The Arc Maryland's Weekly Legislative Update

April 1 to 5, 2024

Stay up to date on legislation through our Bill Tracker! View position statements, access bill text, and check hearing times and dates. Bills that have passed through the House or Senate or been withdrawn are noted!

Download the Latest Bill Tracker

With just one week left of Legislative Session, a number of bills have made their way through both chambers of the Maryland General Assembly! You can read through the bills below, and get more information on each in our Bill Tracker.

  • HB0060 Rehabilitation Services - Disability - Definition - Passed in Senate (46-0)
  • HB0215/SB0226 Human Services - Attendant Care Program - Ongoing Additional Supports - Returned Passed
  • HB0336 Maryland Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program - Materials for Individualized Education Program, Individualized Family Service Plan, and 504 Plan Meetings - Passed in Senate (46-0)
  • HB0571 Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Modifications - Passed in Senate (32-13)
  • HB0649 Labor and Employment - Equal Pay for Equal Work - Wage Range Transparency - Passed in Senate (37-7)
  • HB0901 Higher Education - Part-Time Senatorial and Delegate Scholarships - Alterations - Passed in Senate (46-0)
  • HB0945 Education - Initial Teacher Certification - Requirements - Returned Passed
  • HB1163 State Department of Education - Division of Rehabilitation Services - Funding - Returned Passed
  • SB0197 Residential Service Agencies - Reimbursement - Personal Assistance Services - Passed Enrolled



On April 8th, it is Sine Die (in Latin that translates roughly to "without a day" or "without any future date being designated to resume"). By the end of the day, the General Assembly is expected to wrap up work on the 446th Legislative Session in Maryland.

This year, also on April 8th, we North Americans will experience our second total solar eclipse in seven years. During this event, the moon comes between us and the sun: and some areas of the earth will turn as dark as night.

People watching the eclipse from Mexico will be the first to see the eclipse on the mainland. In the United States the path of the eclipse will begin in Texas, then proceed northeast traveling through parts of Ohio and New England before concluding for most people, off the coast of Canada.

In any given place along the eclipse path, the event will last around two hours or more.

The event will commence with a partial solar eclipse, as the moon takes a small bite out of the sun’s edge, then consumes more and more of its surface. According to NASA, this can last anywhere from 70 to 80 minutes.

The phase of the eclipse where the moon has completely blocked the sun’s surface is called totality. This is the only time the event can be viewed with the naked eye (although protective eye-wear is highly recommended during the duration of the eclipse.)

The length of "totality" varies by location. Some places will experience this phase for more than four minutes while others on the path will only experience totality for one to two minutes.

The path of totality is pictured above- Maryland is between the 80% and 100% bands. The eclipse totality will begin in Texas at 1:27 pm (Central Time) and will end in Maine at 3:35 pm (Eastern Time) on April 8, 2024.

Protect your eyes during this event. The sun is particularly powerful and curious children and adults may be tempted to look at the sun with an unprotected eye but this could cause damage that cannot be undone. For information on where you may be able to get solar eclipse protective eye-wear, check out the link below.

Where To Get Free or Discounted Solar Eclipse Glasses


SB0891 - Transportation - MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements - Study

Position: Support

Current Status: In House E&T Hearing 4/2 at 1 PM; Testimony was due Friday

This bill requires the Maryland Transportation Institute at UMD to conduct a study to identify methods to improve the Maryland Transit Administration's ADA MobilityLink paratransit service. It also authorizes the Governor to include a $150K appropriation for the study in the FY26 budget bill, and requires the Institute to submit a report on its findings and recommendations to the Governor, and the General Assembly by July 1, 2025.

While there is already a work group looking at transportation for people with disabilities, this bill creates an appropriation to fund a study on the efficacy of ADA transportation.

The Arc Maryland joined Disability Rights Maryland's testimony in support of the bill.

SB1188/HB1526 - Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Regional Trade (PORT) Act

Position: Monitoring as a bill of interest for our workforce and community

Current Status: SB1188 In Senate FIN Hearing 4/2; Testimony due today, 4/1 by 6 PM on the MGALeg Website.

HB1526 in House HRU First Reading

This emergency bill, which comes in direct response to the bridge collapse in Baltimore, would require the Maryland Department of Labor and the Department of Commerce to establish certain temporary relief programs to provide assistance to individuals and certain entities impacted by a certain closure of the Port of Baltimore. It would also authorize the Governor to transfer by budget amendment funds from the Revenue Stabilization Account to fund the temporary relief programs. It would go into effect immediately upon the Governor's signature.

HB0167 - Public Schools - Student Health - Information on Accessible Dental Health

Position: Support

Current Status: In Senate EEE Hearing 4/2 at 1 PM; Testimony due today, 4/1 by 6 PM on the MGALeg Website.

This would require the Department of Education to support and facilitate each county board of education in publishing information on financially accessible dental health available care in the county in student handbooks and on local school system websites.

The bill was amended to address the concerns of advocates that students with disabilities and an intolerance to dental care should not face barriers to attending school.

SB0790 - Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Employed Individuals With Disabilities

Position: Support

Current Status: In House E&T Hearing 4/2 at 1 PM; Testimony was due Friday

This bill would require the Department of Health to provide Maryland Medical Assistance Program services for individuals under the Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) Program, and prohibit the Department from limiting eligibility to receive services under the EID Program based on certain criteria. It would also repeal certain provisions of law relating to the EID Program.

We supported this bill with the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Coalition, and also submitted a letter of information, reiterating support while also noting our awareness that the upper age limit was not removed and the Department will be studying the age range for possible future changes to regulation. Our letter urged the Department to examine this requirement as soon as possible: There are people who will be impacted this year who will "age-out" of eligibility for EID. These individuals rely on the program to live and work in Maryland.

