We’re counting on you.
Our Annual Meeting is this Sunday between the services and we’re counting on you (and you and you and you…) to make it a great event. We can’t do the important business of the church without a quorum, so make every effort to be here and be counted.
We’ll be voting on the new Vestry class, getting updates on the church’s progress, and best of all, coming together with a single purpose. John will also be saying goodbye to Bob–and you can join him.
Our magic number to achieve a quorum is 165. Help us reach that number so we can keep reaching toward our important goals and dreams.
No Nursery, Children's Chapel, or Sunday School
In light of the recent rise in Covid cases and out of an abundance of caution for our youngest members, we are temporarily closing the nursery, and will not be having Children’s Chapel during the 9:00 service. Sunday school is canceled too, but we may return to our typical children’s ministry programming by February 6, 2022.
Moving forward, please watch the eChimes for weekly updates about the nursery, Children’s Chapel and Sunday School.
For more information about COVID in our area, please click here.
Monday, January 31st
Community Yoga on Zoom:
Yoga for Mobility & Stability: 2:30 pm (suitable for beginners)
Vinyasa Yoga: 4 pm
Tuesday, February 1st
Tuesday Men’s Bible Study on Zoom: 7:30 am
Education for Ministry (EfM) on Zoom: 6 pm
Tuesday Readers: 7:00 pm
Wednesday, February 2nd
Living Faith Bible Study: 10 am
Wednesday Night Worship, Study & Fellowship on Zoom: 5:30 pm - 8 pm
Introduction to Mindfulness & Meditation
Topic: Mindfulness of Feelings and Emotions
Meeting ID number: 838 0728 2761 / Passcode: 572867
Thursday, February 3rd
Brown Bag Book Group: 12 noon
Book: The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich
Friday, February 4th -6th
Snowfest Winter Retreat
6th -12th graders
This week's eChimes features
- EvenTide - 5pm Service
- The 2021 Impact Report
- Wednesday Night Evening Prayer
- Doers Doing
- Interfaith Dialogue: Love and Marriage
- Join our Mindfulness & Meditation series
- Youth Ministry Confirmation
- Youth Sunday is coming back.
- Prayers of the People
EvenTide is back this Sunday at 5pm.
Our Sunday 5 o’clock service resumes this Sunday but with a new name, Eventide. The service will remain as it’s been, casual, contemplative, contemporary but with ancient qualities, and intimate. We encourage everyone who’s seeking something different to give this service a try…and invite your friends.
The 2021 Impact Report
The 2021 Impact Report will be coming out next week, adding detail to what you’ll hear at this Sunday’s Annual Meeting.
Look for it early in the week in your email, on our website and on social media.
No Wednesday Evening prayer
for the time being.
Our Wednesday Night gatherings have been popular (especially our Mindfulness & Meditation series). But attendance at the 5:30 Evening Prayer has been low, so we’ll not be having Evening Prayer as part of the Wednesday Night series.
Instead, our Wednesday Night gatherings will start at 6 pm.
Here’s a link to all the info about our current Wednesday Night series.
Doers Doing….
As you may recall, we’ve restructured our Service Ministries by focusing the efforts of Doers Doing in the Community from many agencies to three ongoing partners–CARITAS, REAL LIFE and Peter Paul. There are ongoing chances to do (what we call everyday opportunities) with all three partners, but each new month we’ll have a specific opportunity that focuses on just one partner.
February Parish-wide Doer Opportunity for REAL LIFE
This month’s Doer opportunity is in two parts:
- On Sunday, February 6th from 2--3pm, join us in Michaux House to assemble 120 Valentine Bags (1 for each resident at REAL LIFE) and make homemade valentines to be included in the bags. All ages welcome!
We are also inviting parishioners to donate items for the bag assembly. Some items can be purchased, and some can be homemade like treats and valentines (great activity for kids to engage in service!). You can signup to donate an item here.
The Parish House is open 9-5 Monday- Friday.
For more information, contact:
REAL LIFE “serves individuals who have been impacted by incarceration, homelessness, or substance use disorder by giving them an opportunity to overcome their personal and community barriers that hinder their pathway to a Thriving Life”
To see all your February opportunities, go here.
Interfaith Dialogue: Love & Marriage
February 15 at 6 pm, via Zoom
We’re excited to join Congregation Beth Ahabah for interfaith dialogues throughout the program year. In time for Valentine’s Day, Congregation Beth Ahabah will join us for a conversation about Christian and Jewish understandings of love and marriage.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Introduction to
Mindfulness & Meditation,
our new Wednesday Night class
(January 19th - February 23rd)
Our Wednesday Night Mindfulness & Meditation classes are a big hit. Even if you haven't been to a class yet, don't worry, you can still sign up to join in as St. James'ser Fraser Davis guides us in an exploration of how mindfulness can support us in bringing out our best selves.
You only need to register once for all the classes. After registering, you will receive an email from Zoom.
Youth Ministry Confirmation
Confirmation Session #3 will meet virtually this Sunday from 6:30 to 8:30pm.
Youth Sunday
is coming back February 27!
Mark February 27th on your Church Calendar. That’s the Sunday St. James’s youth will take over the 9:00 and 11:15 services, including preaching, ushering, reading the prayers, and on and on. It’s usually one of the most inspiring Sundays of the year as we watch our teenagers display their growth as Christians, as future leaders, and as young adults.
There are roles available for everyone: speaking, non-speaking, and behind-the-scenes. If your son or daughter is interested in participating, please have them complete this Google form.
Click here to see the names of those we're remembering in our prayers this week.
We do our best to keep this list current, but if you want your name added or removed, please contact Mary Brown or call her at 804-355-1779, ext. 313.
St. James’s Episcopal Church | DOERS.ORG | (804) 355-1779