Jesus, as I serve you this day, let not my heart be troubled. Help me to believe with conviction that you are with me, and I am in you, and you are in God. Amen.


We will begin our next Griefshare group in late January. To learn more about Griefshare, click HERE.

Words to Ponder

Do not be afraid, I am with you

I have called you each by name

Come and follow Me

I will bring you home

I love you and you are mine. – (David Haas, You Are Mine)

Household Prayer: Evening

Faithful God, my rock and my fortress, into your hands I commit my spirit. As darkness falls, let your face shine upon your servant and keep me in your steadfast love. Amen.

Just checking ...

Do you have a Thrivent policy?

If you do, you may be able to lead a Thrivent Action team that can support so much here at Hope. You see, Thrivent supports every approved project with a $250 pre-paid credit card and up to 25 T-shirts (and a few other goodies).

Please check and let Debbie, Vera or Susanne know. We'll help you, it's easy.


Reflection from Brother Dan

“In Rome, many maintain the custom of throwing something out the window on New Year’s Eve. What a relief to get rid of every old resentment, old fears, old prejudices, old notions and old ways of doing things.” (Dr. Norman Vincent Peale)


As we reflect on the many blessings we’ve received as a church family, we are reminded of the vital role our faithfulness and generosity play in sustaining our ministry and mission. It is through our ongoing stewardship that Hope Lutheran Church continues to be a place where worship, fellowship, and outreach continue and flourish.

Each week, we gather to worship, hear the Word of God, and grow in our faith. Behind the scenes, our contributions make possible the many aspects of church life that we often take for granted:

  • Maintaining the warmth and beauty of our sanctuary
  • Supporting our dedicated pastor and staff
  • Offering programs to the congregation and our neighbors
  • Extending love and care through outreach to those in need

These general operating expenses may not always be visible, but they are essential to the life and mission of our church. Our gifts sustain day-to-day operations and provide the foundation upon which we build all that we do in service to God and our community.

As we enter this new year, we ask for your continued partnership. Please prayerfully consider how you can support our shared mission. Your commitment to stewardship allows us to:

  • Continue offering vibrant worship services
  • Expand our ministries to reach more lives
  • Ensure that Hope Lutheran Church remains a welcoming home for all who seek God’s love

You can contribute by clicking on the link below, mailing a check, contributing minimum required distributions from your retirement accounts or placing your gift in the offering plate.

Thank you for your steadfast generosity and faith; together, we do God’s work with our hands.



The ELCA will be hosting a free, online event for the National Day of Racial Healing on January 21st. The day will focus on two areas: Raising awareness of the need for racial healing, and inspiring collective action to build common ground for a more just and equitable ELCA and world.

This event will feature presentations and panels that center the voices of ELCA leaders of color. You can register on the ELCA website. If you register soon, you will be entered into 1 of 4 drawings of book bundles from Augsburg Fortress Publishers. 

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