The Arc Maryland's Weekly Legislative Update
For the Week of January 6 - 12, 2020
Legislative Session in the state of Maryland starts this Wednesday, January 8. We are ushering in the return of The Arc Maryland's weekly, legislative e-newsletter,
The Annapolis Insider,
a little early this year as there have already been some important pre-filed bills in which we have an interest.
We are incredibly excited to continue our grassroots advocacy in 2020 and give you up-to-date information each week through this online publication and our weekly policy call. Every Monday morning during the Legislative Session, The Arc Maryland will share updates with you on key legislation and events affecting the lives of Marylanders with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), their families, and other stakeholders. This includes introduced legislation, hearing times, our positions, advocacy events, and details about our work in support of the mission of The Arc Maryland.
The Annapolis Insider Bill Tracker
Our Bill Tracker, updated weekly, is your best way to see where in the legislative process bills relating to I/DD stand during session. You can read the official bill text through links provided, learn about scheduled hearings, results of committee and floor votes, and positions we are taking. A link to the Bill Tracker is available in each iteration of this newsletter. You can see the first Bill Tracker of 2020 at the button below.
Upcoming Advocacy Events will also be featured in the Annapolis Insider throughout session. These events are hosted by The Arc Maryland and partnering organizations and offer advocates opportunities to meet with fellow advocates and legislators. This includes large-scale planned events like Developmental Disabilities Day at the Legislature and short-notice events like Action Nights relating to specific legislation and the budget. The Arc Maryland has a few important events to kick off legislative session that you can read about below.
Statewide Listening Tour with The Arc
January 8th
The Arc Maryland is holding the final scheduled session of our Statewide Listening Tour, on January 8th at
The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region in Aberdeen from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. This session will be attended by family members of people with I/DD and leadership from local chapters of The Arc who provide services to individuals with I/DD.
The Listening Tour (consisting of eight stops in different areas of the state) aims to collect stories from families about their experiences accessing services and supports for their loved ones, and provides opportunities for families to share what they want for their loved ones in the future. The information shared will help inform a report of the environment of our state (expected in February) and guide our grassroots advocacy efforts for The Arc Maryland and partnering chapters of The Arc in 2020 and beyond. Read more on the Statewide Listening Tour on
our website. You can register for our session in Aberdeen by clicking the button here.
Calendar Day is coming up on
Thursday, January 9th from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
at 6 Bladen Street, in the Maryland House of Delegates Office Building, Room 180 (Baltimore County Delegation Room), Annapolis, MD 21401. Join fellow advocates of The Arc from across Maryland for our annual tradition on the second day of session. Meet with your state representatives as we distribute The Arc Maryland's 2020 Legislative Calendar.
Come early and get a primer on our priorities this session through our Advocacy Briefing, then put your skills to action as you meet with legislators and their aides to distribute our 2020 Legislative Calendars. Help your representatives ring in the start of Legislative Session with The Arc in mind; with
in mind!
Register yourself for Calendar Day by clicking the button below. Be sure to include other members of your chapter, advocates, family, and friends who wish to attend! This event is free and we will be offering light breakfast and other refreshments. See below for parking information in Annapolis!
Developmental Disabilities Day at the Legislature
February 12th
One of the biggest days of the year for disability advocates across Maryland is coming up on February 12th: Developmental Disabilities Day at the Legislature!
Join hundreds of fellow advocates, families, policy makers, and colleagues at the Graduate Annapolis Hotel to make your voice heard. Learn about 2020 priorities and meet with your representatives to create a better tomorrow with and for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), their families, and other supporters in Maryland!
You can read more about "DD Day" and register by clicking the button here. This event is $25 to attend with breakfast and advocacy materials provided.
In this section of the Annapolis Insider, you can read about key legislative updates on bills introduced by the House of Representatives and Senate in Annapolis. These include information on the bills, positions taken by The Arc Maryland, and other key information about the proposed legislation.
Sales and Use Tax – Diapers – Exemption
Status: Hearing 1/9/20 at 2:00 PM, Senate B&T, Room 3 West, Miller
Support with sponsor amendment to clarify tax exemption for adult absorbent undergarments
The bill creates an exemption to the Maryland sales and use tax law to include children's diapers as a non-taxable item.
The Hearing Schedule is included in the Annapolis Insider for advocates who take particular interest in a bill to take action into their hands. We provide information on bill hearings coming up over the next two weeks for advocates to attend.
B&T, 2:00 PM, Room 3 West, Miller
Sales and Use Tax - Diapers Exemption
FIN, 1:00 PM, Room 3 East, Miller
: Health Services Cost Review Commission – Duties and Reports – Revisions
(The Arc Maryland is monitoring this but has not determined whether or not we will be taking a position)
Please note: the following abbreviations identify the legislative committees in the Assembly:
House of Delegates:
- APP - Appropriations Committee
- EMC - Economic Matters Committee
- E&T - Environment and Transportation Committee
- HGO - Health and Government Operations Committee
- JUD - Judicial Committee
- W&M - Ways and Means Committee
- B&T - Budget and Taxation Committee
- EHEA - Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee
- FIN - Finance Committee
- JPR - Judicial Proceedings Committee
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