HB0641 - Election Law - Curbside Voting

Position: Support

Current Status: In Senate EEE Hearing 4/3 at 1 PM; Testimony due tomorrow, 4/2 by 6 PM on the MGALeg Website.

This would require boards of elections to designate an outside location for curbside voting and establish requirements governing curbside voting. This bill was amended to ensure curbside voting would be an option for all people to provide an easier way for people to exercise the right to vote.

SB0597 - Individuals with Disabilities and Service-Disabled Veterans Boating Fund

Position: Support

Current Status: In House E&T Hearing 4/3 at 1 PM; Testimony (Written Only) due today, 4/1 by 6 PM on the MGALeg Website.

This bill would establish the Individuals With Disabilities and Service-Disabled Veterans Boating Fund to provide sailing, boating, kayaking, canoeing, paddleboarding, and surfing opportunities for individuals with disabilities and service-disabled veterans. It would also require the Department of Disabilities to administer the Fund and establish the qualifications for certain nonprofit organizations to receive a grant from the Fund. Beginning in FY26, the Governor would be authorized to include an appropriation of $500,000 to the Fund for the purpose of making grants of up top $40,000 each.

SB0796 - Maryland Disability Service Animal Program- Established

Position: Support

Current Status: In House HGO Hearing 4/2 at 1 PM; Testimony was due Friday

This bill would establish the Maryland Disability Service Animal Program in the Department of Disabilities, requiring the Department to select a nonprofit training entity for participation in the Program. It would create the Maryland Disability Service Animal Program Fund as a special, non-lapsing fund.

Over 61 million people in the United States are living with disabilities. Less than one percent are teamed with service dogs. Service dogs, specifically trained to perform disability-related tasks, have long been known to provide invaluable support and assistance to individuals with disabilities. These specially trained animals are not only loyal companions, but they enable their handlers to live, work, and attend school more independently and confidently in their daily lives. 

The bill as amended conforms the definition of a person with disability to the federal ADA definition, and clarifies that individuals who may be disqualified from the program include people who would present a direct threat to other people and animals, as defined by the ADA.


Elections are coming soon! Are you ready to exercise your right to vote? Join The Arc Maryland and the Maryland Down Syndrome Advocacy Coalition - MDAC on April 18th from 1 to 3 PM in-person or online to talk about voting! In this nonpartisan workshop, you can register to vote, and learn about political party basics and the disability platform of candidates for the upcoming primary election! Register for free below!

Register for the Workshop

Nominations for The Arc Maryland's Statewide Awards Close on Wednesday!

Let's celebrate those who are making outstanding contributions to the fabric of our communities! Each year, The Arc Maryland Awards Program recognizes those individuals, groups, and communities whose contributions to the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) represent meritorious service or achievement and warrant special statewide recognition.


We know you know someone who is Leading the Way in their advocacy and work to support people with IDD! We want to hear about it! Submit your Nomination Form by April 3rd below. Contact Sharon Dols at if you have any questions about the awards or nomination form. For help filling out the nomination form, please contact Natalie Dohner at

Submit Nominations Online
Download the Nomination Form

Registration, Sponsor, Advertiser, and Exhibitor Opportunities Are Open for Our Statewide Convention & Awards Banquet

May 30th

Mark your calendars for May 30th! Our Convention & Awards Banquet is back at Turf Valley Resort in Howard County! This year's theme is Leading the Way. Full-day tickets to the event are now available, with lunch-only and add-ons set to release soon.

Want to support The Arc Maryland's work? We are seeking event Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Advertisers! Come and showcase your business or organization! We expect close to 300 attendees including self advocates, family members, professionals, legislative leaders, and colleagues/partner organizations!

Get Your Tickets to the 2024 Convention
Download the Sponsor, Exhibitor & Advertiser Form


Please See the Bill Tracker for Our Positions on These Bills

Monday, April 1st at 1:00 PM in House JUD

  • SB0373 - Criminal Law - Theft - Mail and Mail Depository Key

Tuesday, April 2nd at 1:00 PM in House E&T

  • SB0891 - Transportation - MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements - Study

Tuesday, April 2nd at 1:00 PM in House HGO

  • SB0371 - Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Provider Agencies and Personal Care Aides - Reimbursement and Wage Reports (Homecare Workers Livable Wage Act of 2024)
  • SB0790 - Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Employed Individuals With Disabilities
  • SB0796 - Maryland Disability Service Animal Program - Established
  • SB1084 - Workgroup for the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing - Established

Tuesday, April 2nd at 1:00 PM in Senate EEE

  • HB0167 - Public Schools - Student Health - Certificate of Dental Health
  • HB0641 - Election Law - Curbside Voting

Wednesday, April 3rd at 1:00 PM in House E&T

  • SB0597 - Human Services - Individuals With Disabilities and Service-Disabled Veterans Boating Fund
Please Note: the following abbreviations identify the Legislative Committees in the Assembly:

House of Delegates:

APP - Appropriations

EMC - Economic Matters

E&T - Environment and Transportation

HGO - Health and Government Operations

HRU - Rules and Executive Nominations

JUD - Judiciary

W&M - Ways and Means

B&T - Budget and Taxation
EEE - Education,Energy, and the Environment
EXN - Executive Nominations
FIN - Finance
JPR - Judicial Proceedings
SRU - Rules
Interested in joining one of the most dynamic and effective grassroots networks in Maryland? Contact your local chapter of The Arc and ask about joining their Governmental Affairs/Public Policy Committee. Visit our website here to locate your nearest chapter and learn more. Achieve with us!
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