The Arc Maryland's Weekly Legislative Update
First Week of Session: January 13 - 15, 2021
Every Monday in the Insider, check out updates on key legislation affecting the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and professional supports, learn about upcoming advocacy events, and receive notices about Federal, State, and other initiatives of importance to The Arc Maryland!
Bill Tracker
You can stay up to date on all legislation The Arc Maryland is keeping tabs on through our Bill Tracker! Use the Bill Tracker to view position statements, access bill text, and check hearing times and dates.

Our first edition of the Bill Tracker features pre-filed bills (added by legislators before the start of session). With the session kicking off this Wednesday, new bills will be added throughout the coming weeks as they are filed, and added to our future editions of the bill tracker.
News to Use
Updated Guidance on COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritization
Last week, Governor Hogan announced changes to the prioritization of certain groups for the Coronavirus vaccine. The following provides further clarification of those changes which impact people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their Direct Support Staff:

All staff who are licensed, registered, or certified by a health occupation board are in Phase 1A and currently eligible for vaccination. This includes DDA nurses, Certified Nursing Assistants, and Certified Medication Technicians working in DDA facilities or Self-Directing individuals' homes. Please reach out to your local health department for more information on how to access the vaccine as each county is handling the distribution differently.

All people with developmental disabilities are in Priority Phase 1B. People who are in this category may be vaccinated through their providers' pharmacy partnership, or (if they self-direct their services) should contact their local health department for guidance on accessing the vaccine.

All Direct Support Professionals who do not qualify for Phase 1A (lack of health occupation license, registration, or certification, are in Priority Phase 1C.

Read more about the prioritization and process by clicking the button below.
Vaccination Informational Resources
Plain Language COVID-19 Vaccine Resources and Social Stories are available to assist people with disabilities to understand the risks and benefits associated with contracting COVID-19 versus obtaining the vaccine. Click each image below to access these resources.
Adapting Your Advocacy with The Arc Maryland
January 12th from 8 to 8:45 AM and
January 13th from 7 to 7:45 PM
Join members of The Arc for one of our Adapting Your Advocacy training events, where you will have the opportunity to brush up on your advocacy skills and learn about the new virtual operating procedures of the House and the Senate. Get tips from State Legislators on “making your case,” learn about legislative priorities of The Arc, and step through the procedural changes that have been made to hearings, submissions of testimony, floor session protocols, communications, visits with legislators, and more. Register for a session through the buttons below.
Senate and House Updated Operating Procedures
Due to the pandemic, the Legislative Session will operate differently this year. All hearings will be conducted virtually, the number of witnesses able to testify orally are limited, etc. For more information on the changes, please click the links and create a "My MGA" account for yourself as soon as possible if you plan to submit written testimony, oral testimony in the House, or add your name to the list of potential witnesses for Senate bill oral testimony (to be selected in the Senate at random per the updated procedures).
Top Bills of the Week
HB0321 / SB0061: Public Buildings – Changing Facilities – Requirements.

Status: HB0321: In House, hearing on Thursday, 1/14 in HGO at 1:30 PM
Note: This hearing will be "Sponsor Testimony Only" (No opportunity for oral testimony from the public, but please submit your written letters of support).

SB0061: In Senate, hearing on 1/28 in JPR at 11 AM

Position: Support

This bill creates a requirement for newly constructed or extensively remodeled public buildings to provide changing stations suitable to hold the weight of an adult. Although the hearing will allow oral testimony only from the sponsor, your advocacy is needed through written stories and testimony now! Please contact members of the HGO Committee and provide your support for HB0321. For assistance, contact Ande Kolp.
HB0347: Criminal Law - Exploitation of Vulnerable Adult or Elderly Individual - Undue Influence

Status: In House, hearing on Thursday, 1/14 in JUD at 1:30 PM

Position: Support

Why is this legislation important?

  • It is a sad fact that some adults with disabilities are vulnerable and at risk of a range of exploitative or coercive behaviors including financial, physical, or emotional abuse.  
  • The Attorney’s General office notes that abuses against vulnerable adults are escalating in our communities. Even more troubling is that for every case of abuse that is reported to authorities, experts estimate that as many as five cases go unreported.
  • Those who are elderly, or have significant support needs are at an increased risk of losing their assets to those exerting undue influence on them.

This legislation redefines the term “undue influence” and adds factors the court must consider when determining whether property was obtained from a person with disabilities by undue influence.

