The Arc Maryland's Weekly Legislative Update

March 25 to 29, 2024

Stay up to date on legislation through our Bill Tracker! View position statements, access bill text, and check hearing times and dates. Bills that have passed through the House or Senate or been withdrawn are all noted!

Download the Latest Bill Tracker


HB0822 - Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Employed Individuals With Disabilities

Position: Support

Current Status: In Senate FIN Hearing 3/26 at 1 PM; Testimony due today, 3/25 by 6 PM on the MGALeg Website.

This bill makes certain changes to the Employed Individuals with Disabilities program (also referred to as the Medicaid Buy-in Program), including allowing applicants aged 16 to 65 to apply for the program, and limited certain asset considerations in the case of married individuals who are enrolled in the program. The DD Coalition had sought the removal of the upward age cap, but that portion of the bill was stricken. Replacement language requires that on or before December 1, 2024, the Maryland Department of Health shall report to the Senate Finance Committee and the House Health and Government Operations Committee on the fiscal and operational impact of implementing an Employed Individuals with Disabilities Program that serves individuals age 65 and older, including options of eliminating or increasing the age cap with enrollment; and establishing a premium contribution for EID Program services that is based on an applicant’s earned and unearned income. Require the Department of Health to provide Maryland Medical Assistance Program services for qualified applicants 16+ years old and for existing Program recipients under the Employed Individuals with Disabilities Program.

SB0797/HB0903 - Education - Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Program and Fund - Established

Position: Support

Current Status: SB0797 In House W&M Hearing 3/27 at 1 PM; Written testimony due today, 3/25 by 6 PM on the MGALeg Website.

HB0903 In Senate EEE First Reading and B&T First Reading

This bill would establish the Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Program. The program would provide funding for resources and services to eligible students with disabilities and their families who need legal, advocacy, and consultant services. Many families need and want advocacy support as they navigate the special education process for their children. Having support and assistance helps parents effectively advocate for their children and increases the likelihood that issues may be resolved at the meeting table rather than in a hearing. Few free and low-cost legal options are available for families. This program will help bridge the equity gap in access to support for families with limited income

HB1143 - Emergency Medical Services - Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission and Standardized Protocols – Establishment

Position: Support

Current Status: In Senate FIN Hearing 3/28 at 1 PM; Testimony is due on 3/27 by 6 PM on the MGALeg Website.

This bill would establish the Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission to enhance the effectiveness and responsiveness of emergency medical services. It would also require the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems, with the advice of the Commission, to develop standardized operational protocols and establish a system for monitoring emergency department performance.

Amendments were added to expand the scope of the work to look at the entire system and capacity that impacts ER Wait times, not just an examination of the ER in isolation.


Join us in Annapolis for food, music, dancing, and to hear from self-advocates, as we celebrate Autism Acceptance Day on April 2nd! Registration is required for the free event and get more info at

We had a great time with our fellow Maryland Down Syndrome Day Coalition members in Annapolis on March 21st - World Down Syndrome Day! Thank you to all of the members of the House and Senate who showed support, and all who rocked their socks and joined in the WDSD celebration from around the state!

The Maryland Down Syndrome Day Coalition members are The Arc Maryland, Ashlar Government Relations, the Down Syndrome Association of Maryland, Maryland Down Syndrome Advocacy Coalition (MDAC), the Down Syndrome Association of Southern Maryland, Down Syndrome Network of Montgomery County, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Maryland Department of Disabilities, and PODS of Prince George's County!

Check out our Facebook photo albums for great pics from the day.

Elections are coming soon! Are you ready to exercise your right to vote? Join The Arc Maryland and the Maryland Down Syndrome Advocacy Coalition - MDAC on April 18th from 1 to 3 PM in-person or online to talk about voting! In this nonpartisan workshop, you can register to vote, and learn about political party basics and the disability platform of candidates for the upcoming primary election! Register for free below!

Register for the Workshop

Nominations for The Arc Maryland's Statewide Awards Close in 9 days!

Let's celebrate those who are making outstanding contributions to the fabric of our communities! Each year, The Arc Maryland Awards Program recognizes those individuals, groups, and communities whose contributions to the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) represent meritorious service or achievement and warrant special statewide recognition.


We know you know someone who is Leading the Way in their advocacy and work to support people with IDD! We want to hear about it! Submit your Nomination Form by April 3rd below. Contact Sharon Dols at if you have any questions about the awards or nomination form. For help filling out the nomination form, please contact Natalie Dohner at

Submit Nominations Online
Download the Nomination Form

Registration, Sponsor, Advertiser, and Exhibitor Opportunities Are Open for Our Statewide Convention & Awards Banquet

May 30th

Mark your calendars for May 30th! Our Convention & Awards Banquet is back at Turf Valley Resort in Howard County! This year's theme is Leading the Way. Full-day tickets to the event are now available, with lunch-only and add-ons set to release soon.

