The Arc Maryland's Weekly Legislative Update
March 4 to 8, 2024
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Stay up to date on legislation through our Bill Tracker! View position statements, access bill text, and check hearing times and dates. Bills that have passed through the House or Senate or been withdrawn are all noted! | | |
HB0698 - Estates and Trusts - Guardianship of the Person of a Disabled Person - Expedited Proceedings
Position: Oppose
Current Status: In House JUD Civil Law and Procedure Subcommittee Hearing 3/5 at 12 PM.
This bill previously had a hearing in the full JUD committee, and is now listed to have a "hearing" in subcommittee tomorrow at noon.
Why Are We Concerned About this Bill?
Disability Rights Maryland has been a part of a two-year project to create a report and toolkit, to divert the "Healthcare to Guardianship Pipeline." The project was funded by the ACL through an Elder Justice Innovations Grant and is projected to be completed in the fall. The report and toolkit will provide solutions to hospital overstays and ways to address barriers we are facing with bed capacity. Guardianship will also be examined, along with viable alternatives to the assignment of a guardian.
We agree that hospital overstays are an issue, but disagree that an expedited process for assigning a guardian to a hospitalized person is the remedy. Guardianship reviews are important and should be done in the time needed to gather all pertinent information for a decision. To mandate that reviews should be expedited could result in more people with IDD remanded to guardianships, instead of having the opportunity to exercise and exhaust alternatives to guardianship such as Supported Decision Making before the consideration of a guardianship appointment. We have met with bill sponsors to convey concerns and advocated for a withdrawal of the bill at this time to await the outcomes of the 2-year project report and toolkit.
What Can You Do?
Today or tomorrow morning, before the hearing tomorrow at 12 PM, if you share the concerns above, please reach out to members of the House JUD Civil Law and Procedure Subcommittee. The Arc Maryland's position is to Oppose this bill. Contact information for the subcommittee is available below!
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Jon Cardin, Chair
District 11B, Baltimore County
Lauren Arikan
District 7B, Harford County
Frank Conaway, Jr.
District 40, Baltimore City
Elizabeth Embry
District 43A, Baltimore City
Delegate Robin Grammer, Jr.
District 6, Baltimore County
Delegate David Moon
District 20, Montgomery County
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Rachel Munoz
District 31, Anne Arundel County
N. Scott Phillips
District 10, Baltimore County
Kent Roberson
District 25, Prince George's County
Delegate Stuart Michael Schmidt, Jr.
District 33B, Anne Arundel County
Delegate Karen Toles
District 25, Prince George's County
Delegate Nicole Williams
District 22, Prince George's County
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HB0359 - Petition for Guardianship of the Property of Alleged Disabled Person - Stay of Civil Actions and Proceedings
Position: Support
Current Status: In House JUD Civil Law and Procedure Subcommittee Hearing 3/5 at 12 PM.
This bill also had a previous hearing in the full JUD committee, and is now listed to have a "hearing" in subcommittee tomorrow at noon. We think this bill would be beneficial to people with IDD. It would require an automatic stay of certain civil actions or proceedings on the filing of a petition for guardianship of the property of an alleged disabled person. It would also require, in the serving of process (such as notice of a claim) for certain civil actions against an alleged disabled person, the temporary or permanent guardian of the property of the disabled person to be served. This includes protections for the filing of a petition for a change in guardianship. If this bill is important to you, please act today or tomorrow before noon to contact members of the subcommittee listed in the section above.
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SB1096 - Vehicle Laws - Licenses, Identification Cards, and Moped Operator's Permits - Identification of Nonapparent Disability
Position: Support with Amendments
Current Status: In Senate JPR Hearing 3/5 at 1 PM. Testimony is due today, 3/4, by 6 PM through the MGA website.
This bill would require that an application for a license, an identification card, or a moped operator's permit allow an applicant to indicate the applicant's nonapparent disability, and would require the Motor Vehicle Administration to ensure that the license, identification card, or moped operator's permit of an applicant who indicates that the applicant has a nonapparent disability includes an "ND" notation.
We understand why some individuals with nonapparent disabilities and some families may want this option for themselves or their loved ones, however, The Arc Maryland Governmental Affairs Committee raised concerns about police training and accountability, ensuring personal choice is honored to allow a person to add or remove the designation at any time for any reason, and receiving assurances from the MVA that a choice to voluntarily add the ND designation to an MVA card will not be used in determinations for Medical advisory board review requirements.
We requested the following amendments to the bill:
- Add requirements for police training and accountability.
- Require mandatory training for law enforcement that is consistent across the state
- Ensure a person is able to remove the notation from the card, and an indication of the notation from the MVA system at any time, for any reason, and
- Require MVA to ensure the information disclosed by a person to obtain an ND notation is not used as a basis for referring the individual to the Medical Advisory Board.
With these changes, The Arc Maryland would support its passage. If this is important to you or your family, please consider writing testimony, and/or signing up to testify orally by 6 PM today on the MGA website.
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HB0981 - Maryland Department of Disabilities - Individuals With Limited English Proficiency - Access to Public Services
Position: Support with Amendment
Current Status: In House HGO Hearing 3/5 at 1 PM.
This legislation would add the Department of Disabilities to the list of State departments, agencies, and programs that already have to take steps to provide equal access to public services for people with limited English proficiency.
