God's Loving Presence in a Hurting World

Musings from the Pastor's Desk

February 2, 2025

Please, Don't throw Me Over the Cliff!


Mob mentality, also known as herd mentality, refers to individuals' tendency to adopt a group's behaviors, emotions, and opinions, often leading to irrational or extreme actions. People in a crowd may feel less personal responsibility for their actions, making them more likely to engage in behaviors they might not consider on their own. This phenomenon can lead to impulsive, emotional, and sometimes violent reactions. 


In Sunday's Gospel from Luke 4:21-30, mob mentality plays a significant role in how the people of Nazareth respond to Jesus. At first, the crowd in the synagogue reacts favorably when Jesus reads from Isaiah and declares that He fulfills the prophecy. However, their attitude quickly shifts when Jesus implies that God's blessings and miracles are not limited to Israel but also extend to Gentiles. He references the stories of Elijah and Elisha, where God provided for non-Israelites. 


This enrages the crowd because it challenges their nationalistic and religious expectations. They had initially admired Jesus as one of their own, but when His message contradicted their assumptions, they turned against Him. In a display of mob mentality, the people—who had just been amazed by His words—become furious, drive Him out of town, and attempt to throw Him off a cliff. 


This passage illustrates how easily a group can shift from admiration to hostility when confronted with uncomfortable truths. Collective outrage heightened the people's emotions, leading them to act irrationally and violently—actions they might not have taken individually. Jesus, however, remains calm and walks away, demonstrating His authority and control even in the face of mob aggression.


Come worship with us on Sunday at 10:30 AM and hear the Word of God preached to the mob. But please don’t try to throw me off a cliff if you don’t like what you hear!



Pastor Eric 

Preparing for Sunday

Second Sunday after Epiphany

(click on the readings below)

Jeremiah 1:4-10

Psalm 71:1-6

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Luke 4:21-30

Household Prayer: Morning

God, you have given me the gift of another day; may I live it in gratitude. Help me to be loving to others, to Earth, and to myself; in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Household Prayer: Evening

Holy One, this day is drawing to an end. Be with me as I pause and ponder all the love I saw and received today. Help me to see you in each moment of love. Where I fell short of being patient and kind, help me to feel your patience and kindness toward me, and give me peace, as I give this day back to you. Amen.

Bible Study

This Friday @ 10:30AM


We will hoold a new GriefShare Support Group every Wednesday from February 5th - April 30th. During this 13-week program, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and helpful ways of coping with grief. Please consider joining or referring a friend. For more information, please see Pastor Eric.

Words to Ponder

The best way to predict your future is to create it. (Abraham Lincoln)

Social Ministry

Please join us every 1st Sunday of the month during the fellowship hour for our Social Ministry Meetings. All are welcome. 

Reflection from Bro. Dan

A confirmation student was asked to list the Ten Commandments in any order. He wrote: “3, 6, 1, 8, 4, 5, 9, 2, 10, 7.” (The Lutheran)

He makes all things NEW!

As a young woman, I was wishing that someone would write a book that contains the formula of everyone’s life. That book would then contain so much knowledge that our lives could be so much better, at least that’s how I felt. Knowing the secrets, the ins and out of being the best office worker, chef, friend, conservationist, neighbor, leader, homemaker, well you get the idea. You could be the best at everything if you knew all the shortcuts of making life better. 

A few years later, I collapsed and landed in the hospital. The doctors felt something was really wrong, but they didn’t know what it was. They tried every kind of test on me. They hooked me up to a heart monitor and did a bone marrow biopsy, x-rays, lab tests and they couldn’t figure out what was wrong. They just knew I was deteriorating and they didn’t know why. Then one day I felt like maybe if there’s a God in heaven, he could save a young mother like me and so I prayed, “if you would only save me, Lord. I will do what you want. Read the Bible become a Christian, if you would just save me.“

From that day on, I got stronger and stronger, the doctors let me go home and never could come up with an answer as to why I was so ill. True to my word and wanting to find out who this Jesus was, I started to read the Bible. I found myself reading the New Testament daily and becoming a “new creature in Christ” as they say. I didn’t even know it until a friend asked ”why does she seem so different?” Another stated, “she’s born again.” I  tried to hide my surprise upon hearing that conversation. But it was true that every morning seemed a new world unlike the old one. I was so happy with my personal relationship with the Lord.  Eventually learning what “born again” meant, that we become a new person in Christ was mind blowing. Christians say how wonderful it will be after they pass on. My thought was knowing Jesus here on earth couldn’t be better than the next world promises!

What is the most advantageous advice for others in life?

Certainly not waiting but to come to know Christ. Believe that He died on the cross for all of us, for our sins, so that we can be a new creature in Him. Jesus loves us, comforts us, helps us, watches over us and wants to live with us. Jesus is a friend who will never leave or abandon us and will guide us. Jesus will make a life better in everything that one does when having that personal relationship with Him. 

If I had only known earlier what I know now. Jesus is the best guidance for all of us in the world; and the book that I wanted back in the day had actually already been written many, many years ago, thankfully. 

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

With Love,


Virtual Town Hall with Bishop Ortiz

This virtual event will be held tonight, Thursday, January 30th, from 7:00–8:30pm. This is a unique opportunity for all synod members to hear directly from Bishop Ortiz, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of this important role and the transition process.

Register Here
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