April 2018 Issue
In this Newsletter:
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Co-PresidentsA Special Update from the Co-Presidents

We hope everyone is able to Embrace Spring and enjoy some warmer weather and sunshine soon! 
We have a very fun and full month planned, with some exciting and charitable events that we hope you can participate in.
We can't believe it's finally time for our gala and spring fling event!  We've been listening to all the 70s and 80s music we can! We're so anxious for this event!  It'll be grand fun, singing, swaying and dancing together not to mention the gourmet buffet dinner by Chef Alex Reethof!  And all in support of Gathering Industries. We are so thankful for all the work of our charity team!  Please come join us under the stars at the Farnsley's home!  And please know that this is not just a couple's event.  Many of our members are coming on their own or with a friend so don't let that stop you from joining in the fun - right in our own backyard!  

Please make sure to RSVP for the April 28th event, again supporting Gathering Industries. This is our main charity fundraiser and we hope to be able to have a wonderful report at our closing luncheon in May.  

Please contact Janet or Lisa if you have any questions. 
Are You Ready to Set Sail & Dance the Night Away?

YachtCome join us for a CASUAL evening of adventure with a private pool side chef's dinner (filet
mignon, poached salmon and lamb lollypops) and free flowing libations (red wine, white wine, beer and vodka---at your discretion) provided by Chef Alex Reethof, musical entertainment featuring Yacht Rock Schooner, and your tax deductible donation to Gathering Industries!  

This evening of exceptional experience was created to amplify the fun and raise funds for Gathering Industries, an Atlanta-based charity focused on job training in the culinary arts for homeless men, who in turn develop the skills that help them get and keep a job and create a new life for themselves and their families. Gathering Industries' program offers boxed lunches to companies across the city that bring food in for meetings and corporate events. For more information on their mission, go to http://www.gatheringindustries.org/

Saturday April 28th, 7:00-11:00 PM
100 Atlanta Country Club Drive
Attire: Farrah Fabulous/Springtime Casual

Tickets are $200 per person, with a tax deduction of up to $100 per ticket (Please consult with your tax advisor.) 

Get all the details on tickets at tinyurl.com/CPWC2018 and we invite you to bring your friends and neighbors to join us for this wonderful event. 

Tina Engberg, Jen Risey and Carie Buchanan ~  CPWC Charity Co-Chairs
The Easter Egg Hunt will now be held on Saturday, March 31st from 12-1:30 at McFarlane Park (bring baskets and take pictures with the Easter Bunny!)
programApril 20 Program: Embracing Our Community
MLK Center Field Trip and Lunch ~ Esti mated 9 am to 1:45 pm

Embrace our community on a field trip to the MLK Center Friday April 20th. We will tour the visitors center exhibits and Ebenezer Baptist Church. W e will continue on to the Sweet Auburn Curb Market, via the Atlanta streetcar, where you can purchase lunch from one of the many vendors. Plan on $12-15 for lunch. CPWC will co v er the streetcar fare. The MLK Center is free.

  • We will meet in the ACC parking lot on the right at 9 am to carpool ~ arriving at the Center by 9:45 am. 
  • We will tour the MLK Center until 11:30 am then take the Atlanta Streetcar west bound to the Sweet Auburn Curb Market
  • We will depart the market at 12:45 pm, traveling east bound to the MLK Center and leave from the MLK parking lot around 1 pm
  • We will return to the ACC between 1:30 and 1:45 pm
 MLK Center parking is in the (free) National Park Service lot off John Wesley Dobbs.
  • We will meet in the lobby of the visitor center
  • There is a walkway from the parking lot to the visitor center entrance
  • A programs team member will go early and try to secure a time to tour the MLK home if possible. Home tour reservations are same day only, everything else is self-guided
Please RSVP and update your RSVP if you later decide not to attend. Guests are welcome!

Please contact Belinda Vogel with any questions or last minute changes ( 404-632-8573).

Save the Date: May 11th: Closing Luncheon
Save the Date for These Wonderful Events!

CPWC offers myriad Interest Groups. Learn more about some of the upcoming events each group will be offering below, or visit the Interest Group web page.

Upcoming Interest Group Events Date
Bible Study April 5
Yoga April 9 
Daytime Book Club
April 9
Evening Group / Savvy Women April 10
Program: MLK Center and Lunch April 20
Evening Book Club
April 24
Charity Event - Yacht Rock Schooner & Dinner April 28
Hiking Club May

Save the dates for these upcoming Interest Group events!

Evening Group / Savvy Women: April 10th!
Please Join Us for a lively and insightful discussion on April 10! 
The group will meet on Tuesday, April 10th, from 6:30-9:00 pm a t the home of  Jeff & Chris Cashman ( 521 Oak Hill Circle SE  Marietta, GA 30067). 

Guest Speaker:  Dr Nan Monahan,  Internal Medicine

Topic Preventative Healthy Habits

Highlighting the following books:

Our final Evening Group/ Savvy Women Meeting in May we will gather to share dishes reflecting the healthy lifestyle we have learned in Dr Monahan's tips and preview the following cookbook

Play Group: Update
The Play Group Moms got together on Wednesday, March 14 at Buttermilk Kitchen for a "Sprinkle" for Jillian Miller and the upcoming arrival of her third baby girl. Baby Coraline arrived on Tuesday, March 20. It was fun to catch up with everyone and a great time was had by all!

Daytime Book Club: April 9th!
The Daytime Book Club will meet at 10 am on Apr. 9 at the home of Ellie Lacey. We will discuss the book, Isaac's Storm by Eric Larsen. We'd love to have you join us. If you can come, please contact Ellie by Apr 6 at (770-953-3043).   If you'd like more information on the book club, please contact Susan at  770-952-1035  - H,  678-427-8762  - C.

Bible Study: April 5th!
Bible Study Group meets every Thursday at 10 am at the Atlanta country Club. We will be studying the "Good News" from the Epistles, teaching important truths to help us live victorious in this life. John 10:10. For more information, call or email  Lettie Nixon (770-953-2066).

Hiking Club: May
Our final hike of the year is being planned for a Saturday in May. Please be on the lookout for further information coming through our Hiking Club email list. If you are not on our list, please contact us at Jean Dole.com for more information. 

Yoga Interest Group: April 9th!
Yoga will meet on Mondays this month, beginning April 9th, at 11:30 am (Linda Pace's house: 4853 Rivercliffe Dr). There will be no class on April 2nd. Beginners are always welcome in the alignment-based class. Please enter the home via the garage & take the stairs down to the lower level. Email Belinda Vogel for more info or to be put on the mailing list.

Evening Book Club: April 24th!
The group will meet on Tuesday, April 24th to discuss Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly.      
Contact  vcmb@bellsouth.net  for more info.
Interest Groups

Bible Study       
Lettie Nixon
Book Club - Daytime

Book Club - Evening 
Bridge Club  
Melissa Nicol

Couples Social/Chef's Dinner
Missy Malmberg

Community Liaison

First Friday  
Liz Hall 

Hiking Club
Garden Club

Family Activities
Suzana Keller
Leslie Asiello

Girls Night Out 
Cynthia Dolezal

Globe Trekkers
Shea Amin

McFarlane Park Liaison
Tina Engberg

Regina Wood

Play Group

Jillian Miller

Savvy Women
Chris Cashman

Belinda Vogel

OtherACC High School Senior Families

It's time for the graduation banner!!! Deadline: April 17
  • Please put $35 cash (marked with your name) or a check made payable to Amanda Spence
  • Your senior's name as you would like it displayed on the banner in the box on the front porch at 4613 Crepe Myrtle Circle.
Amanda Spence ( 404-863-3060)