The law, originally passed two decades ago, ensures reasonable steps are taken to provide equal access to public services for people with limited English proficiency. When originally codified, the Department of Disabilities did not exist, but neither did the Departments of Service and Civic Innovation and Emergency Management. For this reason, we requested an amendment to include both these other departments in the statute.
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SB0891 - Transportation - MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements - Study - Testimony due next week
Position: Support
Current Status: In Senate FIN Hearing 3/13 at 1 PM. Testimony is due by 6 PM on 3/12, through the MGA website.
This bill would require the Maryland Transportation Institute at the University of Maryland to conduct a study to identify methods to improve the Maryland Transit Administration's ADA MobilityLink paratransit service, including an appropriation of at least $150K for the study in the FY26 budget bill.
This will serve as an excellent starting point to reform MobilityLink and improve service for riders, as they experience inconsistent service, often falling far below comparable service levels. Late pick-ups and drop-offs, long trips, and lengthy wait times for customer service calls have detrimental implications for riders. If the bill passes, the study will compare MobilityLink to other paratransit entities around the country, examine whether contracting out staff is detrimental to service, considering paratransit workforce metrics, and conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the service, reliability, and finances. See the Action Alert from DRM below.
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Nominations for The Arc Maryland's Statewide Awards Are Open!
Let's celebrate those who are making outstanding contributions to the fabric of our communities! Each year, The Arc Maryland Awards Program recognizes those individuals, groups, and communities whose contributions to the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) represent meritorious service or achievement and warrant special statewide recognition.
We know you know someone who is Leading the Way in their advocacy and work to support people with IDD! We want to hear about it! Submit your Nomination Form by April 3rd below. Contact Sharon Dols at if you have any questions about the awards or nomination form. For help filling out the nomination form, please contact Natalie Dohner at
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Registration Is Now Open for The Arc Maryland Statewide Convention & Awards Banquet
May 30th
Mark your calendars for May 30th! Our Convention & Awards Banquet is back once again at Turf Valley Resort in Howard County! This year's theme is Leading the Way. Full-day tickets to the event are now available, with lunch-only and add-ons set to release soon.
Want to highlight your support at the event? Sponsorship opportunities are also available to showcase your business or organization for an anticipated 300 self-advocate, family member, professional, legislative leader, and partner affiliate attendees!
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Please See the Bill Tracker for Our Positions on These Bills
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Tuesday, March 5th at 12:00 PM in House APP
HB1163 - State Department of Education - Division of Rehabilitation Services - Funding
Tuesday, March 5th at 1:00 PM in House HGO
HB0981 - Maryland Department of Disabilities - Individuals With Limited English Proficiency - Access to Public Services
HB0987 - State Government - Equal Access to Public Services for Individuals With Limited English Proficiency - Modifications
Tuesday, March 5th at 1:00 PM in Senate JPR
SB0927 - Criminal Law – Crime of Violence – Second Degree Assault of a School Employee or Subcontractor (School Assault Reduction and Prevention Act)
SB1096 - Vehicle Laws - Licenses, Identification Cards, and Moped Operator's Permits - Identification of Nonapparent Disability
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Wednesday, March 6th at 1:00 PM in House APP
HB0675 - Primary and Secondary Education - Education Savings Account Program - Established (Maryland Universal School Choice Act)
HB1432 - Education – Prekindergarten and Withholding of County Board Funding (Blueprint Accountability and Flexibility Act of 2024)
Wednesday, March 6th at 1:00 PM in House EMC
HB1277 - Security Guards – Use of Force Reporting – Health Care–Related Physical Interventions
Wednesday, March 6th at 1:00 PM in House HGO
HB0822 - Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Employed Individuals With Disabilities
HB1048 - Behavioral Health Advisory Council and Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Alterations
Wednesday, March 6th at 1:00 PM in Senate EEE
SB1062 - Education – Prekindergarten and Withholding of County Board Funding (Blueprint Accountability and Flexibility Act of 2024)
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Thursday, March 7th at 1:00 PM in Senate JPR
SB1031 - Civil Actions - Lead Poisoning - Liability and Statute of Limitations (Maryland Lead Poisoning Compensation Act)
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Friday, March 8th at 1:00 PM in Senate FIN
SB0866 - Health - Small Halfway Houses and Small Private Group Homes - County Zoning
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Tuesday, March 12th at 1:00 PM in Senate FIN
SB0790 - Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Employed Individuals With Disabilities
SB1057 - Home– and Community–Based Services Waiver – Eligibility
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Wednesday, March 13th at 1:00 PM in House HGO
HB0065 - Public Schools - Medical and Psychological Treatment in School-Based Health Centers and Public Schools - Parental Notice
HB0790 - Medical Cannabis – Employees in Health Care Settings Caring for Qualifying Patients
Wednesday, March 13th at 1:00 PM in Senate FIN
SB0891 - Transportation - MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements - Study
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Please Note: the following abbreviations identify the Legislative Committees in the Assembly: | |
House of Delegates:
APP - Appropriations
EMC - Economic Matters
E&T - Environment and Transportation
HGO - Health and Government Operations
HRU - Rules and Executive Nominations
JUD - Judiciary
W&M - Ways and Means
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B&T - Budget and Taxation
EEE - Education,Energy, and the Environment
EXN - Executive Nominations
FIN - Finance
JPR - Judicial Proceedings
SRU - Rules
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