Want to support The Arc Maryland's work? We are seeking event Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Advertisers! Come and showcase your business or organization! We expect close to 300 attendees including self advocates, family members, professionals, legislative leaders, and colleagues/partner organizations!

Get Your Tickets to the 2024 Convention
Download the Sponsor, Exhibitor & Advertiser Form


Please See the Bill Tracker for Our Positions on These Bills

Tuesday, March 26th at 1:00 PM in House W&M

  • SB0666 - Human Relations - Discrimination by a Place of Public Accommodation

Tuesday, March 26th at 1:00 PM in House W&M

  • SB0495 - Maryland Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program - Materials for Individualized Education Program, Individualized Family Service Plan, and 504 Plan Meetings

Tuesday, March 26th at 1:00 PM in Senate EEE

  • HB1147 - Environment - Playground Surfacing Materials - Prohibitions

Tuesday, March 26th at 1:00 PM in Senate FIN

  • HB0251 - Unemployment Insurance - Covered Employment - Employees of Governmental Entities or Charitable, Educational, or Religious Organizations
  • HB0822 - Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Employed Individuals With Disabilities

Wednesday, March 27th at 1:00 PM in House APP

  • SB0202 - Department of Aging- Caregiver Expense Grant Program - Established
  • SB1077 - Public Schools - Appropriations for School Safety Expenditures - School Security Employees

Wednesday, March 27th at 1:00 PM in House EMC

  • SB0262 - Charitable Organizations - Late Fees and Registration - Suspension and Cancellation Requirements
  • SB0910 - Governor's Workforce Development Board - Study on Diploma and Degree Employment Discrimination

Wednesday, March 27th at 1:00 PM in House E&T

  • SB0277 - Vehicle Laws - Driver's Licenses, Learner's Instructional Permits, and Identification Cards

Wednesday, March 27th at 1:00 PM in House HGO

  • SB0600 - Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Dental Services - Coverage and Rate Study

Wednesday, March 27th at 1:00 PM in House W&M

  • SB0084 - Teacher Degree Apprenticeship
  • SB0419 - Therapeutic Child Care Grant Program - Funding - Alterations
  • SB0592 - Maryland Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program - Materials for Individualized Education Program, Individualized Family Service Plan, and 504 Plan Meetings
  • SB0797 - Education - Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Program and Fund - Established
  • SB1091 - Education - Blind and Visually Impaired Students - Textbook Equity

Wednesday, March 27th at 1:00 PM in Senate EEE

  • HB1237 - State Department of Education - Task Force to Study the Maryland Online IEP System
  • HB1441 - Early Childhood Education - Publicly Funded Prekindergarten Programs - Alterations

Thursday, March 28th at 1:00 PM in House HGO

  • SB0825 - Health Facilities – Delegation of Inspection Authority – Related Institutions and Nursing Homes

Thursday, March 28th at 1:00 PM in Senate FIN

  • HB0981 - Maryland Department of Disabilities - Individuals With Limited English Proficiency - Access to Public Services
  • HB1143 - Emergency Medical Services - Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission and Standardized Protocols - Establishment

Monday, April 1st at 1:00 PM in House JUD

  • SB0373 - Criminal Law - Theft - Mail and Mail Depository Key

Tuesday, April 2nd at 1:00 PM in House E&T

  • SB0891 - Transportation - MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements - Study

Tuesday, April 2nd at 1:00 PM in House HGO

  • SB1084 - Workgroup for the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing - Established

Tuesday, April 2nd at 1:00 PM in Senate EEE

  • HB0167 - Public Schools - Student Health - Certificate of Dental Health

Wednesday, April 3rd at 1:00 PM in House E&T

  • SB0597 - Human Services - Individuals With Disabilities and Service-Disabled Veterans Boating Fund
Please Note: the following abbreviations identify the Legislative Committees in the Assembly:

House of Delegates:

APP - Appropriations

EMC - Economic Matters

E&T - Environment and Transportation

HGO - Health and Government Operations

HRU - Rules and Executive Nominations

JUD - Judiciary

W&M - Ways and Means

B&T - Budget and Taxation
EEE - Education,Energy, and the Environment
EXN - Executive Nominations
FIN - Finance
JPR - Judicial Proceedings
SRU - Rules
Interested in joining one of the most dynamic and effective grassroots networks in Maryland? Contact your local chapter of The Arc and ask about joining their Governmental Affairs/Public Policy Committee. Visit our website here to locate your nearest chapter and learn more. Achieve with us!
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