April e-Grapevine
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 13, 2019
11am Sharp
Town Hall Campus
7229 Ravenna Road

Eater Egg Hunt Fun!
Push In Ceremony
Push In Ceremony
Welcome Rescue Pumper 1375

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Town Hall Campus
Fire Station #1

Immediately after the Easter Egg Hunt
April 2019 Classes at the Concord Community Center
Sign up for classes at https://concord.recdesk.com/Community/Home . Questions or need help? Call the Recreation Department at 440-639-4650.
  • Martial Arts
  • Yoga (Beginners and Mixed Level)
  • POUND!
  • Tai Chi
  • Bath & Body Make-N-Take Classes
  • American Mah Jongg
  • Poker
  • Getting Started with Medicare
Recreation Department Special Events in April
Don’t miss out on these special events!
April 2: Library Tuesday – Color Me Concord - CCC
April 3: 55+ Event - Early Breweries of Cleveland - CCC
April 9: Library Tuesday – Windows 10 Explained - CCC
April 10: Garden Club Meeting - CCC
April 16: Library Tuesday – The Life and Times of Laura Ingalls Wilder - CCC
April 17: 55+ Event – Spring Fling Bingo - CCC
April 18: Library Book Club - CCC
April 28: Open House at the Old Stone School - OSS
April 30: Library Tuesday – Pet Rock Painting

CCC = Concord Community Center, 7671 Auburn Road
OSS = Old Stone School, 7125 Ravenna Road
Town Hall = 7229 Ravenna Road
SAVE THE DATE! Concord Community Day is Saturday, August 10! Get involved! Volunteer, be in the parade, donate to the Chinese raffle – call the Recreation Department at 440-639-4650 for information.
We hope to see you at our open house April 13th !

And we hope not to be called to your home for an open burning complaint. As you begin your spring yard clean up please remember NO OPEN BURNING is permitted in Concord Township. 

Along with personal and property safety concerns, air quality is also impacted by open burns. Concord Township follows the Ohio Revised Code rules regarding open burning. The Lake County General Health District works with the Ohio EPA to monitor air quality.  

Please contact Chief Matt Sabo with questions/concerns 440-354-7503 about burning. In addition, more information on burning regulations at the local and state levels may be found at:

Lake County Health District: https://www.lcghd.org/air-pollution-control/
Please understand that if you are placing sentimental items on the graves, they may get lost, stolen or damaged; if the item is something that’s near and dear to your heart, we do not recommend that it be placed in the cemetery.

Regulations allow from April 15 th to October 31 st  one live decoration and one non-floral, stand-alone decoration (statutes, pinwheels, trinkets, etc.) to be placed on the footer extension per gravesite as long as it does not impede the maintenance of grounds.

The cemetery staff reserves the right to remove any live decorations and non-floral decorations not in keeping with the beautification of the cemetery.
Glass of any kind (including gazing balls), Styrofoam, bird houses and feeders are prohibited.

Spring maintenance will begin in April, if the weather allows.

For more details, rules and regulations are available at the entrance of the cemetery, online at http://concordtwp.com/departments/cemetery/ , and in Town Hall. All persons are subject to the rules and regulations. Call the Cemetery Office at 440-354-7518 with any questions.
Concord Twp. Lake County, OH | P:  440.354.7510 | F:  440.354.7511 | www.concordtwp.com