Please contact members of the JUD Committee and provide your support for HB0347. For assistance, contact Ande Kolp.
HB0143 / SB0218Maryland Child Tax Credit

Status: HB0143: In House, hearing on Thursday, 1/14 in W&M at 1:30 PM

SB0218: In Senate, hearing on 1/20 in B&T at 11:00 AM

Position: Support

This would allow certain taxpayers to claim a credit against the state income tax for certain dependent children under certain circumstances; defining a qualified dependent as a child that is under the age of 6 years OR is under the age of 17 years and is a child with a disability.

Please contact members of the W&M Committee and provide your support for HB0143. For assistance, contact Ande Kolp.
HB0055Immunities – Associations, Organizations, and Charities – Liability of Agents and Volunteers.

Status: In House, hearing on Friday, 1/15 in JUD at 1:30 PM

Position: Letter of Information

Still considering a response from The Arc, but noting the bill has potential to impact providers of The Arc and people who self-direct who are employers of DSPs. From Daily Record this morning: "Businesses and the Maryland Hospital Association will also be seeking to limit liability claims from customers and employees who contract the virus during the pandemic.

“At the end of the day, people need to go to work, and if the employer, through no fault of their own, has an employee or customer that contracts COVID, they shouldn’t be liable for it,” said Locklair. The Maryland Hospital Association is looking to update liability laws that would expand the definition of health care worker as well as take into account challenges specific to the pandemic, including staffing shortages and lack of personal protective equipment. “We believe those are very unique challenges. Those challenges were not imagined 20 years ago when Maryland’s existing statute was put into place, and for those reasons, we want to see them updated this year,” said Nicole Stallings, a lobbyist for the association."
Hearing Schedule
Thursday, January 14th

HGO, 1:30 PM
HB0321: Public Buildings – Changing Facilities – Requirements. Note: This hearing will be "Sponsor Testimony Only" (No opportunity for oral testimony from the public, but please submit your written letters of support).

JUD, 1:30 PM
HB0347: Criminal Law - Exploitation of Vulnerable Adult or Elderly Individual - Undue Influence

W&M, 1:30 PM
HB0143: Maryland Child Tax Credit
Friday, January 15th

JUD, 1:30 PM
HB0055: Immunities – Associations, Organizations, and Charities – Liability of Agents and Volunteers
Tuesday, January 19th

APP, 1:30 PM
HB0255: Department of Aging - Grants for Aging-in-Place Programs - Funding

EMC, 1:30 PM
HB0338: Business Regulation - Innkeepers - Records and Human Trafficking Awareness Training

W&M, 1:30 PM
HB0245: Election Judges - Training and Signs - Accommodations for Voters in Need of Assistance

HB0247: Election Law - Voting Order Priority - Individuals Who Need Extra Assistance

HGO, 2:00 PM
HB0141: Maryland Department of Health – Residential Service Agencies – Training Requirements

HB0393: Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Health
Wednesday, January 20th

APP, 1:30 PM
HB0059: Task Force on Higher Education Students With Chronic Health Conditions

W&M, 1:30 PM
HB0171: State Department of Education - School Discipline - Data Collection

HB0342: Education - Health and Safety of Students - Notification of Problematic Student Behavior

HB0370: Education - Public and Nonpublic Schools - Seizure Action Plans (Brynleigh's Act)

HB0405: Special Education - Judicial Actions - Attorney's Fees and Related Costs

B&T, 11:00 AM
SB0218: Maryland Child Tax Credit

EHEA, 2:00 PM
SB0147: Task Force on Higher Education Students With Chronic Health Conditions

SB0225: Education - Public and Nonpublic Schools - Seizure Action Plans (Brynleigh's Act)
Thursday, January 21st

FIN, 1:00 PM
SB0012: Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Health

SB0307: Labor and Employment - Direct Care Workforce Innovation Program
Please note: the following abbreviations identify the legislative committees in the Assembly:

House of Delegates:
  • APP - Appropriations Committee
  • EMC - Economic Matters Committee
  • E&T - Environment and Transportation Committee
  • HGO - Health and Government Operations Committee
  • JUD - Judiciary Committee
  • W&M - Ways and Means Committee
  • HRU - Rules and Executive Nominations Committee

  • B&T - Budget and Taxation Committee
  • EHEA - Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee
  • FIN - Finance Committee
  • JPR - Judicial Proceedings Committee
  • EXN - Executive Nominations Committee
  • SRU - Rules Committee