From Our President & CEO

Spring has settled in, and summer is on the horizon. And here at the Arc, we are settling into something new and different as well. Embarking on what some call the “new normal” can be daunting - even scary. But we choose to think this new iteration in life as an opportunity to move forward together into a future that will present unprecedented opportunities for individual and organizational growth. As you know, during the pandemic our team worked around the clock to provide the best services possible for the people we support, and we will move forward together with the same dedication and spirit we have embraced for the past two and a half years. I am so proud to be a part of this incredible team and, while life may never be the same, our team has never been stronger or more poised to move forward together.

The Archways Employment and Community Based Day Services (CBDS) program continues to welcome more participants back to an evolving, enriching, learning community which includes the exciting exploration of employment opportunities in Greater Plymouth County and beyond. You can literally feel the energy radiating from this group. Similarly, our residential services for people with an Acquired Brain Injury continue to evolve as all look forward to enjoying more of the activities their local communities have to offer. Our Agency with Choice and DESE services, as well as our Adult Family Care, Shared Living and Individual Home Support services are stabilizing as well, and people are flourishing. New referrals for all the services are increasing and we are here to assist with meeting the needs of the communities we serve. With new people joining us every day, please rest assured that safety remains our highest priority. This could not be accomplished without the dedicated group we have working behind the scenes to ensure we are following the most up to date CDC and state guidelines. My genuine thanks to all.

Please enjoy this newsletter and please stay tuned in the coming months – we will continue to share all that is new and exciting. The territory we’re in now may be uncharted, but the journey is sure to be rich with learning, innovation, and optimism. I’m confident that each step we take will prove to be better than the last and The Arc of Plymouth and Upper Cape Cod is up for the challenge.

Take care and enjoy your summer!

Mary Valachovic
President and CEO